baby you're worth it

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Shawn sat naked on his bed, holding his half-erect cock in one hand and his phone in the other. While he stared at the open app on his phone, he debated whether to go on with what he was planning to do or just stop, load up some porn, and simply jack himself off. There was no guarantee that it would end up being worth it, either.
The app he had opened was kind of like the ones people used to look for people to date, except instead of looking for a potential boyfriend or girlfriend, it was used for finding someone to hook up with. Yeah, he could have just gone to a club and find a girl to have sex with, but he was also curious to try this one out.
It was Dinah who had suggested the app to Shawn. What was unique about it was that instead of posting your photo and a short description of yourself, you would instead upload a picture of your intimate parts. If someone liked what you posted, they would send you a message and you would be free to browse their profile.
Finally, if the feeling was mutual, then all that's left was to plan out when and where to meet.
After a few more minutes of his silent debate, Shawn decided to push through with it. There was no harm in trying, he said to himself. And he didn't mean to brag but he was quite big, as had been said by the women he'd slept with.
Curling his right hand around his shaft, Shawn pumped his fist, jacking himself off until he was fully erect. Then, pointing the camera at his hard-on, he snapped a photo and hit the upload button.
And while he waited for a response, he sat back against the headboard of his bed and stroked himself lazily. The prospect of having sex again after a while made his body buzz with excitement; hopefully putting up a dick pic on that app would be worth it.
Surprisingly, he didn't have to wait long. In less than ten minutes after the upload, his phone started buzzing. Shawn immediately released his cock and dived for his phone, and saw that five people have expressed their interest.
Shawn checked the profile pages of all the five people, but one username stood out above the rest. It was someone going by golden_star, and Shawn's mouth watered as he scrolled through this person's photos.
Whoever it was had a gorgeous pussy; the best-looking one Shawn had ever seen. It was neatly shaved and blushing pink, the outer folds glimmering with wetness. Clear liquid trickled out of its hole, and Shawn could only imagine how tight it would feel around his stiff dick.
Shawn immediately typed out a reply, his thumbs flying across the screen of his phone as he did so.
Can you take a selfie for me? –browneyes
Yes, browneyes was his username. He was never really great at coming up with this kind of stuff, so you can't judge him for it.
Just a minute later, Shawn's phone buzzed again.
Sure! Here you go.  –golden_star
Shawn's jaw dropped at the sight. The woman looking at him from the screen was a beautiful, tan-skinned brunette with doe brown eyes, a prominent nose, and thick, plump lips perfect for-
He cut the thoughts off quickly before he lost control. And oh God, Shawn needed this woman in his bed ASAP.
Why don't you send me your selfie, you hot stud? ;) –golden_star
Chuckling, Shawn held his phone in front of his face, lips curling into a smirk as he took a picture, and sent it.
You're so handsome! But I'm not surprised, since you also have a gorgeous dick. ;) –golden_star
Shawn got an ego boost from reading that.
Thanks, you're beautiful, too! Not to mention your pussy. –browneyes
Aww, you're very sweet! But I'm sure you want the real thing, don't you? –golden_star
You have no idea just how much I want it. Where are you based and when are you free? –browneyes
I live in New York, and I'm good to go this Friday night. –golden_star
Mouth drying, Shawn felt himself get weak in the knees. Friday was only three days away, and Shawn felt eager and excited about not having to wait too long. And he lived in New York, too. Shawn was almost afraid that he'd have to make a long trip just to sleep with this woman, and he was grateful that it wouldn't have to happen.
I live in New York, too! And I'm available this Friday night like you. Here's my number, and you can text me what time and what place we'll meet so I can pick you up. –browneyes
Sounds perfect! I'll see you on Friday then, stud. –golden_star
Awesome! I'll be waiting, gorgeous. –browneyes
So will I. Oh, can I also have your name? I nearly forgot to ask, silly me. I'm Camila, by the way –golden_star
Camila. Shawn thought the name suited her perfectly.
