Chapter 9

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**Extremely Rough Chapter**


Several months later (December)

I was sitting in my last class of the day staring the clock down. Come on. Come on, I thought to myself.

'Ring Ring'

Finally. I jumped out of my seat and practically ran out of the room. I was making my way through the crowd when I saw my friends standing by the door. I made a U-turn and went back the other way. I got in my car and headed to my doctor's appointment; I signed in and waited to be called back. "Anaya." I stood up and followed the nurse into one of the rooms. "The doctor will be in shortly." The nurse said smiling. While I was waiting everybody was blowing up phone; after reading some of the text I turned my phone off. "Hello Anaya. I'm Dr. Smith I see that here for a pregnancy test." I nodded my head because I was too nervous to use words. "Can you tell me the last time you had your period was?" I scratched me head trying to think, "Umm I believe back in October or early November." She wrote down some stuff then gave me a cup. "Go pee in this and then we can get started." I got up and went to the bathroom.

I came back and gave the cup to the doctor who then handed it to the nurse. "Okay Anaya go ahead and lay back for me and I'll go see if the results are ready." I nodded as she walked out. Several minutes later Dr. Smith came back in with a smile. "Well Anaya it looks like you are pregnant." I stared at the doctor not moving or even blinking. "Anaya? Miss. Williams?" Dr. Smith waved her hand in front of me. "Yes I'm sorry what were you saying?" She nodded and then proceeded to rub that blue gooey stuff on my stomach. "Okay here we go. This right here is your baby and it looks like you're about three months." I turned and look at the monitor and saw this little blob that was a baby; I looked down at my stomach in awe that there was something growing in there. I left the doctor's office scared; I needed to clear my head so I went for a long drive. After driving around for several hours, I decided to head home. I pulled into the parking lot thinking about everything that happened today. "Shit." I said to myself. I reached into my purse and looked at the sonogram pictures; I took the pictures and put them in the glove box.

I got of the car and went inside; I was surprised to see Giovanni sitting in the livingroom half sleep. "Gio? What are you doing here?" His eyes shot open and he looked at me; he stood up and walked towards me. I was shocked at what I saw. "You're bleeding." He looked down at his blood covered hand and then looked back at me. "I'm fine." "No you're not." I took him into the bathroom to clean his wound. I raised his shirt to see a bullet hole in his side. He looked at me then said, "Don't freak out, but I need you to take the bullet out." "You got shot, you fucking got shot! We need to get you to the hospital." "No. Just take it out and stitch me up." I guess I looked scared because then he said, "Don't worry I trust you." I nodded and pulled the first aid kit out and started to work. About an hour later I managed to get the bullet out and clean the wound, and I left Gio in the guest room. I just got out of the shower and walked into my room to see Giovanni laying across my bed shirtless. "What are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing?" I rolled my eyes, "I meant, why aren't you in the guest room?" he sat up and looked at me.

Even with him in pain he still managed to look scary. "Fuck you mean. You got a problem with being in here?" I rolled my eyes again, "Keep rolling your eyes if you want and I'm gone fuck you up. I don't know what's up but you need to fix your attitude before I do it for you." Once he finished his little rant he was standing front of me; he looked down at my body that was only being covered by a towel. It had been awhile since we had sex, and I looked up at him and I could see the look of lust swirling in his eyes. He grabbed my chin and pulled my lips to his; I felt him slowly pulling my towel off. I felt the towel starting to slip past my stomach I lightly pushed him away.


She pushed me away. Why the fuck did she push me away. "What's wrong?" She shook her head and walked into the closet and came out fully dressed in a big shirt and she walked out of the room. I sat on her bed waiting for her to come back, but after a couple minutes she hadn't come back so I got up to see what was taking so long. I found her in the guest room lying in bed. "Did I do something?" she turned and looked at me. "No. I just... never mind." I nodded and I was about to walk out when she said my name. "Wait can you stay tonight?" she said with a shy smile. "Alright."


That was almost a month ago and she had been acting distant and I couldn't help notice that she had been getting thicker. "Naya still acting funny?" Jason asked. We were all at Hassan's place chilling, all of us except Anaya and Angie. "Shut yo ass up." Everybody said mugging him causing me to laugh. "Nah man she still acting. Hey Jas's, Erin let me ask yall something." "What's up?" They said giving me their attention. "Do yall know what's up with Anaya?" They both looked at each other then back at me. "We don't really know, but a couple of weeks ago she packed all her stuff and left." "Fuck you mean she left? Where she go?" Hassan said looking up from his phone. "We don't know. I came home and all her stuff was gone." Jas said. "Yall don't think she moved back in with her mother?" Chris asked speaking for the first time. I shook my head there's no way she would move back in with her mother.

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