The Maid of Honour & The Jerky Best Man {Chapter 2}

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Chapter 2:

The flight from New York to California was pretty annoying and considering the man next to me was fricking snoring! When I got to the airport, I was waiting for my 'loving' parents to pick me up. I went to get my luggage and waited for them.

It was a good whole hour before they showed up. There I saw my mother, woman in her mid-forties with shoulder-length brown hair and high cheekbones and violet eyes; my father - a man with dark blonde, dark blue eyes and tall figure. And my fraternal twin of a brother. Darren Kyle Payne. He inherited dad's dark blonde hair and mother's violet eyes, on the other hand I got mother's hair and violet eyes. They ran towards me giving a heartfelt yet bone crushing hug.

"Owww.." I whaled.

"Sorry, darling." Dad smiled.

"Let's go home." Mom suggested with a wide smile plastered on her pale face. I raced up to Darren, nudging him in the ribs

"Not gonna say hi to your favourite sister?" I smirked.

"You're my only sister." he smirked back. I slapped him on the head with my magazine.

We got home and I found my bedroom the same way when I left it. Pale lilac walls, painted with flowers; my king sized bed and my vanity the same way too. I unpacked my stuff and placed my clothes back into my closet and placed my laptop on my study table. I went downstairs to find my mom in the kitchen, messing around with the stove. Mom was never the best cook so she always left the cooking to dad.

"Frankie, your father wants you in the living room." She told me. When I walked in, I found Dad and Darren already seated around our coffee table and Mom followed right behind me.

"Frankie, take a seat." Dad said.

"What this about?" I asked.

"Remember, we said that we wanted you come back to go to high school?" mom said in monotone voice.

"Yeah, you told the headmaster that I'll be taking a break from my major and come back at the beginning of the next year." I replied.

"Well, you will be attending the same high school as Darren and you'll be starting tomorrow." Dad announced. 

"Oh, that's not so bad. I guess," I replied in a bored tone.

"That's great, we'll be inseparable!" Darren laughed, wrapping his arm around my neck.

"Ha, great" I said sarcastically.

"Go to bed, you'll have to get up early." Mom said.

I went upstairs and changed into my PJ's and went to bed. God, I've missed this bed. So soft and silky. Ah.. Heaven.


I woke to the sound of the alarm clock.


I slammed my hand on the snooze button and got up and took a shower. I finally woke after the cold shower. I changed into skinny jeans, grey top and black heels. I got my tote bag and grabbed a pair of random shades and left my hair down since it was naturally straight. (A/N: Refer to image on sidebar :) Made it myself so no stealing, thank you) I headed downstairs to find Darren eating breakfast. "Morning!" I said in a cheery voice. "Hey" was all I got.

"So How's your life since I've left?" I asked. "Really great. I'm quarter back for the football team. The popular crowd. Parties and girls" he smirked. "Pfft. You call that great?" I dissed him. "Well, I'm guessing lectures in big halls are great fun?" "Actually it's exhilarating" I replied sarcastically, laughing it off.

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