Chapter Four: Kitty-cat

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Desmond sat in his office, the sun coming up to a cool morning, his white fingers flipping through the old pages of one of the many authentic magic books he had collected. There was a particular chapter he was looking for and with the dawn of a new day he felt too like a new man...or rather an immortal beast. 

Last night had come to feel like a sign. At first, he was angry remembering what had happened to his last pack, his friends, love and leader. They were family. When he had seen the hunter, though, it was clear to him what he needed to do and even Catharine was a sign to his duty. 

Finally, he found what he was looking for; blood potions. It was a page he'd visited before when making the healing drink for Catharine.

Even though he was a vampire, which meant he was once human, the black blood that coursed through his veins was demon. This left him access to more powerful spells.

From his hand he let a pill drop onto the book and then roll into the center binding. He had never seen a pill like this before and yet he could smell the familiar aroma of vampire's blood emanating from its contents.

When tracking Catharine's rotting essence he could also smell the scent of vampire. Turned out that the boozed friend she'd found was a hunter who had blood in his pocket.

The real question was why.

He then found the page of the ingesting of blood. A 'Night's Immortality' with just a teaspoon. It was a drug for human consumption and that information was enough to make Desmond grin with his white teeth showing. If vampire's blood could cause immortality for a night what could his blood do?

He looked through the chapter slowly examining spells and potions. He couldn't find anything of consuming vampire-demon's blood, but made sure to go through everything, knowing his blood was different from both. Normal demon's as read; 'Enhances physical and mental capabilities' where vampire just read physical.

As he sat pondering over the pill he twirled through his fingers he knew exactly how he was going to gain his power again.

He felt like he was starting to awaken, never even knowing he had been in such a deep hibernation for nearly two decades. It dawned on him that he had really become a monster. Lingering in someone else's home, and slithering out to feed when the urge to hunt came; which seemed the only times he felt alive.

He had no reason. Just stuck in a rut forever to linger as a beast. Now he could finally put to use the powers he had asked for.

It was his time to be a leader and choose the best to follow him.

Despite his still lingering anger for his guest leaving, he made sure to make Catharine a part of his plan. He knew she'd permanently become a part of his life and whether she wanted to be or not she was in a way now a part of his pack. Though he wouldn't dare to drink her blood let alone turn her.

He wondered if he could turn humans into either vampires or the powerful immortal monster he became after. The sheer excitement of this revelation left him anxious to put his theory to the test.

Once Catharine awoke, he would converse with her his plans and perhaps start the process. He had plenty of time to work through the day, because unlike the sleeping human, he never needed to slumber. Thus another perk to his powers, where vampires must slumber during the day. Plus, even though he never went out, he could enjoy the sun; just another ability he had that his vampire brethren didn't.

He pushed himself from his chair and gathered himself to the bedrooms upstairs and rummaged through the drawers and closet. He had found decent enough clothes and then brought them into the bathroom with him.

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