Chapter 22

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Giovanni ~3 years later

It's been three years since my second daughter was born. We did do a D.N.A test and Claire turned out to be mine. In these past couple of years my life has changed whether it was for the better or not I haven't determined yet. Evie, my babygirl, will be turning 5 this year and it's like having a mini Anaya walking around my house. Anaya... I remember the last time I talked to her.



"What do you want?" She said staring at Giovanni. "So I got the D.N.A test back the other day. And I am the father." He looked at her trying to figure out what she was thinking. "Hey look I think we could make this work because I still want to be with you. Can you work with me so we can make this work together?" Anaya was feeling all her emotions at once. 'I know I shouldn't be mad because it happened when I was gone but it still annoys me' she thought to herself. "Fine we can try."

A couple months in Giovanni was spending more and more time with Sophia and Claire, and one night he ended up sleeping with Sophia. Anaya didn't find out about until Thanksgiving dinner in front of all her close friends and family. After that she broke up with Giovanni and the only time they had anything to do with each was when it came to Evie.


When everyone found out what I did, they all stopped fucking with me. The only time we talked to each other was when it was about business or at nonna's family dinners. Speaking of nonna she's calling me right now.

N: Ciao.

G: Ciao nonna

N: Stai ancora venendo a cena? (Are you still coming over for dinner?)

G: Si

N: Ho chiamato per farvi sapere che la cena non sarà al mio posto. (I called to let you know that the dinner is not going to be atmy place.)

G: Where is it going be at?

N: I genitori di Anaya e ho parlato e ha deciso di avere la cena al loro posto. (Anaya's parents and i have been talking and decided to have the dinner at their place.)

G: I don't know about that. You know none I don't really mess with them.

N: Giovanni Santiago Romano tu sei quello che ha incasinato. È necessario cercare di sistemare le cose. Sapevate che Evie odia andare a casa tua? (Giovanni Santiago Romano you're the one who messed up. You need to try and fix things. Did you know that Evie hates going to your house?)

G: What? Why?

N: Lei dice che è perché tutto ciò che fai è parlare con Sophia e Claire. (She's says it's because all you do is talk to Sophia and Claire.)

G: That's not true. I love both of my daughters equally. Anaya probably said that.

N: No non l'ha fatto. Stavo guardando Evie solo quando ho chiesto lei di voi ragazzi e lei ha detto che è quello che mi ha detto. (No she didn't. I was watching Evie alone when i asked her about you guys and that's what she told me.)

G: Oh... I had no idea.

N: È per questo che voglio che tu venga a cena stasera in modo che, Anaya, e Evie può parlare. Mi senti? (That is why i want you to come to dinner tonight so you, Anaya, and Evie can talk. Do you hear me?)

G: I hear you; we'll be there.


4 days before family dinner

I was sitting in my T.A. class with Jas waiting for Mrs. Jay get here. "Alright class today I wanted try something a little different. Today I want Anaya to teach the class." my head shot up from my phone to see everyone looking at me. "Oh and some of the football players will be joining us." Right as she said that the door opened and the loud and rowdy football players walked in. Jas nudged me so I turned and looked at her. "Your little boothang is here." I gave her a straight look then rolled my eyes. "Who?" "Andreas." I turned to see him looking at me. He nodded at me with this cute smile. I smiled back then turned away when I felt my face heat up. I had been talking to him for a while now and he was the complete opposite of Giovanni. He was goofy and playful and he didn't take himself too serious. And I really liked that about him, but I was still a little nervous about actually making it official. "Okay Anaya you can go ahead." I stood up and led everyone in our daily stretches. "Alright yall can just watch the first run through and just jump in when you're comfortable.

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