Time gone by...

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I lay in my bed, still, silent and scared. I couldn't see anything. However I heard everything, tears of joy and sorrow from others in the ward, footsteps walking and running up and down the corridor, beeping of machines. 

"John, what if-" I heard mum wimpering, "Please Lisa, we must be positive" my dad tried conforting her "She was so close! she woke up, whats happened John, all I did was fight with her, and now my little darling is well.. well... near-" my sniffled before breaking into tears "LISA! Please stop it she's strong she will be ok"

I wanted to grab her hand, tell her I'm sorry, I'M SORRY MUM! 

Whats happening to me, am I alive, dead? I want my Mummy and Daddy! I want Bell I want home I hate this, I may aswell be dead! Please someone help me. 

"Mr and Mrs Andrews" came a mans voice "please tell me she will be ok, I need my little girl Doctor!" Mum pleaded, pleaded for help, for anyone to help her she continued to weep. "Mrs Andrews, there isn't much we can do, I'm afraid, well you daughter is in a coma state, I'm so sorry" all to be heard was mums wail "NO! Tell him John, she isn't! She can't be, PLEASE PLEASE DO SOMETHING" imagined by now dad was hushing her soothingly, I wanted her to comfort me. "Please tell us, is there anything  at all we can do Doctor? Will she improve?" Dad asked trying to hold it together "Sorry, but all we can do now is wait, It could be years, and I must tell you,there is a chance of em.. death" his voice trailed off.

WAIT? WAIT! for what? me to die, I'm not ready, I have to be with my family!


My eyes flickered, I scanned the room. "LILY! JOHN SHE'S AWAKE!" my parents swarmed around me wrapping their arms around me. 

I began crying "Mum! Dad!" I sniffed "I thought I was going to die! I didn't want to leave you, I missed you" I hugged them tighter

I looked at the small calender beside my bed, Saturday the 6th of July 2013. "2013!" I stated confused, "yes it's been almost a year, a year of waiting for you dear" she chuckled still overwhelmed.

I tall figure entered the room, my parents blocked my view as they swivled, the voice came soothingly "I heared the news" it was a guy, I reconised it, from where though?

"We will get some food and drinks and let you granny and Bell know" my parents smiled and left

The guy took a seat beside the bed "Morning" he laughed, I starred at him "who are you?" I asked "Will Evans" he smiled. I watched him his hair swished to the side, it was dark brown, like choclate and his eyes, were and unusal colour to be combined with his hair, a clear crystal blue. 

"Do I know you?" I was confused who was this guy 'Will' and why was he here? "I saved you" His words triggered unwanted memories. The football team surronding me, Tom laughing with Meredith whilst I sank to the bottom of the pool. "NO, NO, YOU LAUGHED YOU ALL LAUGHED!" I shouted at him "Lily, I-" I cut him off "I COULD HAVE DIED!" I screamed "No I didnt kn-" he once again got cut off, "Spare me it, WIll, your just like the rest of them" I said "Lily plea-" "Leave me alone, just go" Will looked at me, his eyes full of sorrow, and guilt. "GO!" he left the room with a glance back at me, my face in my hands with tears in my eyes.


Ok so Lily has finally come out of come, but thankfully she didn't have it to bad, she still has her memories, and has ragained her strength, It's been a year, and once again it's summer. Though what will become of her and Will? Will she see him again after the incident at the party, will she forgive him?

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