I'm Shawn. Nice to meet you, Camila. :) –browneyes
Nice to meet you, too, Shawn! Oh, I have to go! Bye! –golden_star
Amazed at his good luck, Shawn grinned goofily at the screen and at the photo staring up at him. Before he closed the app, he saved Camila's selfie on his phone (and her pussy pics), and continued where he left off.
While he jacked off, he thought of those luscious lips wrapped around his cock; imagined that tight pussy sucking him in.
And when he came, he moaned out Camila's name, his orgasm intense and leaving him feeling more excited about the weekend rendezvous.
Friday couldn't come soon enough, and neither could Shawn.
As promised, Shawn met up with Camila on that much-awaited Friday night. He dressed casually, wearing the newest set of clothes he had bought in his want to make a good impression. All things considered, Shawn wasn't nervous at all about finally meeting Camila. On the days before their scheduled meet-up, him and Camila had been texting back and forth and getting to know each other – with the occasional innuendos thrown every once in a while.
Beyond Camila's sexiness, Shawn had also come to appreciate the friendly and cheery attitude she had in their exchanges. If anything, talking to Camila had made Shawn look forward more eagerly to the weekend.
So, when Camila walked up to him at the coffee shop where they decided to meet, Shawn thought that the selfie saved on his phone did no justice to the real thing. The brunette was smiling widely, her teeth a pearly white and her brown eyes shining with unbridled excitement. She wore a short, navy-blue dress that showed off her smooth thighs and long, slender legs.
Shawn couldn't help but imagine having them wrapped around his waist while he pounded Camila into his bed.
Slung over Camila's shoulder was a duffel bag, and Shawn made a small noise at the back of his throat. It was sinking in only now that Camila would be staying at his apartment for a sex-filled night, and it made him feel both overjoyed and nervous.
He stood up from his seat as Camila neared him and greeted her with a wide grin.
"Shawn!" Camila squealed, flinging herself into the boy's arms as though they were long-time friends. "Oh, it's great to finally see you face-to-face!"
Grin still fixed widely in place, Shawn returned the embrace with equal enthusiasm, the scent of Camila's lavender shampoo hitting his nostrils.
"Same here, Camila. So, how are you?" Shawn asked, as they pulled apart.
"I'm great! How about you, Shawn?" Camila beamed, her face lit up in excitement. Up close, Camila was even more breathtakingly beautiful with her wide brown eyes peering up at Shawn under the long lashes of her eyes.
"I'm feeling great, too," Shawn said, taking Camila's hand in his. Her palm was soft, fingers delicately slender that Shawn instinctively locked their digits together. "You look amazing, Camila," he smiled.
At this, Camila smiled and blushed. "Thank you, Shawn. You look amazing yourself," she said, as she squeezed his hand.
"Have you had your dinner?"
"Yes, I have. What about you, Shawn?"
It was decided. Shawn liked the way his name rolled off Camila's tongue in that light and flirty manner, and he couldn't wait until she was moaning and screaming it in his bed.
"Yup, and I'm good to go! Shall we?" Shawn made a sweeping bow, which made Camila giggle.
Camila touched Shawn's arm, lightly caressing his skin with her fingertips. Batting her eyelashes flirtatiously, Camila gave his bicep a light squeeze and said, "Lead the way."
Without letting go of Camila's hand, Shawn started to walk, the brunette falling in stride with him. They flirted and bantered with ease all the way to his apartment, Camila seductively trailing her fingers up and down Shawn's arm a few times.
Once they were inside, Shawn locked the door and allowed Camila the pleasure of looking around. Anticipation stirred in his lower belly, ready for what was to come.
After the mini tour, Camila turned to face her and asked, "Where's your bedroom?"
Shawn felt hot under the collar of his shirt, and, taking Camila's hand again, led her towards his bedroom. He was glad that he made the decision to get a king-sized bed when he got the apartment, but even more so now.
"You can leave your bag over there," Shawn said, pointing at the spot beside his own bag.
Camila nodded and left her bag on the empty space, while Shawn sat down on his bed. He admired the way Camila's dress hugged her curves and the way it hiked up to reveal more bronze skin as she bent down.
