Chapter Five: Daniel

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Catharine watched from under the table as Daniel screamed when Desmond sunk his large deformed mouth full of jagged teeth into his prey's shoulder. She almost got dizzy from the scent of blood as Desmond pulled his face back; red liquid gushing down to the floor. Daniel fell. 

Getting away from the torture, she nudged open the basement door, and followed the scent she first picked up when taking her transformation.

Strutting down to the dimly lit basement she could sense a lingering heat from the corner. It moved and moaned, and Catharine went over and nudged the body against the wall. A young woman in the basement.

She was covered in mostly her own blood and sweat, tied to the shelves attached to the wall. The basement stank not only from blood, but waste and Catharine was finding the smells overwhelming. Her mind was starting to slow, unable to comprehend all her new senses.

The young woman looked down at the small cat and smiled for a moment, before her eyes went cold and lifeless. Catharine kneaded her claws in the side of her leg and meowed, but the woman didn't move. The smell of death came off her.

Catharine twirled in circles, desperately wanting to walk on two legs again. She was growing anxious and couldn't wait to leave this house. Though Desmond had told her that this woman's soul was dark, all Catharine could see was a young woman terrified begging for her life.

Guilt pierced through her, when she realized she needed to help. She didn't want to become a monster, yet she wondered if it was too late to be a good person.

The ears on the top of her fury head twitched as Desmond began to descend the stairs. "Kitty-cat, we're leaving."

Mentally she slapped him every time he called her 'kitty-cat' but as of right now there was nothing for her to do about it. She meowed and nudged herself to the girl.

"She's dead," he said bluntly. "Now come on, we need to get him to the manor."

She didn't move. "Catharine," he yelled to her his tone changing from playful to serious. "I need you now, or I will leave you here stuck as a cat."

He headed back up the stairs letting her follow behind him. She did, but when they had gotten back upstairs to the kitchen she jumped back up onto the table. A cell phone laid on top and after trying to open it, she jumped back down realizing she didn't have a lot of time to keep trying to just get the screen to light up.

With her head whipping from side to side, she then noticed the rare object on the wall. A land line phone hanging next to the counter.

Making her way up to the counter she precisely jumped to the phone knocking it from its base and when it hit the floor the back of it flung pieces of plastic across the tile.

Her paw dialed the numbers 9...1...1.

Suddenly her ears perked hearing through the phone a woman on the other line. "Nine, one, one, what is your emergency?"

Catharine meowed and shrunk back to herself realizing there was no way of talking to let anyone know to come. Instead she let the phone lay on the floor as she could faintly hear, "Hello? Can you talk?" from the phone as she walked out the back door Desmond had left open for her.

Sprinting through the grass to the car Desmond had turned slamming the back door and opened the passenger side. As she leaped into her seat she was again naked and human.

"Seriously?" she yelled covering herself with her arms as she took a seat. "Couldn't wait till we got to the house?"

Desmond threw her the clothes that laid in the grass. "What took you so long?" was all he asked.

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