New Years Night.

592 22 7

I impatiently check the clock every two seconds to see if it's 6:30.
Time, could you go a little bit faster? Thanks.
Mitch Grassi.

I hear the fort go to open and basically break my neck turning around.
"Hey, Sweet cheeks! I'm home!"
Its just Kirstie.
"I'm in the living room!"
She trudges her way through the kitchen, picks up Rocky and takes him with her to the living room.
"So," she begins.
I already know where this is going.
"Did you go to the mall?"
She gives me a wicked side glance and I stick my tongue at her in return.
"If you may know, yes. Yes I did! But not to see Scott."
She gives me a childish look.
"Mhhnnnn. Let me guess, you still went into the food court to talk to him?"
I look at the clock.
Yes. It's so close!
I mean.. What?
When I look over, Kirstie is snapping her fingers in my face.
I shake my head. "Oh, sorry."
She starts clapping her hands,"sooooooo something did happen!"
I sigh in defeat.
"Okay. Maybe I went to the mall. Maybe for some reason my stomach growled for sushi. Annnddd maybe for some reason before I could even walk over to the sushi counter Scott was already making his way towards me annnnnddddd maybbbbeeeee he asked me to bring in the new year with him?"
She scream so loud that Rocky jumps off of her and darts in a panic to my room.
And also I'm actually one hundred percent sure that my ears are literally ringing.
"Jesssussss k!"
We both start laughing until she focus' back on the conversation.
"Are you picking him up? Is he picking you up?!"
I can't help but laugh.
"Yes. Number 2. He's picking me up at 6:30."
"oooohhhhh! That's why you keep looking at the clock."
I let out a sound of denial.
"PFFTTT. I don't even like him. Friends ask each other to come over for New Years alllllll the time? So."
"Ha." She sniffs around the room,"wait hold on. I smell something." She hold her head up and looks at me. "It sure as hell smells like." She pauses and sniffs one good last time before looking up at me again.
I go run around the room to chase her playfully.
She goes and ducks and crawls under my legs.
I whip around and hit her softly in her back.
She gets back up and pulls on my hair.
"Ow! Sucker!"
She laughs.
We both just laugh. 
She's right.
Why do I need closure?
Because I think I'm growing feelings for him.
It's 6:45.
Is he coming?
No it's fine.
It's just 15 minutes.
Thennnnn it hits me.
I jump up and look at Kirstie.
"I never gave him my address!"
She sighs. "Go grab your phone and text him, goofball!"
I say something as I'm walking away,"I can't believe this. I bet he's been calling and everything!"
And I was right.
When I picked up my phone, there was 7 missed calls and 10 messages.
Alllll from him.
I only bother to read two of them right now because I need to call him.
I type his number and it starts ringing.
He sounds, frightened?
"Hey, Scott I'm so sor-"
"It's fine! I was just worried about you when you didn't answer. I thought "man, did I do something?" Or "fuck. Is he hurt?"
"No, it's just that I left my phone in my room because I wasn't planning on taking it with us but then it hit me that I forgot to give you the address!
I'm so sorry!"
He quickly give him the address.
"Oh that's where you live? No way!"
"Wait what?"
"You'll see. Give me.. 1 minute."
Then he hangs up.
He was..worried?
I go and tell Kirstie everything that just happened.
"That. Is. So. Cute."
I sigh at her.
"Yessss I know! But, he's being weird?"
She nods her head. "Yeah that was a little off. But he said give him a minute. Maybe he'll call you ba-"
Then there's a knock at the door.
I look at Kirstie and furrow my brow.
She runs to the door in her little sweatpants.
Which for the record is adorable.
And looks into the peep hole.
She refrains from screaming when she looks at me so I know it's Scott.
"Hey!" She says.
They both go in for a hug.
He happily makes his way over to me and hugs me.
Then kisses me on the cheek.
Butterflies are back.
"How did you get here so fast?"
He looks at Kirstie.
Her face lights up.
But he puts his up to his lips, telling her to hush.
He smiles brightly at her.
"Come with me for a minute." He turns to Kirstie.
"I'll bring him back in before I take him for the night."
She nods excitedly.
He grabs my wrist and pulls me down the apartments hallways and down one last hall before going inside a room.
"Wait, this isn't our room we should break into someone's room."
He laughs historically and pulls out a key.
"Relax. This," he opens the door,"is my apartment."
Way to go Mitch. 10/10
I gape at him.

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