Then, Camila turned and sauntered towards Shawn, a sultry smile on her face. Shawn made a soft noise at the back of his throat as Camila perched herself on his lap, curling her arms around the brown eyed boy's neck.
"You know," Camila started quietly, "I couldn't stop thinking about you and your cock since I saw the photo."
Well, that was quite... straightforward. But a pleasant surprise, nonetheless, because truth be told, Shawn felt the same way when he saw Camila's pussy.
Shawn shook his head and sucked in a deep breath, his eyes flickering down to Camila's pouty lips. Again, visualizing them tenderly caressing his thick cock and worshipping his length with gentle kisses.
His pants tightened around the crotch area.
"It was so... sexy. I've never seen anything like it before," Camila continued, face inching closer to Shawn's. Shawn felt dizzy, a tent already forming in his jeans from how close Camila was to him. "I fucked myself every chance I got, imagining you doing things to me with your dick..." she shuddered, pushed herself closer to Shawn. "I just wanted to touch it so much... Wanted it inside my mouth and my pussy."
Shawn let out an audible groan at this; Camila's words making him feel hot all over, especially in his groin area. He was so close, and Shawn wanted more than nothing to make his own fantasies come true. Wanted to fuck Camila and make her beg for more.
"And you can have it now," Shawn murmured, and before Camila could say another word, Shawn grasped the back of her neck and kissed her.
Camila's lips were soft and full, and Shawn's head spun upon feeling them press against his own. He tasted something remotely of strawberries as he swiped Camila's bottom lip with his tongue, making him moan in appreciation.
His lungs burned; he'd never kissed anyone like this before. Camila whimpered, a sexy sound that didn't escape Shawn. Rolling his hips, Shawn ground his erection up against Camila, hands slipping underneath her dress and finding their way to her clothed ass.
Shawn groped at the firm flesh, and Camila gasped sharply in response. Slowly, he tugged Camila's dress up, exposing inch after inch of delicious bronze skin. Breaking the kiss for a moment, Shawn pulled it above Camila's head until it was fully off and discarded it.
He could only groan loudly at the glorious sight of Camila left in a matching sheer, black bra and panties that barely left anything to the imagination. Her nipples strained against the thin material confining it, though it did little in trying to hide it.
"You're really fucking sexy, Mila," Shawn murmured, lips dragging against Camila's cheek, jaw, and down the column of her throat.
"And I can feel that," Camila teased, pressing her crotch firmly down on the bulge in Shawn's jeans.
Shawn laughed, slid his hand towards Camila's waist. "Now you know how excited I am to see you."
Giggling lightly, Camila scratched at Shawn's chin and tilted his head, and kissed him again. Shawn's hands wandered across Camila's skin, thumbs circling her soft curves and the flat plane of her stomach. He'd waited days for this, and it seemed that his cock twitched in agreement. How could it not, when a sexy woman was perched on his lap?
He slid his fingers up Camila's back, a smile curling at his lips when he felt the hooks that held the brunette's bra together. While he pressed kisses along Camila's jaw, he made quick work of unclasping the skimpy piece of clothing and tugged it off.
Leaning back, Shawn appreciated the view. Camila's tits looked soft and large enough to fill Shawn's palms. Her dusky nipples strained in the air, calling out to be played by Shawn. If anything, Camila seemed proud of them, as she should be.
"You've got beautiful tits, Camila," Shawn husked, reaching out his hands to cup them. Shuddering slightly, Camila leaned into the touch, as Shawn weighed the perky mounds of flesh. He gave them an experimental squeeze, and Camila moaned in response.
"Thank you," Camila gasped. "But you're way too underdressed for my liking."
Smirking, Shawn dropped his hands and met Camila's gaze. "Why don't you do something about it?"
Camila grinned, brown eyes twinkling in delight. "I suppose I will. I came to have sex with you, after all."
The way she said it was so casual, as though she was telling Shawn about the weather. But holy fuck, Shawn loved it so much.
Bottom lip tucked between her teeth, Camila gripped the hem of Shawn's shirt and slid it up, her eyes following every inch of skin being exposed to her. Once that was off, she dropped it to the floor and made a strangled noise at the sight of Shawn's abs.
