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You woke up to the sound of the bus wheels screeching to a stop. Yawning, you checked the time on you phone. It was 5:30. Man, the bus was very slow. You looked around and realized there was no one else on the bus. Being the last stop had its perks. You grabbed your bags, thanked the driver, and got off the bus. Your dad's assistant gave you a paper telling you were to go.

You stopped in front of an old, creaky building. You looked at the paper to make sure it was right. As you went up to the front door to knock, you wondered ' what if dads acquaintance is really mean and wants me to leave like he did?' A man with a suit and an eyepatch answered the door. "Welcome to the Mystery Shack! What can I do for you today?" He seemed like the type to be a conman. 'Great. Dads buddy is a man who will take all the cash from my pocket if he got the chance. Just what I should have expected.'

" Hi, I'm Y/N. I'm looking for Stan Pines. My dad sent a message to you saying to expect me." " Ah, you're Y/N. Well, I can see why he didn't want you around. I mean like, you don't exactly look like the type that would be around him. Anyway come on in. KIDS!!! Come down here. There's someone I want you to meet!!!" Stan yelled up the stairs of the creaky place. ' Man, it's a wonder this house hasn't fallen apart. He doesn't seem to know what an inside voice is.'

Soon after you set your suitcase down, you were trampled by a blur of pink, purple, and brown. As you fell down, you tried to see what force of nature is so powerful yet so colorful. As soon as you got your bearings, you saw that the thing on top of you was a girl your age.( if I didn't mention before, Mabel and Dipper are also 18 years old.) "HIMYNAMEISMABELPINESI'MEIGHTEENYEARSOLD!! What's your name? What's your favorite color? Do you like pigs? Do you like glitter? Wanna be best friends? Wanna have a sleep over with me and my besties? We can play truth or dare, read inappropriate romance novels, and give my brother a MAKEOVER!! Would you like that? Have you ever had a sleepover before? Do you haves boyfriend? How long are you here for?"

WOW!! That is a bundle of energy in one pint sized package. As soon as I got up and got myself together, I made sure to answer all of her questions. "My name is Y/N. My favorite color is f/c, I do like pigs, I don't really like glitter, I would love to be best friends, having a sleepover with you and your besties would be great, I would really like that, yes I have had sleepovers before, no I don't have a boyfriend, I am here for until I go to college." Heesh, what a mouthful. As soon as you got Mabel off of you, you looked at her. She was short, with long brown hair and deep, hazel eyes that you can get lost in if you look to long. She was wearing a pink sweater that had a shooting star on it. She also wore jean shorts and black and white converse sneakers with knee high socks.

      Just then, a boy who looked exactly like her except that he was tall and looked more layed back than her came down the stairs. He was wearing a black t shirt with a red flannel over it. He wore torn black jeans and a pair of black Nikes. He was holding a book with a golden six fingered hand on it. "Sorry about my sister. She's been eating raw sugar packets again. My name's Dipper. What's yours?" He seemed nice enough. Just as you were about to answer, Mabel jumped in and said "This is Y/N!! She's staying with us  till we all go to college. And I have NOT been eating raw sugar packets again!! And even if I have, it is beside the point." Man, she is 99 percent energy, one percent sanity.

    "Wait, Grunkle Stan is this true?" Dipper asked Stan who I am assuming is their Grunkle. "Yep. Now quit your questioning boy and get back to work. You may be out of high school but your my employee for the summer. You too Mabel. WENDY, SOOS!! Come back here and meet Y/N!!!!" Stan yelled again.

       A girl about twenty two years old and a man in his early forties( I have no idea how old they are in the show so..... Just go with it) came out of the gift shop area. The girl had long, pretty red hair and was wearing black jeans with a  bluish green flannel tied around her waist. She wore a brown t shirt and yellow converse sneakers. Not exactly the most fashion forward, but very convenient. The man was wearing shorts and a shirt with a question mark on it. Both of them seemed very nice. "Yo waddup. De name's Wendy." The girl said. "Hey dude. The name's Soos." "Hey, my name's Y/N. Sooooo, do you two work here?" You asked. "Yep they sure do. Now let's stop the chit chat. Your room is upstairs second door down. Now you two, BACK TO WORK!!" Stan said. Man, all he cares about is getting us to work. Well, at least you have that day to yourself.

    As soon as you finished unpacking, it was 8:00. You decided just to get into your pajamas and go to bed. When you were about to go to sleep, you felt a chill go down your back. 'Somehow, I don't think that this summer will turn out how I think it will.' You then went into a dreamless sleep.
Don't worry. There will be other point of views soon.

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