Chapter Nine

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Hello everyone! Sorry for my long absence but I am back! There is only one more chapter left in this Novella. WARNING: This chapter is graphic, but I hope you enjoy! 

Vanessa Anderson knew two things: 1) She was in love with Gabriel Merritt 2) That said man was in the kitchen cooking and crooning to Michael Bauble’s rendition of “Crazy Love”. Vanessa stared at herself in the mirror, she was clothed in a baggy shirt that had Gabriel’s scent all over it. Despite her reasons for being in the cabin with him, she couldn’t help but fell butterflies in the pit of her stomach. Deciding that it was time to check up on Gabriel, Vanessa left the bathroom heading in the direction of the kitchen. She made sure to be quiet. There Gabriel was, checking on his noodles for the spaghetti, he was swaying from side-to-side while singing off key. Vanessa was absolutely transfixed by him. Gabriel felt another presence in the room. He turned to see Vanessa staring at him as if he was a tall cold glass of water on a hot Georgia day. His skin immediately began to feel as if it was on fire. Gabriel’s eyes took in Vanessa’s presence in his shirt sans the pants he gave her.

“Hey baby, enjoy your shower?” Gabriel’s voice came out huskier than he intended it to. Vanessa thought that being in the shower would have calmed the hormones racing through her body. That was not the case. Standing in the archway that lead into the kitchen, Vanessa felt like she would melt right there. Food Forgotten, Gabriel slowly approached her.

“My shower was great actually.” Vanessa’s brain felt scrambled, she hoped that was a decent reply. 

“Did it just get hotter in here?” Vanessa asked pulling at the collar of her shirt. Gabriel chuckled as his hands enclosed her waist. He placed a tender kiss on her neck. Vanessa’s breath hitched. Her eyes drifted closed as she immersed herself in the pleasuring feel of Gabriel’s lips on her neck. Gabriel lifted his head to look into Vanessa’s eyes. His eyes were darker almost a navy blue, a sign that he was just as turned on as she was at the moment.

“Vanessa, what do you have on under my shirt?” Gabriel’s eyes bore into Vanessa’s as she tried to look innocent. She gently bit her bottom lip causing Gabriel’s eyes to zero in on them. Should she answer the question? Is this what she really want? Of course it was what she wanted!

“Uh-Um, nothing?” Vanessa didn’t mean to sound so weak, but that’s what happened whenever she was around Gabriel. Slowly, she stepped back from Gabriel. Her trembling hands went to the first button on the shirt she was wearing. Undoing the button Vanessa could have sworn Gabriel’s eyes popped out of his head. Was she really going to give it to him right here? On the kitchen floor? Gabriel’s hands ran impatiently through his hair. His hands were aching to touch Vanessa’s body. She slowly unwrapped his favorite Christmas present. Oh yes, he was going to get everything he wanted this year. Vanessa was half way down the shirt. Gabriel could see the swell of her breasts, they were begging for his attention, his touch, his mouth. He wanted to move closer to Vanessa, but he knew that she needed to do this on her own time. But damn, his dick was hard enough to split bricks! Gabriel held his breath when Vanessa unbuttoned the last button on his shirt. He was scared that if he breathed this moment would turn out to be an erotic day dream.

Vanessa’s mind was in overdrive. She let her hands fall limply by her sides. Gabriel’s eyes were eating her whole. His eyes were stuck on her bare mound. Subconsciously, he licked his lips. Anticipation gripped him.

“Vanessa if you are having any second thoughts. I need you to tell me now, because after this I will not be able to stop myself.” Gabriel’s voice was deeper than Vanessa had ever heard before. Excitement settled in the pit of her stomach. Moisture began to manifest. She looked at Gabriel, who in turn was watching her body like a man starved. She shrugged out of his shirt. The sound of the weightless form hitting the ground was the alarm to sound off in Gabriel’s mind. He rushed to Vanessa picking her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist, her core pressed against his stomach. Her wetness seeping through his cotton T-shirt. Gabriel could smell her arousal and it was driving him crazy. He needed to get them to the bed and fast. Vanessa’s mouth was clamped onto Gabriel’s neck sure to leave a mark, but the pair did not care. Both sighed in relief when Gabriel lowered Vanessa to the bed. Instinctively she spread her legs wide, letting him see what he had been dreaming about since he laid eyes on her. Gone was the shy and timid girl. In front of him was a wanton woman in need of him, badly.

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