1CC P.O.V : I woke up around 10 am the next day which is pretty unusual for me to be up but fuck it I decided to prank andy :)
I woke angela up and we got started
ANG: so what are we doing for this prank
CC: we r going to tie both of andys wrists to the bunk post.
ANG: he's going to kill us but let's do it
angelas P.O.V : we tied andys wrists to the bunk post with an old shirt of mine turns out he's really good at tieing knots after that me and cc sat down on the couch and waited.
Andys P.O.V: I woke up and realized my wrists were tied up i struggled and yelled.
WHO IN THE FUCK DID THIS! WHOEVER DID THIS IS GETTING THEIR ASS BEAT! I struggled more and then ashley walked out of his bunk and said
ash: dude what the fuck HAHAHA HAHAHA I ain't helping you and no I didn't do this
andy: ashley don't your dare walk away from me ...... Ash ....... ASHLEY ABROCKET PURDY.
angela walked up to me took a picture and said
ang: aww what's the matter andy
andy: I'm going to kill you as soon as I get out of these things
ang: fine I'll untie one but I'm not untying the other one til you claim down
as soon as she untied the first one I untied the other one and ran after them
ang:CC RUN !!!!!
they ran out of the bus I was able to grab angela cc booked it
ang: let me go andy
she said as she pounded her fists on andys back
ang: let me go andy
andy: nope
we got back to the bus andy put me down and i struggled in his grasp
ash: what's going on
andy walked me over to ashley and shoved me to him
andy: hold her while I get the rope he smiles evilly ashley turned me around and grabbed both of my arms I struggled
ash: stop struggling
andy came back with some rope I gulped hard andy tied my wrists in front of me then he sat me down onto the couch andy kneeled down and forced me to look at him i was honestly terrified of what was going to happen next
ang: you've lost your fucking mind
andy: my mind went years ago angela now here's how things are going to work I'm going to untie you and you have to not run or do anything stupid understand?
I nodded I knew he's joking and I know he like role playing so I went along with it
andy: good girl
he untied my wrists and I stayed put cc came back andy looked up and smiled
andy: come here cc
andy: you shut your damn mouth now cc come here and let's chat
cc : so your not mad about the prank
andy: mad no I thought it was funny
I got up and tired to run to cc but andy grabbed me and him and shoved both of us down onto the couch walked over to the bus doors and locked them
I felt someone shaking me I woke up realizing it was all a dream
andy: angela clam down it was just a nightmare go back to sleep.
I know I'm mean lol.
andy biersacks little sister
Fanfictionangelas andy biersacks little sister who had to go on tour with them for her own safety. characters andy biersack angela biersack jordan reynolds ashley purdy jake pitts jinxx cc