Camila then sank down on the floor, her face level with the thick bulge in Shawn's jeans. Wordlessly, Camila deftly popped open the button and unzipped his jeans. Lifting his hips off the bed, Shawn allowed her to pull his pants down until it pooled at his ankles.
In his boxer briefs, Shawn's cock bulged out deliciously; he couldn't suppress a smirk as Camila gasped in awe.
Leaning closer, Camila traced the prominent outline of Shawn's erection and flicked her tongue where it was thickest. Her lips brushed lightly over it, until she settled for firmer kisses that got Shawn feeling a lot more hot and bothered.
"Camila, please," Shawn begged, his shaft throbbing painfully. "I've been waiting for days."
Camila grinned, palmed at the insistent bulge right in front of her. The groan that ripped through Shawn's throat was nothing short of desperate, and he wanted nothing more than to have Camila's palms and wet tongue gliding along his dick.
"Waiting for what?" Camila teased, her fingers light as she walked them up Shawn's underwear. "Waiting for my mouth on your cock? Waiting for me to blow you?" she added, her voice light and airy as if she wasn't saying the dirtiest things. "Tell me, Shawn. What were you waiting for me to do?"
Her thumbs stopped at the waistband of Shawn's boxer briefs, index fingers grazing the boy's hips.
"All of them," Shawn panted, sweat breaking out his brow from waiting so long. "Please, Camila. I need you to suck me off."
Those being the magic words Camila wanted to hear, she quickly took off the remaining piece of clothing Shawn had on. His cock, fully erect and twitching, slapped against his lower stomach. Eyes glimmering with delight, Camila grasped its thickness and stared at it with undisguised hunger.
Shawn gasped, fists closing around the sheets as Camila gave his hard-on an experimental tug. It was sweet relief, to finally have his dick freed from its suffocating confines.
"You're so big, Shawn," Camila murmured, bending forward to plant a kiss on the tip of Shawn's thick meat. "The picture definitely didn't capture just how gorgeous it is."
"You say the most flattering things," Shawn chuckled, cupping his balls with his right hand. "But you're not here just to stare at my dick, are you?"
Camila purred and brushed Shawn's hand aside. "No, no I'm not."
And with that, Camila ran her fingers over the veins that ran all over Shawn's pulsing shaft. She explored every inch of it with her lips and tongue, lathering the entire length with her saliva. Her mouth felt hot and wet, and it drove Shawn insane.
Camila sure knew what she was doing. She brought her lips to the head of Shawn's cock and sucked, at that, his hips rose off the bed because of how good it felt. Hands flying to the back of Camila's head, Shawn made throaty noises and stroked her chestnut tresses.
He'd had blowjobs given to him before, but no one came close to Camila in terms of, well... everything. Most of the ones he'd experienced beforehand was sloppy work; the girls just took his shaft in their mouths, gagged, and did awkward things with their tongue that Shawn would rather not remember.
But Camila...
Shawn's eyes flew open, unaware that he had closed them in the first place. Camila had his balls in her mouth and was slurping greedily, and now they were slick with saliva. It took all of his willpower not to bust a nut right there and then, and Shawn clenched his fists very tightly as he tried to control himself.
"Goddamn," Shawn swore loudly, as Camila smoothly took all of his length in her mouth without gagging even a bit. Awed by this, Shawn yanked Camila's head and roughly shoved his hips forward. Camila merely groaned and bobbed her head up and down, undeterred by the sudden display of roughness.
Never, never in his life did Shawn ever think that he'd get to experience someone deepthroating him. It was damn near impossible, he'd always tell himself. But Camila, fucking Camila took him with ease.
The tip of his shaft nudged the back of Camila's throat, and still she continued, her nose bumping Shawn's lower stomach, plump lips wrapped around his girth.
"Oh fuck, Mila, that m-mouth is too damn good!" Shawn cried out, bucking up to feel more of that blessed, suctioning heat on his pulsing cock. Flexing her throat, Camila swallowed around his cock, until Shawn simply couldn't stand it anymore.
Through gritted teeth, Shawn hissed, "I'm going to come, Mila! Take my jizz in that sexy mouth!"
