Running From Lions

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(Get me out of this place, before I cause more damage, a small price to pay for building houses out of matchsticks.)

He pulled my towards him and away from Kara, who turned around to see the terror in my eyes, I managed to mime 'get Alex' with pleading eyes before Cory took me into the crowd and I lost her. "GET OFF ME!" I shrieked, kicking him in the chin hard enough for him to let go of my wrist long enough for me to run, and run I did. Through the crowds of people, back to where I thought the guys were before getting totally lost and seeing my only escape, the front door.

I rapidly took the black heels I was wearing off and ran towards the door, fumbling with it for a few precious seconds before I managed to open it and sprint across the front yard to as far away from Cory as I could. It didn't take long for Cory to get closer to me, being an athlete and all but I turned back to see him, not realising there was a bump in the lawn where there was edging, making me fall and end the chase with Cory. He had won, and I was now in serious danger.

I felt his hand grab me by the back of my dress and pull me up so my back was against his body. I tried to squirm out of his grip, but he pulled me in tighter and put his other hand tightly around my waist so I couldn't move. He leant in and whispered in my ear "You're paying for all the shit you caused me bitch!" Tears were falling down my face, but I opened my eyes, taking a deep breath before elbowing him in the gut and kicking him in the shin again, making him lose his grip on me enough for me to scream at the top of my lungs for help. Cory grabbed me by the arm and pushed me into the side of Sofia's house with force, making me fall to the floor in pain as I gripped my right arm that had been slammed into the wall, feeling blood ooze from the gashes and through my fingers. I closed my eyes as Cory approached, hoping that someone would help me or that his punishment for me could end soon.

"Hey!" I heard a familiar voice shout from not too far away. I turned my head to see Alex and the guys running towards us, Kara, Sofia and some other girls trailing behind while the other party go-ers seemed oblivious as they carried on dancing to the music and drinking. Cory was ignoring them and coming closer and closer to me, grabbing me by the arm and forcing me to stand up. I pleaded for him to stop and let me go, but he ignored me and turned to face the guys, who had stopped just inches away from us. "Let her go!" Alex yelled at him, taking a step forward to reach me, but Cory shook his head, his grip tightening on my upper arm and I winced at the pain as tears fell down my face. I looked into Alex's eyes, seeing anger, hurt, pain and worry go through them before he closed them and shook his head.

"Don't you dare hurt the girl I love!" He shouted before running forward and punching Cory in the cheek, sending his backwards and losing grip of my arm so I was free. I looked at Alex, fear taking over me before I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly and whispering "Thank you." In his ear. He hugged me back, whispering "I told you if he hurt you, I would make sure he paid." I nodded, tears still falling down my face but before we let go of each other, Cory was up again, pulling me and Alex apart by my hair and throwing me to the floor, knocking the side of my face against and ornament. I looked up, seeing Cory and Alex fighting again, with Alex on the floor as Cory repeatedly beat him "PLEASE, CORY STOP IT, STOP HURTING HIM!" I screamed, looking around and seeing the guys had their own problems with guys I didn't recognise, but I could guess they were Cory's friends.

When I looked over to Kara, her and the girls that had came out were in a group huddle before Sofia went inside with them while Kara ran over to me and helped me up. I winced at the pain I was in, gashes over my legs, my right arm was still bleeding and bruises were forming on my left. The right side of my face was burning, liquid (which was a mix of both tears and blood) trickled down it and I could feel my bottom lip was swollen. I was a mess, but not as bad as Alex, who was losing his fight with Cory. Kara tried to bring me away from the fight, but I wasn't leaving Alex, I wasn't leaving any of them, so I shook her off me, adrenaline kicking in as I screamed and ran over to Cory, grabbing a heavy stone from the yard.

I took Cory by the collar, managing to bring his head back far enough to smack the rock on his head with force, making him fall backwards to the grass. I stood over him as he rubbed his head where the impact was, dropping the rock by my side and kicked him in the balls as hard as I could. He screamed out in pain as I noticed the music had stopped from inside, and was now replaced with sirens. The guys that had came with Cory ran, only to get blocked by Kara, Sofia and all the other cheerleaders that were surrounding them. "Where do you boys think you're going?" Sofia said, crossing her arms as the light's from the poilce cars and ambulances came into view. I looked towards Sofia's house, where people were watching in silence from the windows before I ran over to Alex's bloodied body.

He was unconscious, lying on the grass with blood covering most of his face, his lip and cheeks swollen from the impact of Cory's punches. Black eye's were forming and there were small cuts over most of Alex's face from Cory's class ring, and there was one long cut along Alex's cheek with blood seeping through pretty quickly. I knelt beside his body, overcome with grief "Alex, Alex baby. You need to wake up okay?" I whispered, moving his matted blood stained hair out of his face and looking at the rest of his lifeless body, rips in his blood stained clothes and patches of yellow skin where the bruises were coming up. I looked up to the guys, who were standing around us all with cuts and bruises and rips in their clothes, looking down at Alex and I, tears forming in their eyes. I could hear the ambulance and police services come up the road and closer to us, and I was pleading at Alex would be okay. The guys all looked at each other before Matt sighed, coming over to me and trying to take me away from Alex so the paramedics could get through to him. He gently took me by the waist, pulling me backwards with Grieco's help "NO! MATT GET OFF ME! I NEED TO BE WITH HIM, I NEED TO MAKE SURE HE'S OKAY!" I screamed through the tears as Jack, Rian and Zack watched as the paramedics lifted Alex onto a stretcher and put him in the first ambulance, the guys following and getting in the back before it set off, sirens and lights blaring away.

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