Sleepy Drunk

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Hey! So, maybe some people will recognize me...I doubt it. Anyways, if you don't know me, I'm Marieevee from and I'm currently writing a fanfic about Call of Duty Ghosts (here's the link; so yeaaaah! This is simply one shots about the Ghosts crew (including my OCs) and some kind of "bloopers" when they just can't stay serious.

"Soldiers, just wanna have fu-un!"

After a particularly hard mission, the Ghosts crew all came back to the base, rather tired. Alex, Logan's best friend and kinda-girlfriend, was one of those people that seemed drunk when they were tired. Hesh and Logan, knowing her since their childhood, knew they had to get her to sleep before something obviously happened. But unfortunately, the sleepy drunk girl did not want to sleep. In fact, she was running away from Riley, screaming she didn't want to be eaten alive. Even with Logan telling her for the hundredth time that the poor dog just wanted to play, she denied it and saw him as...a dinosaur.

"Keegan, did you give her painkillers?"
Merrick asked.

Keegan, being the medic of the team, shook his head and continued to look at the crazy woman, rather amused.

"You two have something to do with this?"

"No Merrick, I've told you. She acts like she has drank five bottles of vodka when she's tired." Hesh answered, not even bothering giving furthermore explanations.

"Hey...hey guys!" Alex almost whispered with a half smile.

Logan instantly grabbed a pillow, as if it was going to protect him from Alex's attacks.

"What?" Kick asked, immediately regretting his question. In fact, Kick just had received a can of beer on his face. What was supposed to be hidden so well was found by the drunken Alex.

"Found beer." Alex smirked proudly before almost jumping on Logan when she saw the so-called dinosaur approach her.

"Logan save me!" She shrieked, even making Merrick laugh. Everyone knew that Alex wasn't the girly type, but seeing her acting like a little girl sure provided a lot of amusement for all the guys. Whatever was going through her head, she was surely not realizing that no one knew about her relationship with the younger Walker, apart from Hesh. Obviously Logan tried to push her off but only resulted into having her clung onto him more.

"I give up." Logan stated, crossing his arms.

"Is the dinosaur gone?" Alex whispered, but it came out more of a muffled whimper then anything else. At this point Kick was almost rolling on the ground laughing and even Merrick was trying his best to not burst out laughing. Only Logan was awkwardly sitting on the sofa, stuck with a overly attached Alex.

"It's gone. You can get off now." Logan picked his words carefully, as if he was talking to a child. The girl peeked her head out of Logan's shirt but immediately screamed in fear and ran away screaming like a five years old.


"Yes Logan?" Merrick replied, trying to contain a laugh.

"Don't let Alex go on a three day mission again please."


"For my mental stability." Logan answered with a blank expression while looking at the wall. It took the group six seconds to burst out laughing while enjoying the beers Alex had found. At least it earned them beers and a good laugh. That excludes traumatized Logan.

Call of Duty Ghosts One-ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant