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Onika Maraj's POV.

"Michael I called you over to explain the situation about parenting." I replied simply.

He cleared his throat and glanced at me, "I figured. Anyways I've been thinking about that and I think it's best if we switch every week."

I nodded my head, "So basically 2 weeks out of a month?"

He licked his lips, "Yeah, I didn't really want to take this into legal authorities. It seemed useless and we get along well anyways."

I smiled at him and sighed, "Thank you
Michael. You're such a blessing."

He chuckled, "Thank you Nika. What have you been up too?"

I bit the inside of my cheek and replied, "Enjoying life basically. I've really been focusing on myself, family, and my career."

He looked at me, "How's Bey doing?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "She's great actually. I believe she slept in at Chris's spot."

"I thought you two were dating? How's that been going for you? You happy now?" He smiled genuinely.

"It's been great so far. We've been trying to reconnect and shit, so far it's amazing." I flashed a small smile before I could open the fridge the door bell rang.

"Who's that?" Michael stood up.

I shrugged and walked over to the door, "Probably Bey's lazy ass. She probably didn't feel like pulling her key out."

He didn't say anything after that. I didn't know whether he felt uncomfortable or whatever, but it felt weird for me to talk to him about Bey. We broke up a few days ago and I'm already in a new relationship, while he's still stuck on me. I don't know maybe it just me.

As I approached the door the door bell rang again.

"Hold on dammit!"  I yelled an snatched the door open.

My mouth dropped to the floor and my eyes widened. I closed my eyes and prayed to God.

"Dear Heavenly Father, I know I do a lot of sins, but lord what in the hell do I do to deserve eye problems. Lord if you love me, when I open my eyes again this crazy, psychotic bitch won't be here and my loving girlfriend will come into my vision. In Jesus name, Amen."

I finished the prayer and slowly opened my eyes. This two faced bitch was still here.

"Did I have any drinks today?" I sighed.

"Onika, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I really need your help."

"Bitch I'll ain't helping you with shit. Get the hell off of my property before I have the police out here for me beating the living shit out of ya ass!" I yelled at her causing to jump back.

A tear slipped out of her eye, "Onika please! I don't have anywhere to fucking live! My family members don't fuck with m-"

"I don't either!" I cut her off before looking at my Rolex.

"Onika please, hear me out." She begged.

I smacked my lips, "Go ahead damn."

"I just need somewhere to lay my head. I'll do something while I stay here. I'll clean and cook." She sighed, "I just don't want to have to live in the street."

I licked my lips trying to figure out if I'd be mean if I told her to suck my dick and leave.

"Draya come on. You got clothes?" I asked her.

She shook her head no and walked inside slowly.

"Okay well listen, il pay you for your duties. I'll pay you tomorrow morning if this house is sparkling clean." I chuckled.

"Are you leaving?" She asked before she cleared her throat.

"Yeah, you have almost 24 hours to get this place back into shape." I replied before walking back into the kitchen.

That bitch wasn't living here free of charge and I wasn't going to let her not have anywhere to live either, so I'll make her work here. Besides this house could use some cleaning.

Beyonce Knowles's POV.

My eyes fluttered opened as I slowly lifted my body from my comfortable position. I looked around the room as my vision slowly cleared up.

"Where the fuck am I at?" I questioned myself.

Soon my vision cleared and I saw I was in Chris's guest room. I groaned and walked out the room and into Chris room and into his bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I walked out in a towel and saw him sitting on the bed.

"You finally up huh?" He chuckled.

I nodded my head and grabbed some of his Tommy Hilfiger boxers, "What time is it?"

He smacked his teeth, "1:30, and put my Tommy boxers back."

"Nooo, lemme have them." I whined and slid them under my towel. I grabbed his white tee shirt and put it on.

He stale faced, "Have it Bey, just have it man."

Smirking and stealing a chicken leg off his plate, "I was going to take it anyways.... They're so comfortable."

I kissed his forehead and giggled, "Thanks Breezy baby."

He shook his head and waved me off, "Wassup with ya hair? Shit wild as fuck!"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm mixed when my hair gets wet, it curly and puffy."

"I'm mixed too and my hair doesn't get like that."

"You barely have any hair." I joked.

He flicked me off, "When you leaving?"

I shrugged, "Why you tryna get rid of me?"

"Nah, Red want me to come through." He replied simply.

"Where's ya girlfriend?" I asked him with a smirk.

He shrugged, "She somewhere around the city."

"You're not a good boyfriend. Why did you and Rih break up?" I asked him.

I was really concerned. Rihanna hasn't been the same since they broke up. She barely hits us up anymore.

He licked his lips, "Bey come on now. I don't really wanna talk about it."

"Speak fool." I laughed.

"I fucked up man. I cheated on her with the Asian girl. It wasn't on purpose though."

"Sure it's never on purpose." I replied sarcastically.

He smacked his lips, "Deadass though. I miss Rih though. She'll always be my baby in my heart."

"Aww, Imma get y'all back together." I smiled.

"She doesn't want my ass anymore." He waved me off.

"Trust me Bey can do anything." I spoke in the third person.

"I'll believe it when I see it." He smacked his lips.

I walked into the house and I heard a familiar voice talking to Onika. My eyebrows knitted together as I near the two voices. I walked into the kitchen and saw Onika sitting on the counter and a girl with black hair faced the other way.

"Oh hey baby." Onika smiled nervously.

She rushed over to me and gave me a kiss.

"Hey baby, who's this?" I asked.

Before Onika could speak, the woman turned around and my eyes widened. I closed my eyes.

"Lord save me from snapping this bitch in half." I prayed silently and when I opened my eyes I automatically went into attack mode.

Jealous || Beyoncè Knowles & Onika MarajDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora