Hard Time

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Sorry for not updating I've been busy. I'm not going to be able to update till either Wednesday or Thursday. Sorry.


Austin's POV


Today will be tough, because me and Lauren have kissed on the cheek in front of her and mine parents, but they think we're just best friends. So the only people who know we are dating Is me, Lauren, Lisa, Drew, Wesley, and Keaton, but today we are telling our family's.

A austin. L lauren

A- hey. U ready to tell our family's?

L- idk I'm nerves.

A- it's ok, no matter what we will go through this together.

L- aww ok, but Lisa is going to help and make shore my dad, brothers, or sisters kill you

A- ok good, so I won't die today?

L- lol no and we should do it now.

A- ok on my way bye.

L- bye

When I was done texting I walked over to Lauren's house. I knocked I the door and Lisa answered

"Hey is Laur here?"

"Yup in her room. You ready for today?"

"Nope, haha just kidding, yeah me and Laur talked about it so we should be fine.

"Ok well see you later."


I walked up to Lauren's room

Lauren's POV


I was on my phone on twitter when I heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked

"It's Austin."

"Oh come in then."

"Hey" he said then kissed my forehead

"Hi." I said then blushed we should go tell them I wanna get it over with."

"Ok" he said

We walked downstairs and I called everyone to the living room.

"What is this about?" Everyone said

"Ok well I need to tell you guys something." Everyone looked at me worried. "Umm...I am..." I said not knowing how to say it.

"Me and Lauren are dating" Austin said helping me. I smiled at him and hugged him

"Not anymore you're not!" My dad said along with my brothers.

"Yes we are and you can't tare us apart!" I yelled getting mad.

"Fine, but me and Austin are going to have a talk NOW!"

"Yes sir" Austin said

Dad Cimorelli POV


I walked to the family room with Austin.

"So Austin, how long have you been dating my daughter?"

"Umm we've been dating for a week."

"Ok and who knew you were dating?"

"Lisa, Drew, Wesley, and Keaton."

"Ok and this Keaton guy. Does he bother Lauren?"

"Yes sir and I beat him up for messing with her."

"Ok an how about Drew and Lisa?"

"What about them sir?"

"Are they dating?"

"Well they are together, but Drew never officially asked her out and he wants to ask her out romantically and bring her on a date."

"Ok and how did you ask Lauren out?"

"Umm...well I didn't its complicated we didn't go on a date yet, but I'm planning something special for her."


"Sir, if I hurt Lauren my life would already be a living hell. I would never forgive myself."

"You can go now" i said

Lauren's POV


When Austin and my dad were talking I heard yelling, but then Austin came out and took me outside.

"Are you ok?" I ask worried

"Of corse."

"Thank god I thought my dads made you break up with me"

"No I wouldn't d that"

"Ok so why did you bring me here?" I. Asked confused

"I just wanted to tell you that I want to bring somewhere with me tomorrow. Do you want to go?"

"Of corse!"

"Ok good and also tell Lisa I. So sorry, but I told your dad about her and Drew."


"He said if I didn't tell the truth about them we couldn't date."

"Oh ok and did you say anything about Dani and Matty or Keaton?"

"I did about Keaton I told him that he has bothered you and I beat him up for that, but nothing about Matty and Dani."


"I need to go I told my family already they said that's great but if I hurt you they will kill me. So everyone will be on your side, haha."

"Ok and bye love you"

"Love you too I will text you tomorrow."

"Ok" I said then he walked away

With that I went inside and me and Lisa talked till we fell asleep.

AN hey sorry for not updating please comment and vote It means a lot. I need 5 comments and 5 votes to update. And comment what I should do next chapter should I write on Matty and Dani or Lisa and Drew or Lauren and Austin the most. Let me know in comments. Bye.

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