Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Amber and Alyana together with The Collective all walked in the vicinity of the amusement park, eyeing on which of the rides that they would like to try first. Their attention was caught by the Flying Fiesta ride. It is tall and huge and looked sort-of a mushroom. It has seats hanging around it with the help of a pair of strong metal-like cords.

"Okay... So we would be pairing up." Alyana said. "Julian, go with Zach. Trent, go with Amber. And Will goes with me."

"Hey, what about me?" Jayden asked.

"Oh you? You can stay here and look after John." Alyana replied.

"What?! But I wanna try the rides too!" He complained.

"Well, that's your fault for not bringing Taylah over." She shot back.

"You're such a bitch!"

She smirked and said, "I know, boy. Get used to it."

"So... Shall we get started?" Alyana said while smiling cheekily and the others except for Jayden said 'yes' and they started to line up when suddenly, Trent pulled Alyana back. "What do you think you're doing?!" He hissed at her.

"Well... I'm pairing you up with your girlfriend." She replied and he glared at her even more. "Look Trent, I know that you two are having a lovers' quarrel and I'm helping you guys to solve your fight so if I were you, just sit back and let me do my magic."

"Or you mean to say your 'curse'? Since you're a witch."

Alyana raised her left eyebrow and crossed her arms. "Don't try to piss me off Trent. I am helping you here to save your relationship with Amber so stop being such an ass, okay?" She said and Trent was slightly taken aback by her remark. "Alright. Whatever you say, Ms. Hudson." He said as he raised his hands up in the air and walked over to the line.

"Wow... You just really amaze me everyday." Will said to her as he put his arms around her waist and walked to the line. When they were all lining up, two people cut into the line. "Excuse me, we were here first." Will said. The boy and the girl turned to them. "No, you weren't! We were here first!" The girl said.

"Er... Miss, for your information, WE, as in W-E, were here first. We paid for our tickets and went into this line before the two of you ever did. I think you need you need to get your eyes checked, girl." Alyana said.

"Miss, not to be rude or anything but can you guys just let us in first? We're all gonna be able to try the Flying Fiesta anyway." The guy said calmly to her. Alyana looked at him from head to toe and thought to herself that he looked like a human as well but not as good-looking as Will. She crossed her arms and raised her left eyebrow, "Actually sir, you and your little sister had already acted rude in front of us ever since the two of you cut into the line." She said.

"Excuse me!? I am his girlfriend!" The girl chimed in. Alyana turned to her with a mocking expression on her face, "Oh really? Sorry. I thought you are his sister because you two looked alike." she said. "He looks like a shrimp and you look like a shrimp too."

"How dare you to insult my girlfriend!?" The boy said.

"Oh dahhhhling, I am just stating my opinion. If you get hurt by my remark then that just means that you know that it's true." She said nonchalantly and Will giggled a little bit.

"Oh for crying out loud! Just get off of the line! You're holding the other people here, ya know!" The people behind them said. Will and Alyana smiled cunningly at the girl and the boy. "See? Even the people at the back says so." Alyana said.

"Just get off of the line, it's not rocket science, mate." Will said and the couple stepped off of the line with sour expression on their faces. "Thank you."

"Thank you." Alyana said while smiling cleverly at them and then her and Will both went to the Flying Fiesta and had all the fun that they need to themselves. Not to mention Julian putting his arms sidewards as if he was imagining that he was gliding around the atmosphere.

"Look! I'm a seagull!!!" Julian said as he flapped both of his arms. "I'm a seagull!!! Seagull! Nothing but a seagull!!! Suck that bitches!!!" And Zach, Trent, Amber, Will and Alyana laughed at him meanwhile, Jayden was at the gate, watching them gloomily have fun on the Flying Fiesta.

"DON'T WORRY JAYDOG! YOU'RE GONNA GET A TASTE OF THIS ONE DAY! ONE DAY!!!" Will called out. Jayden just shook his head and facepalmed himself.

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