Chapter 14

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Wyatt put the amulet on said king! Hold on wyatt has to drink the water said Darren and picked up the bottle. There you go said Darren and held out the water bottle. Thanks said wyatt and got the water bottle and was about to drink it when POOOOOOF! Herobrine telaported right Infront of them. Wait you can telaport said wyatt? Yes replied Herobrine. So why do you use portals? So I can save my powers replied Herobrine and kicked the water bottle out of wyatt's hand. DING DONG! The clock said. Oh no wyatt you need to have that water within 30 seconds or your lose your mind and try to kill us. Herobrine takled wyatt to the ground. Wyatt saw the seconds going and going. 10 seconds wyatt he said to himself. He could fell himself losing some memory's. And then wyatt shouted LEVE ME ALONE!!!! and jumped back up making Herobrine fly at the wall and picked up Darren's water bottle. With 2 seconds left wyatt picked up the water bottle and drank

it. Then all his memory's started to come back.

Wyatt's face changed back to a human face and all the hair over his body disappeared and his extra legs turned to dust. Suddenly 2 legs moved to his but and the other 2 went to where arms should be. The big lump in his back went and he got a human body shape. He got his hair blonde hair back on his head and his skin turned white again. Wyatt picked up the amulet and quickly put it on. The effect that Herobrine got when he put on the amulet happend to wyatt as well but wyatt said amulet make me look normal. The amulet changed wyatt to what he looked like before but he was still big. Herobrine looked at wyatt and said I'm am the legendary Herobrine you will not defeat me! Then suddenly the amulet made a 3d map of something. Herobrine stared at it closely and so did Darren and king. The well of power shouted Herobrine! Herobrine took a photo of the map and ran out the door. Wyatt looked up the well of power on the Internet. It said that the well of power was assumed to be located under ground ground in a desert biome.

It also said that if you dipped anything in the crystal glowing sapire water it would make it stronger or if someone swan in it it would make them way strong with powers but if you jump in it and let yourself sink to the bottom you pass out and end up in your dream world were you can with for every thing you want and you can bring the things you want into the real world. Oh no Herobrine gonna make his dreams come true and take over the world said king! Than we gotta stop him said Darren. Wait it says one more thing- warning you can not stay in you'd dream land for over 2 hours. Lets go shouted Darren. Hold on said wyatt. They held hands and wyatt said amulet telaport is to umm wyatt looked at the map and saw it was block breaker Desurt and said block breaker Desurt. They arrived at block breaker Desurt and looked around. They saw Herobrine digging trying to find the well of power but the pixillation on his camera must have not been that good and he couldent make out the numbers. Wyatt looked at the amulet. It said that the well was 5 feet below the ground right beneath them.

Wyatt broke a pice a sand and saw a button. He pressed it and a whole heap of sand disappeared and the saw a huge door on the floor and opened it they walked and side and there was a hole in the floor so they jumped in it and ended up next to the well of

power. Look a telescope said king and looked through it. All he saw though it was the top part of the entrance where the hole was and HEROBRINE IN THE CORNER READY TO JUMP!!! guys! Herobrine will right here in 5 seconds! Boom! Herobrine hit the ground. He got back up and yelled let me through he said to wyatt who was blocking the well. Zzip! Herobrine teloported into the well. Quick after him wyatt said Darren hopped in then wyatt then king. Everything was blue and glowing around them. Bubbles every were and no gravity. Then a voice came out of no where and said do you want to wyatt's dream land Darren's dream land king's dream land or mary's dream land? Umm. Who's Mary they said? The voice said aka Herobrine. They all cracked up laughing and then said Herobrine's dream land. Then they passed out.

They woke up in a city and Herobrine was 100000000000000 feat tall! You would have to be at the moon to see his knees! Then they looked at another thing. It was was something that said real world portal on it. The city was chaotic. Every couple of minutes Herobrine would reach down and pick up a sky scraper and throw it in another direction. AHHHHHH! a girl was hanging on the edge of sky scraper. And Herobrine was about to lean down and throw the building. Hold my hand king ok he said. Amulet give king wings. It did and king flew up as fast as lighting. But she fell. Right when she was gonna hit the ground king swooped down and grabbed her. They landed on the floor and it was cookie2709. Hi king said to cookie2709 what's your name? I forget I got hit over the head and I can only remember people called me cookie2709 but you can just call me cookie. Ok said king Darren and wyatt. Hey do you want to join our group said wyatt? Ok sad cookie. Suddenly a loud noise came from every were. And Herobrine'a dream came real! NOOOOOOO! Darren wyatt cookie and king shouted...


Hi sorry it took me 3 days to update but schools back on and I never have time. So the answer to the last question was where was wyatt's parents house? and the person that got it the answer is @megareaderer and it was a jungle biome. So this chapters question is what was the village called that wyatt Darren and king lived near? I will tell you next chapter. And check out the compatishion in chapter 14 it's still going. So please...





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