My friend is a wolf?

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Over the last two weeks I've been getting used to the palace I now reside in. It was huge I mean literally, in the back, well the woods they have a bunch of land i really liked this as my new home. Adam informed me I would starts school with the rest of the teens here in two weeks, i guess i was nervous i mean i really wouldn't have anybody to hang out with but i was pretty sure I'd find something to occupy my time.I hung out with Bane some more just exploring, we did something diffenent every day. but being the clutz i am I had a new scrape every day.

"Hurry up before i die over your massive weight" Laughing Bane lifted me up so I could get on the mare "Jerk, your lucky i don't ship you off to Alaska" I smirk "well I was the about to die if u fell on me, I would have been squished I mean really everyday I'm saving you from harming yourself and others around you, you would be lost without me in fact everybody would" climbing up onto his own horse I follow him out through the woods. "Wow air headed much Bane, I think you've been rolling in the cotton feild too long" I laugh "Well excuse you i think your mistaking my handsomness and skills for gloating".  Looking at each other we both burst out laughing "come on don't be a slow poke I have something to show you" darting off ahead i follow him.

Slowing our horses I look around. We were surrounded by Apple tree's it was like a mini orrchard around us "this place is amazing, how could you even find it?" "Adam showed it to me actually when I was smaller" "Oh". Hopping down from my horse we walking around theres a small stream where a wading pool was, "hey Bane come here theres something in the water" walking over he bends down. Splashing water in his face he frowns at me before grabbing me by the waist and throwing me in. "I can't swim" I lie tryinging to doggy paddle to the edge, reaching out his hand I pull him in with me "I'm gonna get you for that" splashing the crap out of each other we take a break.

 Laying underneath one of the bigger apple trees we dry off, looking over he has his eyes closed, as the sun hit his face he was gourgeous, his hair glistening ya know the whole effect. Feeling something sliver beside my leg I scream Leaping up from his spot on the ground I hear bones reforming and popping. Within seconds the black wolf that was at the dinner the other night was now standing in the place of were Bane had laid. Looking down at the brown and crimson snake slithering over my leg the wolf growled at it as it slithered away. My heart beating a thousadn miles a minute I look at the wolf it had Banes clothes stretched over it. "Bane?" I breathed whining the wolf set its head on my foot "w w wwell okay can you change back now?" fidgeting with my hands he changed back "what exactly are you?" I asked nerously. "Werewolf" running a hand through his hair he sat beside me "werewolf? okay werewolf so are any of the stories true you know silver, hunters, bloodlust, super human healing"

"Well lets see, bloodlust, no thats fake well unless you kill someones mate then they get really angry and yeah that could be bloodlust, um hunters, there have been some but mainly everybodys been fansinated in werwolves so no,silver that part hollywood got correct it hurts worst than anything well pure silver anyway like your necklace thats not pure silver 80% of it is the rest is i don't know what, and healing yea we have a 50% faster healing rate than humans" Sighing I grab a granny smith apple off the tree as we head to our horses. "Is there anyone else like you?" "well everybody here is, Adams......... Alpha". Leading our way back to the house I ponder on everything "so is taylor lautner one too? if so that is so hot" i say excitedly. Making a distugusted noise he shakes his head "thank god no he's just a actor" "damn" laughing we tack up the horses.

"I see you guys went to the orchard" Coming out from one of the stalls Adam looks us over "yeah wolf man over here threw me in the river then saved me from a snake" raising an eyebrow he laughs "I'm asuming he told you then "yep as long as you guys dont' eat me in the middle of the night I'm fine, wait if my Mom lived here that means..." drifting off I look at Adam for the answer nodding his head he grins "yes that considers you part wolf". Thinking a bit i say "Oh". Well i guess my life wasn't so normal after all.

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