Chapter 9: Brothers' Feud and Further Plot (Reiji, Shuu, All)

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"Miyako, help me with dinner," Reiji called in through the door. 

Thankfully I had finished my Chemistry and was packing up by the time he called for me; no doubt checking on me. My face was no longer puffy and inflamed. 

The soft pink, long-sleeved shirt was soft against my skin as I ran it over my cheeks to get rid of any excess moisture. I snatched up a ponytail to get my hair off of my neck and paced out of the room toward the kitchen.

Shuu was lounging just outside the doors as I passed into the kitchen; I could of sworn he shifted ever so slightly as I did so. Reiji was chopping vegetables at the counter and I paced up to him for orders.

"Take over here," he ordered, handing me the knife. 

I did so wordlessly, taking the carrot and slicing it cleanly. 

Hopefully he doesn't expect me to do much... I'm an awful cook.  

A brush at my hips made me start slightly; Reiji was ringing an apron around my body and tying it into a tight bow at the small of my back. 

"Do you feel better?"

"Yes," I rasped, having not used my voice. 

"Today is Friday," he pressed in a passive tone, tending to chicken a little ways over. "The weekend is ahead of us and I know you've finished your homework."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Check the rice quickly, would you? I was saying that perhaps we should do something," he said haltingly as if uncertain he wanted to offer what he was thinking of offering. "What have you always wanted to do?"

"Er... I don't know. I never had time for anything..."

"May I help?"

Both Reiji and I turned to see Shuu standing in the doorway, his eyes open and his hands in his pockets.

"Sure," I answered quickly before Reiji could say something biting. "You can chop these vegetables while I go check on the rice and make a dessert."

"Okay," Shuu agreed and slipped his hand over mine to take the knife. 

"Thank you."

Reiji was watching the exchange between Shuu and I with a wary eye, but I only spared him a second's glance before pacing to the pantry and retrieving a cake mix. 

  "How do I know if the rice is ready?" I asked Reiji uncertainly, but I was ignored so I gave the pot a hesitant stir to make sure it wouldn't burn. 

"What got you off of your lazy ass?" Reiji asked, his eyes focused on the task at hand and his head bent toward the chicken on its cutting board.

"Miyako," he answered, taming the vegetables slowly yet surely with the knife. 

"And I'm grateful," I noted mildly, pulling out a bowl for the mix. Thankfully, the instructions were specific and step-by-step on the box.

"Why would Miyako make you want to do anything?"

"Because of what she said earlier."

"Oh and you were moved I suppose."

"Reiji, that's enough, please," I muttered, retrieving vegetable oil. "I want us all to get along."

"Why are you so irritated by me?" Shuu muttered, his blue eyes flickering once over his shoulder. "It seems like a troublesome grudge to keep holding."

"It kind of does," I agreed mildly.

"You have no right to judge."

"Maybe not," I allowed. "But I wouldn't have wanted to argue with my sisters for too long - its emotionally exhausting."

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