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This chapter's photo is not mine. I do not know the artist so I SHALL CREDIT THE TRUSTY GOOGLE!!!! Enjoy!

That man.. He looks just like the guy from the dream!

I couldn't stop thinking. Millions of questions were being tossed into my mind. I didn't realize that the cop was trying to get my attention and that we stopped walking. Once I stopped zoning out he started to speak.

"Okay. So in going to ask you some questions. " his voice was raspy.

We were in a small room. He was sitting at a desk. And I was in a chair across from it. The room had no windows and it has a more summered down musty smell.

"Tom!" He shouted.

Oh. Right.

I looked at him and she sighed and looked down at his papers.

"Okay.. First question. Why are you here?"

"Because I have depression along with other mental disorders."

"What are the other disorders?"

"I'm bipolar and I have a tendency to do violent things. Oh yah. I'm also suicidal. " I spat. I really don't want to be here. I just want to sleep.

"Who did you kill?"

I froze.

"What?" I murmured.

"I said, who did you kill?" He stated.

"I killed no one. He lied. "

The man sighed and marked some things hastily onto a notepad.

"Okay.. Mr. Syndicate–"

"It's Tom. " I interrupted.

"I don't want to be referred as my father. " I growled.

He sighed again.

"Tom.. You will be staying in room 17 on the 3rd floor. I will not be your doctor or guardian while you stay. You will be assigned a doctor, and a staff member to make sure you don't.." He thought. "Do anything stupid. " he finished.

"We have certain time periods for things. There's breakfast in the morning at 6:00, then you have a break to go into the cafeteria or a lake nearby, you're only aloud to stay out there for half an hour, or you can just to your room, then there's lunch at 8:30, and another break for the majority of the day, and finally there will be just a dinner, and that's around 19:00. Oh! And in between you will be meeting with your doctor 2 times a day. And there will be meeting like anger management or other groups that can help. "

"Okay. Can I go now?"

"Yes. "

I got up and started to head out.


I turned around to see what he was going to say.

"You will be having a roommate with you in your room. He has similar problems so I'm sure you two will get along."

"Kay. " I turned around and started to walk out.

"Wait! His name is—"

I didn't hear the rest because I was already too far away. I don't care anyway. I just want to sleep.

I was walking around trying to take in my surroundings when I bumped into a lady wearing scrubs. She must be a staff member.

"Hello!" She smiled.

I just looked at her annoyed.

"Are you Mr. Syndicate?"

I nodded.

"Hey! In your assigned staff. My name is Sonja. And I need you to put in some clothes and here is your room key, and a map to where your room is. " she smiled.

I looked at her confused and smirked.

"I mean you have to put on the Asylum's uniform! Stop thinking like an ass. " she blushed.

She shoved a pair of black pants and a grey shirt. And on top of the clothes were a pair of keys and a piece of paper that I think was the map.

"Don't worry, you only have to wear the uniform for a day or two. Then you can wear the actual clothes you brought. " she smiled.

"What time is it?" I asked finally.

She smiled at my sudden voice.

"It's 9:30." She answered.

I think it's break.

"Where is the stair leading to floor 3?"

"It's to the left and down the hall. "

"Thanks. " and I walked off.

I already don't like it here.

Blinded Love (Syndisparklez)Where stories live. Discover now