Camila moaned, her cheeks hollowed and maintaining a steady suction, ready to take Shawn's load. Finally, with a violent shudder, Shawn jerked, his cock pulsing out thick ropes of cum down Camila's throat.
Releasing a satisfied moan, Shawn leaned back on his arms, lazily watching Camila remove her lips from his thick meat. A slick popping sound accompanied it, bringing Shawn back to his senses. Shawn inhaled sharply when Camila made a show of swallowing his cum.
Smacking her lips, Camila winked and stood up.
"So, how was it?" she asked.
Despite his daze, Shawn managed to stare disbelievingly at the brunette. "How was it? You just gave me the best blowjob! That's how it is!"
"Why, thank you," Camila giggled. "And by the way, your cock is the most delicious I've ever tasted," she rasped, eyes flickering towards Shawn's shaft.
"Thank you," Shawn grinned broadly. "But now that you've gotten a taste of my dick, I think it's time I tasted your pussy, don't you think?"
"Mmm, I like it when you talk like that," Camila moaned.
Chuckling, Shawn hooked his thumbs around the waistband of Camila's panties and quickly tugged it down, exposing her glistening pink folds. Subconsciously, Shawn licked his lips and reached out to palm her sex.
It felt hot and slick on his palm, and Shawn ran his hand across the soft flesh, eliciting a shudder and a soft moan from Camila.
"Lie down on the bed and spread your legs, baby. Let me see that pretty pussy some more," Shawn husked, scooting over to make room for Camila.
Doing as he requested, Camila lied down in the middle of the bed, sprawled naked on top of the mattress. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, thighs quivering in anticipation.
Without a single word, Shawn started kissing his way down Camila's body, peppering her tits with wet, open-mouthed kisses. Above him, Camila moaned breathily which turned into a squeal as Shawn pried her pussy lips open.
Her sex was blushing, come dripping down the hole and onto the sheets. Up close, it looked prettier and more delicious than the photos. The pinkness of her folds, the wetness of her sex, how her clit exposed itself to Shawn's lustful eyes...
Unable to wait any longer, Shawn gave her slit a broad lick, prompting Camila to moan breathily. Liking the sound, Shawn grinned and kissed all over Camila's dripping cunt before dragging his tongue up and down.
"You have a beautiful pussy, Camila," Shawn murmured, nosing through her folds.
Without waiting for a response,Shawn dived right in, his lips and tongue covering every inch of heated flesh he could find. Camila squealed, legs quaking on either side of Shawn's head. Shawn loved how Camila didn't bother trying to keep quiet, judging by her particularly loud moans and whines as he stroked her dripping folds by leisurely dragging his tongue along her slit.
And damn was Camila's pussy the best he'd ever eaten out.
"Oh, Shawn, yes. Use your tongue, baby. Keep licking me," Camila gasped, squirming and humping Shawn's eager mouth.
Grinning, Shawn slurped messily at Camila's drenched cunt, nose bumping against her clit. Above him, Camila was in bliss, her fists closed tight around the sheets and moaning praises about Shawn's skill.
Shawn was nothing but thorough in eating Camila out, paying attention to her sensitive nub by applying pressure on it with his thumb and flicking tight circles around the area with his tongue.
He slipped his tongue inside Camila's leaking hole, tearing a particularly filthy moan from the brunette's throat. Clearly, Camila was enjoying it, and Shawn loved nothing more than a woman who loved getting their pussy eaten.
"Oh, fuck! You're so good, Shawn! Nnnnnggghhh, yes!" Camila's lower lip trembled, threading her right hand through Shawn's short hair and bucked her hips harder, desperately humping her pussy against his mouth.
Curling and twisting his tongue, Shawn buried his face farther into Camila's juicy cunt, savoring the musky scent that filled his nostrils. Camila's legs trembled harder still, mouth parting into sobs as Shawn became more aggressive.
"Shawn! Yesyesyesyes!" Camila cried out desperately, arching high off the bed as she hit the peak of her climax.
