Chapter One

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"We'll be up in ten minutes guys so be ready." I said to my other band mates named Trent Zach Julian and Jayden. So after my broke up with Elisa, I joined the XFactor and I got into the live auditions and was put into a boy band with these four other guys and we were called "THE COLLECTIVE".

As I was fixing myself, I suddenly remembered Elisa. I miss her. You know, I really love her but I just.... I'm just not yet ready to be a father. I wonder how she's doing right now.

"Will, here's your mic." The stage crew said as he gave me the microphone. "You guys will be up in 5." Then he left us.

"I hope we'll win." Jayden said.

"WE WILL WIN." Trent said.

So... I haven't introduced yet my fellow members of our boy band so I'd better do that.

Let's get started with Jayden:

Jayden Thomas Sierra. 18 years old. Has 2 brothers and one little sister. And the messiest one in our group. No offense but he really is.

He never bothers to clean his room even just for once a week. He'll just do it whenever he likes it.

Next, Julian:

Julian Girolamo De Vizio. 17 years old. The youngest guy in our group. The Sensitive One in our group. He takes the criticisms about our group seriously but Trent always tells him not to let it get to him. Well, he's right. They're just words. It'll never break us. It'll never break The Collective. He's also the "Teen-wolf" in our group. **insert laugh here** It's because he's got chest hair.

Next, Zach:

Zachariah Brian Russell. 21 years of age. The one who always get the ladies' attention. But even though many girls like him, his heart only belonged to only one girl and it's Katrina Risteska a.k.a Keeda of the Black Ivory. Yeah, they're dating. They've been dating since we all joined in the XFactor. I know that because I've seen them flirt with each other every now and then and we all got used to it.

And finally, Trent.

Trent Kenneth Bell. 22 years of age. The one that they call the "eye-candy" in our group. Like Zach, he also always gets the ladies' attention. I mean how can you not love his muscles? He's also the type of guy that never gives up. It was his third time in joining the XFactor this year and we all knew his story pretty much so I'll leave that out. He also never let words destruct him. He's the supportive one in our group.

And that's all my fellow members of our boy band. We treat each other like brothers.

"The Collective!!!" The host announced and we all piled out of the stage and started to sing our winner's single "Surrender".

The night went by and we received praises from the judges but we were kinda disappointed when we were not included in the top 2. Yeah, we won third.

I guess that's just life. Sometimes you're on top, sometimes you're down below. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

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