Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own this video or this song. Nor do I own the song.
Bill's P.O.V

        'Well well well. Looks like my best friend Y/N L/N came 'round for a visit. Hahahahaha!! That never gets old. Like me!!(Get it. Cuz he's immortal!?......Anyway.....Back to the story!) Seems like the only polite thing to do is to drop on by and say hello. Maybe even strike up a deal!! That would be great since she would do anything for what she wants back. Hmmm..... I think I'll go right now. Maybe give her a good scare.'

Y/N P.O.V❤️

              You woke up with a start. For some reason you felt hot breath on your face. You turned your head in the direction you thought it was coming from. Nothing was there. 'Must be my imagination,' you thought to yourself. You got up and went to the closet the room had. You put on a f/c t-shirt and some black basketball shorts. You grabbed some mismatched socks and your f/c converse sneakers.(sorry if this is not your style. I tried to make it gender neutral cuz.... You know...... Back to the STORY!!!) You went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth and did your other morning routine stuff.

             As you went down the stairs, you suddenly got that feeling of being watched. You turned around, but nothing was there again. You just shrugged it off and went to the kitchen. Mabel was eating a plate of syrup drenched waffles and Mabel Juice. Dipper sat next to her eating waffles and with his nose still in his journal. 'Man, all he ever does is read that dumb book. What is even so interesting about something you've read a million times before.' You got a plate of waffles and plopped down in front of Dipper. You put syrup on and said "I think I'm gonna go explore the woods a bit. Since I've never gone there before and it seems really interesting. You guys wanna come?" Dipper replied, not even looking up from his book,"No thanks. I'm helping out in the shack today. Maybe Mabel can join you?" You looked at Mabel with big puppy eyes. "Sure, I'll go with you!! Let me just finish my waffles and juice and we can go!!" Mabel replied. You looked at her, very grateful.

         As soon as you were in the woods, you thought it was way more interesting than you originally thought. Suddenly, a bunny hopped out from behind a bush. Mabel couldn't resist the temptation to pet it."Mabel wait!! Where are you going!!" You screamed as Mabel ran off in search of the little creature. You looked around at your surroundings, lost. Suddenly, a creature that sort of looked like a hell hound from the underworld jumped out from behind some trees. It growled at you in a bone rattling tone.

         You just barely hit the ground as a bright ray of light hit the hell hound and it shot back about seven feet. You looked behind you to see a man, no a boy. He was around your age, probably a year older, with hair so yellow it almost looked gold. He wore a yellow vest with a brick pattern, yellow jacket, crisp white shirt, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. He looked quit dapper, and handsome, but not your type. You looked up at his face, and noticed a black eyepatch covering his right eye.

            He seemed to notice you staring at him, and he did what you think was a wink. You blushed the slightest bit and got up. You brushed yourself off and looked at him straight in the eye. He was wearing this smirk on his face that was really starting to tick you off. Immediately, you started to defend yourself. It was sort of a habit of yours. "I could have handled that hound myself ya know," you said. "Yeah, and how was that working out for ya before I blasted that monster to ash?" He said in reply.

         Just then, you heard a growl coming from behind you. The beast was back again, and angrier than ever. "Well looks like you didn't do a very good job" you said sarcastically. The hound jumped at him and you noticed he had a sword on his belt. You instinctively grabbed the sword and stepped in front of him. As the beast was about to make contact, you swung the sword and it hit the beast in the head, making blood gush out of the wound. The hound cried out in pain and then just disappeared. Just like that. You turned around to face your new acquaintance, looking at the shock on his face. You smirked and said, "Told ya I could handle it." You gave the sword back to him and stepped back.

         He suddenly grinned a devilish grin and said,"Well that was a lot of fun. Oh perhaps I should introduce myself. The names Bill, Bill Cipher. And I already know that you are Y/N L/N." You stared at him in shock, wondering how he knew your name. "I know your name because I'm a dream demon. And I know what you were thinking because I read your thoughts." You scowled. 'Well that is just a piece of shit. If he can read my mind, then I have no private thoughts. Well this is just a lot of crap. How did he even find me. That's kinda creepy. Well, at least he's kind of hot.' "Why thank you Y/N. That's very flattering," said Bill. You just stared in disbelief, then turned to start walking away.

            "Hold on miss smarty pants, you're not going anywhere. I have something to ask you." He said, grabbing your shoulders and spinning you around to face him. He looked you straight in the eyes, wondering what your reaction will be. You slowly raised an eyebrow in response. Bill cleared his throat and said,"you know, the best way to live is with your parents. Who did you live with before? Oh right! Your   mom. I know that she's dead. So I'm here to make a deal. I give you your mom back, and in return, you do something for me. Whad'ya say?"

                You stared at him, eyes wide in shock. You saw a blue flame ignite on his outstretched hand. You stared into space for a moment before deciding what your answer will be. 'Getting mom back. Is that even a reality? I should say yes right now. But something tells me not to just make a straightforward deal with a demon. I think I know what to do.' You look at him before you made your choice. "Alright, but I do have some ground rules. No world domination, hurting the Pines or any other family, bringing fears to life, and NO POSSESSION!!! Got it?" He sighed in exasperation, but said alright. As you shook his hand, both became engulfed in blue flames.

          You looked down at the ground for a moment then back at him. "Well, since we made the deal, where's my mom?" You asked with determination. "She's at the Mystery Shack. The Pines now think that both of you will be staying with them since your mom divorced your dad. Now for my end of the bargain. I want you to be my personal assistant with things. I will pay you so it doesn't seem suspicious to others and that you just have a normal job. No going back now, Y/N."

     You gasped in disbelief. 'Personal assistant. This is gonna be worse and weirder than I thought it would be.'

Bill's P.O.V

       Y/N gasped. Bet she didn't see that one coming. Well, better let her catch up with mom. She'll start tomorrow after a day to take it all in. This is going to be very interesting. "You'll start tomorrow Y/N, and remember. I'm always watching. Hahahahahahaha!!!!" And with that, I snapped and went back to the dreamscape. Soon, she'll help me with my plans. I'll get her wrapped around my finger like a string.  Those others will pay. They don't know, but Karma's gonna come collect their debt.
Hi ya guys. Sorry, this was kind of a long chapter. Any body catch what I did at the end? No? Oh well, I'll show you next chapter. Bye Bye!!!!!

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