Slick juices gushed out of her cunt, soaking Shawn's chin and leaving a wet spot on the bed. Shawn groaned at the delicious taste of her cum, drinking it up eagerly. While Camila recovered from her orgasm, Shawn pulled back, wiped his cum-soaked chin with the back of his hand, and gave each of Camila's pussy lips a kiss before climbing back up.
The look on Camila's face was one that Shawn would never forget. Her eyes were closed, a sated expression on her face and a lazy smile playing at her lips.
Between his legs, Shawn was rock hard and rearing to go again.
"That," Camila murmured as her beautiful brown eyes opened, "was the most wonderful pussy-eating I've ever experienced."
Shawn smirked, planted a kiss on Camila's cheek. "And believe me, yours is the best I've ever tasted."
Camila smiled and wrapped her arms around Shawn's neck, pulling him in for a kiss. She coaxed Shawn's tongue out with hers, moaning as she tasted her own cum. His body shuddering, Shawn pressed himself against Camila, the head of his thick meat nudging her soft inner thighs.
"I love your dick already," Camila whispered, running her hands down the expanse of Shawn's back. It was sensual, the way she trailed her fingertips down his spine. Try as he might, Shawn couldn't repress the shudder that ran through his body at the way Camila was touching him.
"Wait, let me get a condom," Shawn murmured, though he wanted nothing more than to sink inside Camila's slick heat as soon as possible.
He made a move towards the box lying on his bedside table, but Camila gripped his shoulders tight and pushed him back down.
"It's okay, Shawn. I'm clean and I'm on the pill," Camila reassured him, trailing her hand down Shawn's chest. "And besides," she paused for a moment, casting her gaze down towards Shawn's stiff cock, "a big dick like yours... I need to feel it raw inside my pussy." She nipped at Shawn's jaw.
Dazed, Shawn nodded and withdrew his hand, settling himself more fully on top of Camila.
"I- wow, okay," he cleared his throat, grasped his hard-on by the base and stroked himself a few times, Camila watching him.
Then, positioning the tip of his cock at Camila's entrance, Shawn gave a little nudge and pushed himself all the way in. His jaw dropped at the silky wet heat that engulfed his length, at the way Camila stretched to welcome his thickness. The abundant wetness rendered it easy for Shawn's shaft to smoothly glide in, and he couldn't help the pleasured moan that reverberated in his throat.
"Fuck! That's- God, that's big!" Camila panted, hips jerking as Shawn ground down on her, pushing as deeply as he could.
With a soft grunt, Shawn licked Camila's neck and started pumping slowly. Part of him wanted to just start pounding away, to release two months' worth of tension from not having a sweet, tight pussy around him.
But shit, Camila felt too damn good and tight around his cock that Shawn couldn't not relish the way her heat was sucking him in.
And so, despite his primal desire to pin Camila down and start banging her, Shawn nibbled on Camila's earlobe, thrusting at a steady rate and listening to the filthy squelching sounds coming from her pussy each time he drew out and pushed back in.
"Damn, Camila," Shawn growled, rocking back and forth. "Your pussy is so fucking tight." He emphasized the word by roughly slamming forward, making Camila scream in ecstasy. "Mmm, you're so hot for my dick, aren't you?"
"I've been hot for it since I came across your photo," Camila groaned, digging her fingernails into Shawn's shoulder. Shawn hissed in pain, but didn't stop his rocking motions. "I kept imagining it inside me, pounding me. And fuck, now that it's actually happening? It feels so much better," she gritted out.
Shawn chuckled, trapped Camila's right nipple between his thumb and index finger. "Believe me, I know what you're talking about. I've been thinking how your pussy would feel, wrapped around my cock like this. It was all I could think about while I was here on my bed and jacking myself off..."
"Maybe," Camila mewled, clenching her walls around Shawn, "you could show me some time? How you jerk off?"
Puffing out air, Shawn drove deeply into Camila and started to pick up the pace. "Definitely. As long as I get to watch you fuck yourself, too," he grinned.
"Deal," Camila said, her voice thick with arousal. Reaching out her hand, she stroked Shawn's jaw and groaned, "But enough talk. Now fuck that big dick into me!"
