the babysitter

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"Okay, Camila," Manuel said, straightening his tie. "There's food in the fridge if you want to cook or reheat something, and there's pizza money in the cookie jar on the top shelf if that's what you two want today."
Camila smiled politely at the two older parents, "Of course, Mr. Mendes. You two enjoy yourselves." They waved goodbye as they closed and locked the door behind them. They were pulling out of the driveway before Camila went to find her charger.
"Mila," Shawn called, as he walked down the hall. Shawn was old enough that his parents felt he needed more space and an illusion of privacy, not the room down the hall from their own. Camila could hear every step when the teenager thundered downstairs as she settled herself on the couch.

Shawn grinned at her, displaying all of his teeth once he came down. The boy was wearing a tank top and some basketball shorts, baggy enough that the garter of his boxers showed. "Hi Camila," Said the teenager. Camila hugged him, nearly tucked into him and Shawn hugged her back, soaking in her embrace. He put his hands on the smaller girl's shoulders and smiled, "You get prettier every time I see you." A hot flush eclipsed her face and she laughed softly at the embarrassment she felt. She thought Shawn was adorable and was really happy she'd been babysitting him for so long. At least now he was growing up kinda sexy. It helped that she and Austin had broken up because now it wasn't cheating at all.

It was early evening, still, and Camila moved to the couch. She asked over her shoulder, "Shawn, wanna watch a movie with me?"
Shawn nodded, and said, "I'll go make popcorn!" He scampered off to the kitchen as Camila searched through the extensive media library for a DVD. She pulled out a French one she hadn't seen and put it in the drive. By the time Shawn came back, 'Blue is the Warmest Color' was just starting. He sat on the opposite end of the couch, only to soon find himself leaning into Camila's side as they shared the snack.

When the first sex scene came up, Shawn was surprised and couldn't help his gulp. It didn't help that Camila was stroking the back of his neck with her thumb and afterwards, guided her head so it rested on Shawn's shoulder. He could feel his penis waking up to take a look for itself, as if to confirm that Camila was definitely touching him and this movie was really having a sex scene. Camila's hand dropped to his thigh and Shawn couldn't help his squeak as his cock hardened. He stood up, hopping off the couch. "Bathroom."
He nearly ran to the bathroom and pushed his shorts and boxers down for his dick to bounce out.

"Stop it," He hissed, and tried to think of a way to reduce his erection. He eyed the toilet, thinking of a quick rub-out, but instead splashed water onto his face, gave himself a few seconds to breathe, then forced his hard-on back into his clothes. It wasn't as visible standing up, he found, and it soon waned into a sort of half-hard state, the longer he kept from thinking of Camila.

The teenager returned to the couch, sitting as far as possible, only for Camila to wrap her arms around him and haul herself onto his lap. Camila nuzzled his ear, as she had when he was younger, and Shawn couldn't help his hot blush. "Mila," He whined, "I'm not a little kid anymore." The brown haired girl responded, kissing his neck, "I know."

They were quiet for another half hour before Camila's hands drifted from his waist to his thighs. Her nails ran invisible patterns around the area and Shawn squirmed. His dick was getting hard, lying on his left thigh, and Camila's hand was getting closer and closer to it. He couldn't move without drawing attention to it. Shawn was nearly shuddering under her and Camila couldn't help the little giggle at a physical shudder when she scratched her way back up to his waist.
"You okay?" She asked in his ear.
The brunette boy made a high-pitched noise but said nothing verbally.
"Hmmm?" Camila hummed, trying to get a response.
"Fine," Shawn rasped, then gasped as Camila's hand landed neatly on his cock. Camila pulled him closer and hooked her chin over Shawn's shoulder to see what she was holding.
"Oh," She said, fascinated.
Camila poked where the head of the large cock was, then asked, excitedly, "Can I hold it?"
Her fingers brushed against the warm appendage and Shawn couldn't help his soft, breathy "Please."
The woman found she couldn't really help herself. Shawn had grown into an attractive young man over the years. More than just cute, although he had that in spades, with his quirky grins and dark eyes and full mouth; he was also adorably easy to fluster and a good listener when Camila wanted him to be.

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