Chapter 17

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Quick press that button said wyatt and the butler did it. Then it stopped but a Minuit later it started spinning around! It ok as long as you don't start pressing random buttons said the butler. Sorry I can't hear you I'm to busy pressing random buttons said king. Wait Iv got an idea said wyatt. King move aside said wyatt to king and he did. Wyatt suddenly punched the controls to the helicopter! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? said Darren. I'm going to squash Herobrine with the helicopter said wyatt. Wyatt looked down to see we're Herobrine was and he was right below the helicopter and punched the controls again this time the helicopter went strait down. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Wyatt quickly put the amulet on and grabbed onto every one. BONG! wyatt sprung out of the helicopter with his friends and landed on the floor. Herobrine noticed a shadow forming around him but when he looked up BANG! The helicopter went flying every were. Wyatt shuffled some of the debris to try and find Herobrine. Then suddenly wyatt felt his neck getting realy tight. When wyatt looked around he saw Herobrine chocking him with the amulet! Wyatt ducked and the amulet went over his head and came off. Wyatt than went back to to normal size and normal everything.

Wyatt turned around and grabbed onto the chain but Herobrine was also holding onto the chain. Give it back said wyatt. Darren king and cookie ran up to wyatt and started pulling with him. It's ours said king still trying to get it back. Suddenly SNAP!!! the chain snapped and before anyone could even blink the amulet hit the ground and smashed into three pieces.

Then a blinding white light covered the land. After 2 long minutes the light went away. Wyatt stood there for a couple of minuets rubbing his saw eyes and then he opened them. Every thing still looked a bit pale. Soon enough his eyes were like they were before. Then he looked down. He saw the broken amulet. OH NO! said wyatt. The glowing had completely stopped in the amulet and it looked lifeless. Then he looked to his right. His friends were covered in the metrical of the amulet literally. A dome of coloured dimond covered over his friends body's and they were frozen! ( not literally). Wyatt tried smashing the dome around his friends but it diden't work. Then Herobrine got up. He did the same thing wyatt did. I know a way to fix the amulet said Herobrine. If I help you fix it will it fix my friends replied wyatt? Yes said Herobrine. Ok I'm in replied wyatt.

How do we fix it said wyatt. You no that spider blood well 60% of the amulet is made out of that and the other 30% is magic so if we get the spider blood we can fix the amulet and it will fix your friends said Herobrine. Ok but how are we gonna get out of here said wyatt? I have transport to said Herobrine and clicked a button. Herobrine dropped the button on the floor and the button turned into a super cool looking car. Herobrine picked up the butler and king and put them lying on the back seat. Wyatt grabbed cookie and Darren and stacked them on top of each other. Then they got in and Herobrine started driving. They were driving so fast wyatt's skin was pulled back. Herobrine pressed a button and the super car grew wings and jets. WOSH!!! the super car took off. And they started going even faster! Within an hour they arrived at Herobrine's mansion. They landed and ran inside. So where was that special spider said Herobrine? Well we through it in your face and ran away so it probably still in the cave said wyatt. Let's go there said Herobrine. They went to the portal to the village and they arrived at the cave entrance and hopped in the cart wyatt made. They were in the cart for about 10 minuets until they found the spider. Herobrine picked it up and said oh know we forgot to get your friends out of the car we have to get them or the spider blood won't work. Ok replied wyatt and got back in the cart. They got back to the portal and went in it.

They went to the car and got cookie Darren and king out. Ok first we put the pieces of the amulet down then we put the spider blood over it and then we chant something out of this book. Herobrine got a book out of his back pack and held it up. It said black magic on it. Ok said wyatt and put the pieces of the lifeless amulet on the floor and pored the blood all over it. EWWWWW! said wyatt as the blood hit the amulet and covered it. Herobrine started chanting "black magic respond chablathala bethenomiv denento. The amulet started shaking wildly. " haha you fell into my trap the amulet will fix up and your friends will become bad and rule with me and so will you because you will be exposed to the black magic said Herobrine. Oh said wyatt wyatt looked around he saw a rock and dived for right before a big blast of light and dark matter. The light was still going and was starting to destroy the rock! There was about as thin as paper and then the light stopped. The rock fell down and saw the amulet fully together and working again. Then he looked up and saw Herobrine. Beside him were cookie Darren and king. They were compleatly black ( not meaning skin ). Their hair, eyes, cloths, nails , moth and they had a spiky tail. "oh no said wyatt. He quickly grabbed the amulet and jumped in Herobrine's super car. He flew above them. But they grabbed onto the car and pulled it down. Wyatt put on the amulet and punched Herobrine in the face. Iv got to get to the elder of the village I live near wyatt thought to himself. Wyatt ran into Herobrine's Manson and went to the portal to his village and teloported there. he burst through the elders house and the elder put a sword up to his neck. He looked at wyatt and then lowered his sword. "sorry I thought you were a zombi anyway what can I do for you? Well...


Hello so the answer to the last question is sunset color with blue bits in it and the person that answered that was @yoloswagchamps. This chapters question is we're did Darren wyatt and king find cookie? I will tell you next chapter so please...





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