Park then concert

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The next morning


Lauren's POV


I woke up to Lisa blasting music and Dani singing. I got out of bed and went in the shower. When I got out I wore what I wore at the Roxy for the concert with Ryan Beatty. I did my hair wavy curls. Lisa wore what she wore in the payphone cover and strait hair, and Dani had on what she wore in the I knew you were trouble video.

We all (me, Lisa, and Dani) went to meet Austin at the park before the concert. We walked cause it's not that far. "Hey Austin" we said together. "Hey guys" he replied. "What do you wanna do?" I asked. "I don't know. We can talk and get to know each other, we can play truth or dare, or we can play would you rather." " ok lets play truth or dare." I suggested. "Ok Dani you go first ask someone truth or dare." Lisa said.

"Lauren truth or dare?" Dani asked. "Umm dare." "I dare you to go up to that guy and say I miss you." Dani said pointing at the guy. "Fine" I said and walked up to the guy "umm excuse me sir." I said. "Can I help you ma'am?" He asked. "I miss you." I said and he said "I don't know you how do you miss me?" "Why'd you leave me?" I asked "what do you mean?" He asked, then I walked away.

"Done" I said. "Ok your turn Laur" said Lisa "ok Austin truth or dare?" I asked. "Truth." He said "you baby. Haha, ok umm have you ever had a girlfriend or kissed anyone?" I asked "I've had 1 girlfriend but it didn't last long and no I didn't have my first kiss." He said "I go. Lisa truth or dare?" Said Austin "truth" "ok who do you have a crush on?" "Umm I kinda like Drew the guy from Emblem3." Lisa said "ok I go Dani truth or dare?" Lisa said "dare" I dare you to call MattyB and ask him out." Said Lisa "fine" dani takes her phone and dials Matty's number. "Hello" I heard Matty say. "Hey Matty it's Dani." Dani said "oh hey Dani whats up?" "Nothin' much but umm do you wanna go out?" "Umm ok sure but I got to go bye." "Ok bye". Dani got a bf haha. "Ok I go Lauren truth or dare?" dare and truth cause its the last one" "ok for truth do you have a crush on Austin?" "Umm maybe" I said blushing "and dare I dare you to kiss Austin on the lips for 30 seconds." Dani said. Look at Austin and he is ok with it so we lean in and kiss, we kiss for 1 minute.

"Guys we need to go home and get going to the concert." Lisa said "alright" we all said bye to Austin and left.



Lisa's POV


We got home and into the van. I was kinda upset that Lauren kissed Austin for a whole minute, I don't want her to grow up she's my little infant and Dani has a bf, she's my fetus. You can't date or kiss and infant or a fetus this is crazy. When we got there we met a lot of stars including emblem3. Me and Drew talked and gave each other our numbers. Time for us to preform. We preformed what we preformed at the social music fest. We got off stage and said good luck to Austin and him and Lauren kissed again.

Lauren's POV


When we got off stage we said good luck to Austin "good luck Austin" I said "thanks" he said and pecked me on the lips. I love his kisses he is the sweetest guy ever. Then emblem3 came over and said good job to us. And Drew and Lisa walked away together for some reason, I wonder why.

Lisa's POV


Me and Drew walked away from my sisters to talk and get to know each other more. "Lisa is your sister dating Austin Mahone?" He asked " I don't even know, cause we played truth or dare and Lauren was dared to kiss Austin, so they kissed. They never said they're going out, but they just kissed again, but I don't want her to date because she's my infant." I said "it's ok she needs to grow up though, its good for her." He said trying to calm me down "I know thank you Drew" I said and hugged him "no problem lets go back to the rest" he suggested "ok" I replied.

Dani's POV


I still can't believe I'm going out with MattyB it's so exciting I've always had a crush on him. I should text him now.

D- Dani M-Matty

D- hey thank you for saying yes

M- np I was going to ask you actually :)

D- really? :)

M- yeah I've liked you since the Matty baby video that we did

D- me too

M- I gtg bye ;) xoxo

D- ok bye :)xoxo

After that it was time to leave we all got in the van and Christina drove home.



Lisa's POV


When we got home I got a text from Drew

D-Drew L-Lisa

D- hey

L- hey what's up?

D- umm I need to ask you something.

L- what is it?

D- are you single?

L- yeah :( why?

D- I am too :( and I like you.

L- I like you too :)

D- really? :)

L- yeah :)

D- then umm Lisa do you wanna go out? :)

L- I'd love to Drew :)

D- great. I gtg text you tomorrow bye ;) xo

L- bye xo

Wow I'm finally going out with Drew. Now to talk to Lauren since Dani's asleep.

"Hey Laur?"


"Are you and Austin going out?"

"I don't even know we didn't say we were, but we kiss. I'm going to text him and ask him if we are, hang on a minute." "Ok"

Lauren's POV


A-Austin L-Lauren

L- hey I have a question

A- what is it Laur?

L- Lisa just asked me if we are dating, but I don't know if we are.

A- do you want us to be dating?

L- idk do you?

A- kinda I mean we already kissed 3 times

L- true so should we just go out?

A- yeah sure :)

L- ok talk to you tomorrow ;)

A- k xoxo

L- xoxx

After that I answered Lisa. "Lisa yeah we're going out what about you and Drew?" I asked "yup he just asked me out." Lisa said blushing and smiling "cool ok so night Lise." I said "night Laur." She responded. After that we went to sleep.


A/n- ok I want to make sure people like the story, so I need 2 comments and 2 votes on this chapter before I make another have a great day :) bye


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