"You got it," Shawn growled and started plowing the hot, slick pussy below him.
Camila slammed her fists against the mattress, screaming out of pure ecstasy as Shawn pounded her with renewed vigor. Through her loud wailing and moaning, Shawn had to slow down a few times so he wouldn't come too soon for his liking. He'd never had a woman as loud as Camila in bed, but he wasn't complaining.
"More!" Camila cried out, legs locking around Shawn's hips, ass rising off the bed to meet his harsh strokes. "More, Shawn! Harder! Give it to me harder!"
Shawn wasn't sure if he could be any rougher than he already was, but he tried anyway. He closed his eyes, Camila's walls tightening around him. Still, he pushed forward, his abs tensing from the effort of reigning himself in.
Wet slaps of skin meeting skin resounded throughout the bedroom, their mixed cries ringing in their ears. There was nothing quite like it that Shawn could compare to his past experiences; Camila easily took the cake for being so damn amazing.
Hunching over Camila, Shawn watched her features closely. There was nothing but sheer bliss painted on her face, her eyebrows furrowed and mouth hanging open to let out her sexy moans. Sweat dripped down their bodies, enunciating the hard thrusts Shawn was giving.
"Shawn! Oh God, oh yes! You feel so amazing," Camila gasped sharply, humping heatedly into Shawn. "Unngh, that's it! You're fucking me so good! Mm-hmm..."
The clenching of her cunt became more pronounced, letting Shawn know that she was close to coming. His gaze flickered down their bodies and remained glued to the sight of his cock disappearing inside Camila's quivering pussy, slick and shiny with girl cum.
"Hot damn!" Shawn grunted, pistoning rapidly that Camila trembled underneath him.
"Sh-Shawn! I'm c-" before Camila could finish her sentence, her back curved into a taut bow, lips parted in a silent scream and walls convulsing as she fell into the brink.
"Fuck yeah, Mila," Shawn growled, low and deep, and shoved his rigid cock all the way inside Camila.
Balls twitching and cock swelling, Shawn threw his head back and drew out a long, guttural moan, shooting his hot sperm deep inside Camila's orgasming pussy. It really had been too long, and cumming in Camila was like heaven to him.
Slick, velvety heaven.
"Take it, Mila. Take my cum in that hot pussy," Shawn moaned, emptying himself.
"Mmm, Shawn," Camila sighed, satisfied, draining the last of Shawnn's thick jizz.
Shawn laughed throatily and slumped on top of Camila, kissing her sweat-dampened forehead.
"That was out of this world," Shawn remarked breathlessly, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
Camila giggled, scratched absentmindedly at Shawn's arms. "Tell me about it. I've never had sex this good before."
"Well, neither have I," Shawn nipped at Camila's neck. "And I don't think I ever will with a different person."
"Funny, because I'm thinking the same thing," Camila smiled naughtily, clamping down on Shawn's softening shaft.
"Oh, were you?" Shawn arched an eyebrow, his cock steadily rising to erection again.
"Mmhmm... So, are you free the rest of the weekend? Because one night isn't enough for me to have this delicious cock."
"I sure as hell am," Shawn husked, already thinking of all the surfaces in his apartment he could fuck Camila on. "I wasn't planning on letting you go so soon, either. Not after having this sweet little pussy."
He flipped the brunette onto his stomach and trailed kisses down her spine, his hand finding its way to palm at Camila's soaked cunt.
"Good," Camila smirked, splaying her legs wider to give Shawn the naughty view of his thick, creamy cum trickling down her hole. "Now how about round two?"
As a response, Shawn laughed, mounted Camila, and rammed forward.
With Camila screaming into the pillows and her pussy taking his cock so well, Shawn was more than glad he tried out that app.
And speaking of which...
"You better delete that app later," Camila managed to choke out, as Shawn's hand snaked between their legs to play with her clit. "I'll delete it too, to be fair."
"It's a deal," Shawn panted, breathing heavily against Camila's shoulder.
He'd thrown away all thoughts of using it again, anyway. And he could very well say it was fucking worth it using that godsend of an app for the first and last time.

as promised! - ang

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