what the hell

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banes' P>O>V    -----------> bane

Racheal would not get off me she practically jumped me on the beach. And was sucking on my face, was this supposed to turn me on? cause it felt sooo wrong. Finally prying her off me I stand up brushing the sand off myself. Within I see Cass whip past me like the devil where on her heels, looking after her I see her gather her stuff take, Adams car a jet out of the parking lot, what the hell.

Tuning around I see Leo come out from a secduled spot in the beach smirking like a total player, what the hell has he done? Feeling anger bristle through me I walk up to and roughly shove him "what did you do,? I swear to god if you hurt her I'm going to rip your d*ck off you as*" grining like a jackas* that he is he replies "she's worthless anyway". Feeling something snap inside me I haul back and punch him square in the face, as his head snaps back I see his wolf rise to the surface. Swinging back at me I tackle him to the ground as we swing at each other, he was a dead man.

Punching him in the face repeatedly I'm pulled off by Adam trapping my arms behind my back "your a dead man johnson dead I tell you, you fucked with the wrong person" I shout struggling against the Alphas vise grip, dragging me away down the beach he doesn't let go of me. As Racheal tended to his wounds. "Chill your wolf Bane your in blood lust mode" Adam said shoving me foward as i breathed hard. i knew my pupils were solid black with a red rim on the outer but i couldn't help it.

I swear if he laid a hand on her the pack would have a death on their hands. "Calm down now" Adam says gripping my shoulder using his Alpha tone as soon as he did my wolf backed down "I'm going to kill that as*hole" I gritted through my clenched teeth "breathe, Bane, I'm sure she's fine, she just needs time call her" he suggested 

Pulling my phone out of my pocket I dialed Cass's number "hello?" she answered sniffling, yep soo a dead man now "Cass? are you okay where are you?" i asked worriedly "I...... he, I'm on the highway" she breathed sobbing "Are you on your way home?" "yes, i think someone's tailing me Bane-" panick burst through me as Adam looked at me hearing everywhere we me things-.... rouges "can you see them?" "n-no their in a dark tinted pickup, they won't stop bumping into my back Bane" she says panickingly. "Its okay try to weave away from them and speed up try to lose them" Adam was shaking his head contemplating,

this wasn't good if it was rouges "BANE! BANE? i tried its not working they have a gun" hearing a shattering in the background I can tell its her back window "oh no BANE!!" I hear her scream before I hear a screech of tires another shatter and more screeching of tires in the background I heard metal crunching more tires squeeling and glass being shattered "Cass? Cass!" i tried to get a reponse out of her but I knew she probally already lost her phone, "CAss?!" i yelled beofre the phone disconnected. 

Running for the car Bane pulls out heading for the highway, this was not good diffinetly not good.

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