Chapter 14: Past (Laito, Ayato)

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"Today we'll be learning basic defense combat," Mrs. Muzaki said, her low voice ringing over the chatter of the students. This won't go well. Mrs. Muzaki had a sadistic streak too, even though she wasn't a vampire, and preferred to see the class well bruised by the time we were done. That didn't really matter to me, I was used to that sort of treatment, but it sure made my vampire housemates' bites more painful than usual. "Everyone partner up."

Defense combat...

"At the end of class we'll have a competition!"

I can so do this.

"Oi, Miyako," Ayato called across the gymnasium.

"That uniform looks good on you today," Laito muttered from somewhere behind me. "The t-shirt is too tight on your breasts; I've noticed that you've stopped wearing sports bras."

"Yeah, they've somehow disappeared from my drawers."

My eyes rolled as my hands criss-crossed my chest self-consciously.

"Miyako!" another voice called that I was less than enthusiastic to hear. Rae and Heehae were watching me greet the two Sakamakis from across the gymnasium. "Come pair up with us!"

"She's ours!" Ayato growled at Heehae, grabbing my upper arm and toting me to one side of the gym.

Laito followed in a more relaxed fashion, staring over his shoulder at the two.

"That one isn't bad looking," Laito commented, his eyes upon Heehae.

My jaw gritted at that irritably. There wasn't any way to escape those two, was there? All the irritation and confusion that had built up within me over the course of the day broke. I executed a roundhouse kick and caught Laito squarely in the jaw.

"Be on your guard," I instructed, him as he rubbed his face and growled at me, looking more ferocious than I'd ever seen him.  "First rule of self defense."

Kicking him was a ballsy move. That much I knew. It certainly was a test of how much this vamp would allow me to act out. Out of all of them, Laito and Shuu would probably react the least...  Thankfully, he didn't take the kick to heart.

"No fair..." Laito muttered, his eyebrows furrowing more deeply as he shot another glance over at them.

"I would say the first rule is 'don't make Cupcake jealous,'" Ayato teased and I swiveled on the spot to land a palm upon his chest with only enough umph to send him stumbling backward a few steps.

"Ah, sorry Little Beauty," Laito chuckled, getting set up with his fists near his face. Even so, his body swayed left and right in that tantalizing way with which he always held himself. "There's no one who compares to you, you know."

I smiled spitefully, "Prove it to me."

I leaned forward into a fighting stance, keeping tabs on Ayato's footsteps behind me. A whooshing sound signaled Ayato's fist coming toward me from behind and I ducked in accordance. I stepped so that my back was to neither of them, but the moment I saw Ayato's exposed side, I shifted my weight into my left foot and brought my knee into his stomach.

"Ouch! Don't be so rough!"

"It didn't sound like you were going easy on me either," I chuckled, keeping my fists near my face.

"Miyako!" Laito cried suddenly, his eyes fixated on something behind me.

I heard the shuffling of feet and threw myself out of the way, rolling on the floor. My knees were severely skinned in the process, but at least I got out of the way of the pair that had ended up tussling too close to us.

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