sun, sand whats not to love?

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            Letting the warm air of the summer breeze sweep over my face the sun danced on my skin, i can honestly say i was in complete relaxation. I escaped having to deal with the hollywood ho*'s comments and scrutiny, and everyones judgement, best part was i was spending the next few hours with my closest and just about only friend, Bane, i could have wished for anything more. "Cass, wake up we're here come on" poking me in the side my eyes slowly open, i hadn't even realized the car stopped, like i said complete relaxation. "Mmm what where?-" looking around the first thing to hit me was the soft ocean mist, gazing out to the water it was beautiful even from the car. The beach shore was a sandy white and the water was clear and aquamarine blue, nobody was even there, it had to me private. Opening my door Bane held out his hand, "what is this your bribe for me to forgive you?" ruffling his hair, a light blush creot across his face "well i mean i know you lie the beach and all soooo..yeah". 

     "Well its a start, i guess" i sighed dramtically, rolling his eyes, we walked hand in hand to the shore, i was glad i chose to wear mid thigh capri's, i hadnt noticed he already changed into swimming trunks till the lukewarm sea washed over my ankles. "You planned ahead for this didn't you?" as his lips curled into a half smirk i already knew the answer "of course i mean how else would i get into your good grace's?". "Thats right boy fear my inner beast grrrr" i laughed "if you want people to fear your inner beast i dont think it should be all furry and cute", putting on a masked face of shock, he laughed "furry and cute? i'll show you furry and cute".

    5,4,3,2,1 bingo! waiting for the perfect wave to arose i pushed him into it, revenge sweet revenge, oop, better run "who's furry and cute now?" i called out over my shoulder. "Still you" i heard him laugh beside me, oh shite, damne you werewolf speed-, scooping me up bridal style he runs to the edge of the shore. "Oh come on now Bane you know i love you and it was an accident" i laugh nervously batting my eyelashes "not this time princess" a vengeful smirk playing across his lips he throws me in a good 12 feet. Angling my body so that i would be head first in the water, soon it rushed in around me. Gasping for air i break the surface "BANE!!!! I CANT SWIM!!!!" moving my arms trying to stay afloat bane dives in towards me, griping me around the waist, i wrap my arms around his shoulders "bane?" i sniffle "yea?" "tag your it-" dunking his head below the surface i swim towards shore. Good thing the doc said swimming would help my leg rehabiliation, feeling Bane's hand wrap around my good ankle he pulls me under.

     Playing in the water a little while longer, we're soon on the shore suning ourselve's. "So you know how my birthday is in two weeks right?"he mentioned "um no and when were you planning on telling me this?" avoiding me question he shrugged "yea well evidently auntie has it in her head for you to sing" letting it soak in im quiet for a bit "wow great to leave everything till the last second huh Bane yea great idea" lightly punching him in the shoulder he just smiled "well, just for that im not doing it, sorry charlie your on your own". "What! no come on you have to please for me?" he begged giving me puppy eyes "nope sorry not this time kiddo' quoting him was the best cause his expression changed instantly. "Fine i see we have to do this the hard way" he sighed. grabbing me by the sides he tickled me, in between laughs, i couldn't stand it anymore "okay okay i'll sing!" i caved. "Glad to see you see things my way 'kid' ". Holding his hand out to help me up i gladly took it, making our way back to the car.

      Finally getting home it was 5:46, damne we stayed at the beach for 4 hours, oh well it was fun while it lasted. After taking a shower i Stepped into the kitchen i beging to slice my self some strawberries, i love them absolutely my favorite fruit no doubt about it. Also, didn't want to admit it but ever since the car wreck three weeks ago, i've kinda felt a little concious about myself i mean, hell no i wasn't going to let Mrs. b*tch and her goonies effect me but sometimes the comments kinda bug me. But its not like im starving myself i'm just eating lighter food like, fruit, trail mix, yogurt you know. Eating every other one i slice Bane is practically attacked by the queen bee herself ugh. "I missed you sooo much Baney boo! where were you?" she whined, dear god gag me with a spoon! "out with cass" i heard him mumble a hint of annoyance sneaking into his tone. "Again?" she hissed out "well she's-" cutting him off she prattles on "well you should have ben here with me, but i guess since you weren't before you can come with me" sighing dramatically she continues "some of the pack are going out to the club tonight, so your coming, it will be great, don't you think?"

      Stepping out of the kitchen i headed upstairs "well look who it is the lil wh*re, from down the block, eating light i see, thing is sweety it doesn't look like the weights going anywhere so if i were you i wouldn't eat anything" clenching my jaw i see Bane ready to say something harsh in retort "wow really how nice of you, oooh like your outfit but i could have sworn i saw some of the prostitues down on 5th wearing the same thing, oh my gosh!" i exagerated oooh if i only had one chance to put her in her place. Making my wway up the stairs she finally figures out a comeback "yea thats coming from the whore the spread her legs so easily to leo" flipping her off i made my way to my room shutting my door. Finishing of the last of my fruit, i curled up on the duvet, thinking things over, i mean she has no right to say anything about leo, cause she didnt even know what happened, god she's such a betch.

  Turning over i watched the sun dance in the sky slowly setting and before i knew it i was waking up to Bane pulling a throw over blanket ontop of me "hey" i yawned "hey sleepyhead, i'm going out with some of the pack clubbing alright?" "you mean with ms. airhead don't you?" sighing he nodded his head, i could tell he didn't want to go. "You could stay and we could watch movies and order pizza and stuff" i suggested hopefully of the answer being yes "I wish but mom and dad suggest i go and you know be 'out' having fun" shrugging i sighed "you mean they want you actually having fun and socializing with your friends and not rejects" biting my lip i snuggled into my pillow hugging it a bit. "No it meant exactly what i said nothing more, plus if it was up to me i would gladly stay home but you know how the parents are" giving me half a smile he then frowned a bit "well okay, i'll be here if you get tired of the fast lane of partying and stuff i guess" "I'll be back soon sport turning off my bedside light he gave me a kiss on my temple and left.





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