The Maid of Honour & The Jerky Best Man {Chapter 19}

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LO aka pinkdots21 © 2010

All Rights Reserved.


Hello everyone! It's been so long since I've last updated this story and wattpad has changed so much in a time span of about 44 days of my absence. I last updated on my birthday (1 Oct) and it is now 13 Nov. I'm really sorry for keeping you guys waiting - urgh, I'm such a bad uploader. Haha, I hope that you can forgive me.Thank you everyone that has fanned me, commented and voted!Sincerely, you guys are the best!I think it's just a few more chapter till the end of this story and I'll be starting my new one. I've got a contest for that story, it's a create your own character contest. It's still open. Click on the external for theupdatedcontest link.If you win, I'll dedicate the chapter your character appears in! :D


Chapter 19:

"Are you sure that the cake's meant to look like that?" I asked, comparing the cake Maggie, Darren and I attempted to create with the picture in the cookbook.

"Umm, if you close your left eye.. then your right eye. Then imagine the cake. Yes!" Darren said stupidly. "You guys, aren't gonna give that to Robbie right? Because that's plain embarrassing on your behalf" Shane said sarcastically. Ironically, he was right.

"Why don't we just buy the cake? We've already made a huge mess in the kitchen" I stated. "Okay, Darren and I will go buy the cake while you and Shane can clean up!" Maggie announced and grabbed her bag, jacket and Darren in the process.

"Hey! That's no fair. I wanted to choose the cake plus you two were the one who made the mess!" I yelled out to them but they were already out the front door. Darn it.

"Looks like you've got alot of cleaning to do" Shane was about to walk out the kitchen when I caught hold of the back of his hoodie. "You're not leaving me with this mess. You're helping" I said dryly. "Fine" he grumbled as he took a tea towel and started wiping down the kitchen bench tops.

I started washing the bowls and other utensils that Maggie and Darren dumped. Who knew making a simple chocolate cake could create this much chaos. There was even cake mixture on the ceiling. How am I meant to clean that?

"Oi, you try actually cleaning instead of patting the bench tops" I joked sarcastically. "Fine."

We planned to have asurpriseparty for Robbie since it's his birthday today. Luckily, hisschedulematched ours. He went out with a couple of his friends from New York to a dance workshop or something like that.

After fifty minutes of some good cleaning by me and some-not-so good cleaning by Shane, I eventually cleaned the entire kitchen even including the cake mixture on the ceiling.

"You were no help at all" I teased. "You're welcome" he replied sarcastically.

I checked the clock on the wall, it was only 12.30. How long does choosing a cake and buying one take?

"Looking at the clock won't make time go faster" Shane said randomly.

"Who said I was trying to make time go faster?" I said.

"Dunno." After last night, things were kinda weird andawkwardbetween us. It was like the kiss never happened but that's Shane Reid for you.

"We should start putting the decorations up" I said. "I guess so, we better start so we can get this done before the two come back."

Shane started off with blowing up the balloons and spreading them across the living room floor. "Can't you blow them up bigger?" I complained.

"I like them this size" he pouted. "You're wasting the balloons.."

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