And It All Fell Down

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"The night was all you had. You ran in to the night from all you had. Found yourself a path upon the ground. You run into the night, you can't be found.' 

- 'Laura Palmer' by Bastille

"Nathan," I try calling his cellphone again, "Please you need to get everyone out of Arkham there has been a bomb threat."

I tried calling his work phone, nothing no response. "Please call me back as soon as you get this we have to start an evacuation."

I pull up to Arkham and scan the roof as though bombs would be big enough to be seen or as if Alice is going to appear and maybe kill herself. I take my helmet off, letting it fall to the concrete, I push open the reflecting doors and run to the front desk past the front desk, where the front desk woman has just noticed I'm even here.

"Doctor Cassandra," the woman at the front desk says, giving me a surprised look, "Is everything alright?"

"Clear this floor, get everyone off and leave," I yell at her as I throw open the door to the stairs.

I take two at a time, breathing heavily, I reach the bottom of the steps and throw the door open, hitting one of the too tight skirt wearing woman on the floor.

I don't stop and keep running down the hallway.

"Doctor Jackson," one of the men on the floor calls to me.

I skid to a stop, "Where is Nathan?" I pant, pushing my hair out of my eyes.

"Down stairs with the patients why?" One of the woman peaks her head out of her office, giving me a look of concern.

This is the time that I wish some of the old doctors were still here, they knew me, they knew Jonathan. Just by one look, one phrase they would understand exactly what was going on.

"Just, take everything you need and go," I say, and push past some of the other workers on the floor.

"Why?" Another woman screams at me.

"There is a bomb threat on Arkham," I yell over my shoulder as I swipe my key card to the downstairs.

"It isn't like we have haven't heard that one before," someone laughs.

"Oh then stay here for all I care," I scream. "If none of you understand the way Gotham works where you think stuff like this is a joke then you should all die."

That's when the whole building shakes and for a second the power flicks on and off. I grip onto the door frame so I don't fall to the ground like the others.

"Now do you believe me?" I say as the lights flicker back on, I don't wait for the screaming to commence and the mass mayhem that will follow as a result of everyone finally understanding that they might in fact die.

I pull the fire alarm closets to the stairs, not before my eyes go down the hallway where Jonathan's office is. I bite my lip, should I go down the stairs and into the asylum to maybe save people or just spend one more minute in Jonathan's office. The second the thought it there it is gone again.

I take the stairs two at a time again as another explosion sounds from up above. I swipe the key card again.

"Nathan," I scream, running down the white walls of the asylum.

"Doctor," one of the guards says, coming down one of the hallways. He stops me with his strong arms and holds me in place,

I hiccup and gasp, "It's a code..." I forgot the code? Why the hell did Jonathan even make codes? I mean who gives a shit? It doesn't sound any better if you say code yellow for a bomb. "Fuck it, someone has started to bomb Arkham and if you value your life you will just get out."

Philophobia (Jonathan Crane, O/C)Where stories live. Discover now