chapter 9 :im back

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A/n im back guys if you have any suggestions or requests please either comment here or email me at thanks

AndyP.O.V : after finding my cigs which cc stole (bastard) i walked out of the bunks and into the main part of the bus i saw angela sitting there lost in thought about something she looked lost and confused

An: angie honey you okay you seem confused about something

A: huh oh yeah im fine just thinking about something

I sat down next to her and pulled her close

An: angela your my sister i know that look you been distant around me whats going on.

Angelas P.O.V : I cant tell him he'll freak must think fast

A: ive been thinking about gabe and i didnt want you to freak so thats why ive been distant

An: jesus angela you need to come to me about these things the reason jordan sent you to come with me was to get you away from gabe he couldve killed you you know that now i understand you loved him but it was for the best okay

A:okay i love you

An: i love you too now go get ready we have an interview in an hour

Cliff hanger (kinda ) so i know im a bit rusty like i said in the beginning if you have questions,requests,comments feel free to leave a comment or email me bye guys

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