Chapter Nine: Protect

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Catharine sat in a large leather chair with a book held in her hands. She wanted to enjoy her free time reading in the library but was finding it hard to read when the Nicholas and Daniel had come in. 

"You're a worm, Nicholas, you won't beat me," Daniel roared and they began to laugh.

It had begun with Daniel who walked into the library and made himself comfortable in the adjoining sitting area. Out of place from his normal routine of watching TV all day, he had lit the fireplace and sat on the couch.

Outside it rained and the wind roared leaving the fire actually peaceful.

Every now and then, Catharine looked over at the back of Daniel's head, unmoving as he just sat. He had even tried starting a conversation with her saying, "Damn rain hasn't stopped in three days."

Then he was joined by Nicholas, the new pack member that had come in looking for Desmond, who was nowhere to found.

Even Nicholas had tried bringing her into a conversation, but pretended to ignore him, her nose stuck in a book. She'd prefer not to speak to either of them, especially Nicholas.

After witnessing what he had done to his fellow hunter made her sick and she was glad she was spared from watching him devour her.

It seemed he was starting to fit in, joking around with Daniel and following Desmond around. She never thought she'd see him accept his monster, especially since he use to be a hunter.

Finally, between the two of them, she decided to just read in her room and started for the door.

"Have you seen Desmond lately?" Nicholas asked.

So close to the door she knew this question was directed to her. Looking over to them she thought back and even questioned herself when was the last time she had seen him.

"Honestly," she began, "I can't remember when the last time I talked to him. Sorry, guys, just the cleaner." She shrugged and reached her hand for the door.

"That's not true," Daniel said his words stopping her from pushing the doors. "You're a part of the pack."

She rolled her eyes, but her cheeks blushed. As horrified as she was she was surrounded by the people who accepted her and it oddly made her feel better. Though she wouldn't admit that to them.

Her memory was only made of horrible mistakes, ruts, and bad choices. If she really sat down to think, had she ever felt like she had a family before? Her stomach tightened when there was no recollection of acceptance.

She sighed and wondered aloud, "Is he out hunting?"

Daniel shook his head. "No, we don't need to feed nightly. He was telling me he's been watching some girl."

"A girl?" Nicholas questioned. "Why?"

"Watching? So he's stalking a girl?" Catharine questioned and even felt concerned neither of them thought what he said was out of place "Really? Like what; he's watching her through her window?"

Daniel only shrugged. "Girls dig that. It's like sexy vampire." He joked at her worry.

Catharine shook her head. "Alright, I'm going, I want to read my book," she said finally pushing the doors open.

They had finally relinquished her from their conversation as Daniel began telling his stalker fantasy and she was glad to not be in earshot.

She spent most of her night buried in the pages of her book reading without stop. She felt like she had once enjoyed reading and wondered if she could recall her favorite.

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