earning your forgivness

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*mostly fluff*

"I cheated on you."

She says it in one breath. Then she waits, she waits for the shouting, the anger the screaming. But all she is met with is silence. She gambles a look at Shawn, her heart breaking when she sees the look of devastation on the boy's face, the same look Camila seems to always be the cause of. The look she swore she wouldn't cause again.

They'd officially started dating around Christmas time in freshman year of college. During his junior year Shawn landed his first singing gig at a little restaurant, and due to the long rehearsal hours he decided to drop out of college and concentrate on the gig full time. When opening night rolled around Camila was there front and centre showing her support. They'd gotten engaged in the summer after Camila graduated, and were married the following year.

They'd both discussed early in their relationship that they wanted to wait until marriage before they had sex, which they somewhat achieved...only somewhat though with the help of a lot of phone sex, Skype sex, dry humping, hand jobs and a whole lot of oral sex (when it got too difficult to wait they decided to only count full penetrative sex into their promise). On their wedding night they finally made love to one another, it was slow and gentle, and as far as their sex life went that never changed, they always made love to one another.

After Camila had graduated she moved to New York to be with Shawn, and had gotten a job with a book publisher in the city. Things were pretty perfect between them, up until Shawn was offered a record deal, which meant him having to relocate to L.A. for 3 months. Since neither of them wanted to relive their college days of living apart, Shawn asked Camila to join him in L.A. which she did, albeit slightly reluctantly. After discussing the situation she was in with her boss, where he told her she could take a sabbatical from her job for the 3 months, she was slightly more optimistic about moving.

But then 3 months turned into 6 when Shawn was invited to talk shows and performances, and accepted. Which lead to Camila losing her job in New York when her boss told her they could no longer keep her position open. Things grew tense between the pair, Shawn was always busy, either working on music, or making appearances at different events, doing photo shoots or interviews, he left their house early in the morning and didn't return until late into the evening, most nights choosing to spent time with his team, leaving his wife home alone in a place that she hates.

Insecurity began to crept in on Camila, she began thinking that perhaps Shawn was bored of her, or realised he would be better suited with someone in the same line of work. Spending so many hours alone at home while Shawn was out having fun did not help matters. So she decided to get out of the house more, which led her to doing some voluntary work, which led to her meeting Niall, which has led to her sitting in front of Shawn, her husband and saying those 4 words. Four words she promised herself she would never say again after the whole Harry/Justin debacle.

Shawn takes a moment, repeating what he just heard over and over again in his head, hoping if he repeats it often enough he'll realise he just misheard. But he didn't. Camila cheated on him.

"I don't...I mean...you slept with someone else?" he finally says breaking the silence.

"No! No, I didn't sleep with them. I...we..." she takes a deep breath trying to work out in her head how best to get through this conversation "I made out with him, he wanted to...he wanted to take things further, but I just...it just felt wrong and I...I just couldn't do it. I was just so angry and hurt, you'd cancelled dinner plans with me to go to some event with your team and, it's no excuse for what I did I know that, and I'm not trying to blame you, because I know this was all me. But I just felt so lonely and he invited me for some drinks and it just...it just happened..."

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