Chapter 3

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Hey guys. So I am finally writing another chapter. So here's a disclaimer: I do not own this video or song and singer. I also don't own Gravity Falls. And if u watch this whole video, you'll see what I did in the previous chapter

❤️Y/N P.O.V❤️

You can not believe it. Assistant to a monster. This is the worst day of your life. Your eyes are as wide as physically possible, mouth gaped open. You closed your mouth and started walking back to the shack, wondering what you had gotten yourself into.

When you opened the door of the Mystery 'hack', you heard talking in the living room. You carefully walked into the living room listening to whom it is. You heard Stan saying something about it being along time, Dipper said that he can't believe that a famous philosopher who studies the paranormal is here, and Mabel said something about it being cool that there your mom. 'Wait....... MOM!!! Oh right, I made a deal with a demon about this. Man, he wasn't Kidd when he said that they think she hadn't died.'

You sneaked around the corner to reveal yourself to the others."Ah Y/N, there you are. I was wondering what happened to you. Dipper and Mabel are really interesting. You have to hear Dipper's theories about this town. They're incredible!" Mom said. She looked exactly like she always did. Simple black pants and dark blue t-shirt, white Nikes, and a leather jacket. Her beautiful brown flowing hair covering her right eye, and her freckle covered face grinning ear to ear. The light grey irises of her eyes radiating with excitement, showing the child she always has and will be. You couldn't help but smile.

"Hey mom, yeah sorry. I was exploring the woods a bit and got a little lost. And yes I've heard Dipper's theories. Did you see Stanford yet, he has books full of paranormal discoveries about this town." You said to mom. This made her brighten up even more. Apparently, they told her where the lab was since she literally ran to the vending machine, punched in the code, and jumped down the stairs.

You couldn't help but burst out laughing. Your mother was even more childish than you. Dipper came up to you, with a look on his face that made you feel like you were about to be bombed with questions."WOW YOUR MOM IS KRISTY L/N!! I HAVE SOOO MANY QUESTIONS FOR YOU!! DO YOU HELP HER WITH THE PARANORMAL? DO YOU LIKE TO HUNT FOR MONSTERS? WHAT IS IT LIKE HAVING A MOM AS COOL AS THAT? DID YOU EVER THINK ABOUT FOLLOWING IN HER FOOTSTEPS? CAN YOU H------!" Wow, he can have as much energy as Mabel. You put your hand over his mouth to shut him up.

Mabel came over and took her brother by the shoulder."Hold your horses bro bro. Let Y/N sit down and then later you can ask all of your nerdy questions. Ok Dippn' Dot?" You looked at Mabel with a look of gratitude. "Ohhhh ok. Humph" Dipper walked to the couch and started to pout. You tried to stifle a laugh, but failed as a noise sort of like a pig snorting came out of your mouth. Mabel did the same thing, but ended up laughing out loud and falling on her stomach.

You walked over to Dipper, took his pine tree hat off and ruffled his hair."Look Dipper, I get it. You want answers. I'll be happy to give you them, but I'm a little worn out. Why don't you ask them tomorrow, kay kay Dippn' Dot?" He looked at you with an unsure look. But he nodded his head anyway. You grinned and put his hat on your head."BTW, I'm keeping this hat. Hehehehehehe!" You ran up the stairs with Dipper on your tail. You closed the door to your room, and locked it just as Dipper rammed against it.

You laughed out loud and skipped over to your bed. You took the hat off and put it on your night stand. You got up and went to the attached bathroom to take a quick shower. As you were stripping your clothes off, you got that strange feeling that something was watching you again. Or someone.

'Huh, probably my imagination again. Anyway. I'm to worn out to see if there actually is something/one watching me. I'm just hoping that if there is, they look away until I am decent again.' With that, you turned on the water and stepped in the shower.

Bill's P.O.V

I was in the dreamscape. I am very bored. So bored that I was demoted to watching Duck-Tective. 'Man, this is soooo boring. I have to wait till tomorrow to have Y/N start helping me with my plan. Hmmmmm...... Speaking of Y/N, I wonder what she's doing right now. Maybe I'll go see.'

I teleported to the Mystery Shack, where I found Y/N and Mabel laughing at Dipper. He was sitting on the couch, pouting with his lip stuck out. I gotta admit, it was kinda funny. I was invisible so they couldn't see me. Just then, Y/N walked over to Dipper and took his hat off. She ruffled his hair and told him to ask her his questions tomorrow. She then took his hat and ran upstairs with him following her. She locked her door and laughed out loud, putting the hat on her nightstand. I admit, I was a teeny bit jealous. A teeny bit!!!

She then went to the bathroom to take a shower....... Wait..... SHOWER!!! Oh this is gonna be fun. I floated over to the bathroom and hid next to the door. As I said, I am invisible. She locked the door and then started to take off her clothes. My eyes widened in shock, and since I was in human form, my cheeks turned a vibrant shade of red. She paused for a minute, I guess suspecting I was there, but then shrugged it off and continued to get undressed. If I could whistle, I would've.*Mentally whistling and screaming.* I then just felt like I wouldn't want to see to much so I covered my eyes and went back to the dreamscape.

I decided to leave her to her shower and wait till tomorrow. Wait a minute, I can enter her dreams. That will allow me to see her before tomorrow. Oh boy, I can't wait.

❤️Y/N P.O.V❤️

You finished with your shower, and put your pjs on. You went out of the bathroom and got into bed, the feeling of being watched not going away. You turned the light off and just lay there quietly thinking. You suddenly felt a huge surge of sleep and were knocked out. You just thought that you were very tired and couldn't stay awake any longer. But in reality, it was a certain demon who couldn't wait to see what you dream about and for the next day to come.
Hey guys!!! Hope u enjoyed this chapter. And yes there was some lemony smut in it. Don't worry, there may or may not be some more of it coming. You just have to wait and see. Anyway, see ya when I see ya guys.- Bunny1278

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