Chapter Six

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Vanessa ran into the gym ready to start the game...tonight they were going up against their rival school. Vanessa, as a setter, always made sure she was prepared for the games, but tonight was different. Tonight, Gabriel would be in the crowd cheering her on. A smile appeared on her face with the thought about him. The night before she had to practically force him out of her room (boys weren't allowed in their rooms the night before games), he just wanted to lay with her. He loved sleeping in her bed and she loved him there.

Even though it had only been two weeks since that night he stayed over her place for the first time, Vanessa was on cloud nine. She especially loved those moments when they would be in downtown Savannah together and some person would look at them outrageously as they held hands. At moments like that, Gabriel would take her in his arms and pull her in for a mind stopping kiss. She would giggle as the person usually rolled their eyes and walked away.

Entering the gym Vanessa saw her team warming up, she put her game bag down on the bench and started pulling out her equipment when the head Coach Miller made her way over.

"Henderson!" Coach Miller said in her usual stern voice. Vanessa turned and smiled at her coach. Even though Coach Miller was hard on them she was still a caring, wonderful woman.

"Yes, Coach?" Vanessa asked while pulling her hair up in a ponytail.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're benched for tonight's game." Vanessa felt her heart slam into her chest.

"What do you mean?! What did I do?!" Coach Miller looked at Vanessa with saddened eyes, she knew Vanessa was one of her best setters, but rules are rules.

"You had a boy spend the night in your room last night, we've had multiple people come and tell on you about all were making. I understand you are grown Vanessa and I hope you are using protection, but you know that is an absolute no-no on game nights." Vanessa looked at her coach dumbfound.

"Coach...I didn't have a guy in my room last night. My friend left at ten last night. You can ask Olivia, she was in her room." Vanessa pleaded, not believing that someone had lied on her and that she wouldn't be able to play, her face turned a beet red as anger grew within her.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that, next game we play you can be the setter but not tonight. Just take the ben-"

"If I can't play then I don't want to be here. And quite frankly Coach Miller I thought you knew me better than that, but I guess not. See you at practice Monday." With that Vanessa yanked her game bag and marched out the gym trying to hold back her tears.

How could somebody do that to her?! She lived volleyball and not being able to play at one of the most important games was like being cheated on. She hoped Kayla did well as the setter, because they were playing up against a hard team. As soon as Vanessa stepped out the gym she saw Olivia walking towards her.

"Where are you going Nessa?!" Olivia's voice was slightly on the panicky side, with every right, Vanessa was the best setter they had.

"I'm benched from the game." Vanessa responded slowly. Olivia's face flushed.

"What do you mean you can't play! You're the best setter we have." Vanessa nodded her head in agreement. Her eyes darted to the left, she could see Gabriel's tall figure walking towards the gym. She started to get sad all over again.

"Vanessa why are you out here?" He asked once he got close to her.

"I'm benched from the game, so I left."

"I'll talk to you later Nessa" Olivia stated walking inside the gym. Gabriel didn't even acknowledge Olivia's presence. Vanessa just nodded at her, to hurt to care about little goodbyes. Gabriel wrapped her in his arms around her, knowing that was what she needed.

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