Chapter 15- Chatting with the Family

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Today was a pretty important day. We had reached the half way mark, meaning our trip was half-way done, but we still had another half to go. Principal Sheppo told us that on the half way mark, we would have a video conference, to discuss the trip, web casts and everything.

Was I nervous? Definitely. This guy was marrying my mom! The woman who brought me up, is marrying the guy who brought me down! I hope he didn't influence her into sending me to some stupid academy for good kids, which ends up being a school filled with werewolves, and I end up falling in love with this really hot wolf, who will kidnap me, and OMG.What? I read books on Wattpad.. Occasionally... Sometimes.. Once?

We were still in Japan, for one more day though. After that, we head for Cairo, New York, Athenes, and we're back home! Wow. I can't believe it!

"Arianne! We have five more minutes left! Come here!"

I was in the bathroom, just standing there.I looked at myself, and my new pixie hair cut. It was hard telling a Chinese lady that you want just a trim . But it looked kind of like DIanna Agron's hair. Oh well. Short hair looks good, I guess. But I was thinking about other matters. I didn't want to talk to my mother, or her husband for that matter. I'm really nervous because of that.. GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! Inhale... Exhale... Inhale... Exhale..

I walked out of the bathroom, to find Elliot staring out the window, his back facing me. As soon as he heard me, he turned around, revealing what he decided to wear. A dress shirt, a tie, and jeans. I chuckled. Was this guy for real?

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing.. Just the fact that you're dressed like a nerd. But you know, other than that, nothing else really."

He smirked.

"Hey! I just want to dress to impress!"

"Impress who? My mom?"



He smirked, and changed the subject.

"Help me tie the tie please?"

I giggled, and walked closer to him. Ever since the ninja incident, he has treated me with more respect, and so have I. He practically rescued me back there! I smoothed the tie, once it was all set. My hand slipped down onto his chest, and I looked up, to find him staring at me. And I couldn't help but stare at him back. It was like an unstoppable force was keeping us that way. His mouth came closer to mine, and I closed my eyes.


We backed away from each other. I stepped back as he manipulated the computer, allowing my mom to finally see me, after so long.

" Arianne! You got a hair cut!"

"Yeah.. I did."

There was an awkward silence, until Mr. Sheppo cleared his throat.

"Hello kids. How's the trip going so far?"

We both looked at each other secretly. " Uhh.. Good, I guess? No accidents or anything, THAT'S FOR SURE!!"

Elliot face palmed himself, while my mom raised an eye brow, as if to say Are you kidding me Arianne? I basically knew what she was thinking. You're lying Arianne. I know you are.You obviously had an accident! And that boy? Mhmm he's pretty yummy Arianne!!

I rolled my eyes. That's exactly what she would say.

"So kids, I have some things I would like to improve about the webcast."

"Fire away Mr. Sheppo."

"So I've noticed that lately, you've been often filming just yourselves reciting facts that you probably got from Wikipedia."

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