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 "The ocean's really rough today Cap'n! How many more critters you think are out there?!"

"Just a few more Kwazii! Luckily no one's gotten hurt."

"I'll say! I do like helping but I'm even happier when my services aren't needed." Peso said firmly.

Barnacles turned on the radio.

"Dashi, Shellington, Inkling! How's everything on your end?"

"Everything's starting to look clear here Captain, we're going to head over to you to finish helping out."

"Alright see you-"

"Shiver me whiskers! There's a spiky little fishy trying to swim against the current!"

"Oh no! That's a John Dory!" Peso gasped.

"His name is John?"

"No Kwazii that's what these fish are called John Dories, and their not very strong swimmers."

"Then we better get to it before-"

It was too late the current started sweeping the frilly fish away along with some rocks, causing him to crash into a small crack in the reef.

"Peso! Tie some strong rope around Kwazii, he's going to have to head out there!"

They began quickly tying the rope before Kwazii dived into the rushing water, when he trying pushing himself forward though he saw a flash of white invade his vision.

"What in the-"

Peso stared not believing his eyes.

"It looks like-"

"Angel?!" The Captain said shocked.

She whizzed past the fast moving debris and made it to the fish.

"I'm going to get this rock off you! Will you be alright?!"

"My tail really hurts!" the scared little fish responded.

"Okay then we'll take care of you!"

She finally managed to pry the rock off the poor fish and picked him up in her paws- a slimy little guy wasn't he?

"Grab on me heartie!"

Kwazii extended his paw to the otter and pulled them both up into the Gup A, where Peso was already holding a fish tank for their new little friend. She let him slip into the tank and shook the slime out of her fur while Peso bandaged his tail.

"Thank you Miss! Your robot tail is cool!"

Angel smiled softly to herself as she turned off her propeller. Kwazii and Peso were both smiling with amazement at the appendage. Even the Polar bear glanced back with curiosity before the radio sounded.

"Captain! Was that Angel?!" A scottish accented otter asked.

"Yes she's back on the Gup A, and saved the last creature we needed to help on the reef. Let's head into the Octopod quick!"

The ride back was bumpy and rather shaky but after holding on tight they made it back just before the waters got extremely rough. Everyone started to slowly pile out of the Gups, removed their helmets, and Tweak stood there waiting alongside the vegimals.

"Okay Tweak what did you do?" The Captain asked expectantly.

"Hey I just invented the tail, everything else was all Angel." she took another calm bite of her carrot.

"That was ace Angel! I've never seen anything like it!" Dashi yipped excitedly.

"True, it was probably the bravest thing I've seen another Sea Otter do!"

"Yes very impressive indeed." The professor commented.

"Flappity flippers! You may not need much more therapy after all!"

"That was action worthy of a pirate matey!"

A large blush started to form across her face as she stared at the floor in front of her bashfully.


She looked over at the Captain.

"Why do you want to be an Octonaut?"

The rest of the crew went silent at the news and held their breaths. Her pale blue eyes bore into his.

"I want to be part of something greater than myself. Make a positive difference and change the world. I want to be able to study the stars from all the viewpoints the ocean can provide and discover the countless meteorites that have been lost to the depths. Most of all though, I want to belong. These last few weeks with all of you they've been some of the happiest days of my life. I don't want to return to my solitary island life of studying the skies and not helping anyone." she began tearing up at the last half of her speech, sobs making it difficult to form words.

Everyone watched with tears beginning to well up in their eyes, except for the Professor and Captain.

"Well Captain, we've gotten to know her and see her help out in action. I think she'd make a fine addition don't you?"

Barnacles smiled widely.

"Well if it's okay with the rest of the crew-"


Angel was quickly surrounded by her new fellow crewmates as they congratulated her on a job well done. The vegimals started singing, and even the John Dory cheered!

"What's your name little fella?" Kwazii asked.

"Oh, my name's John."

Peso looked incredulously at the two of them as everyone started laughing.

Tweak the began plans of adding an observatory/bedroom to the Octopod, and the future was starting to look much brighter than Angel herself.

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