Chapter 1•Together Again

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I grinned jumping down the steps to the door of the mansion. I had just gotten news of my brother coming back. I was about to go insane of how calm everything is here. I was going mad.

"Charlotte!" I heard Elizabeth call after me, laughing. I turned and smiled at her. "May I inquire as to where your going at this time? Captain Norrington's ceremony is within the hour."

I beamed approaching her grasping her hands. "Thank you so much for these past months. You found me in the water and you will forever be my best friend. But I must be going, you see, my brother has come back! I knew he would. He promised to come back for me." Though I did adore Elizabeth, I felt my old ways bubbling beneath the surface. Ready to show my true colors and give this large world chaos.

"How do you know this? Who is your brother?" She pressed on. I squeezed her hands, she was so pure and innocent. Blessed with the gifts the world praised her with.
"There is so much I wish to tell you but I can't."

"Why not?"
"If I see you again I will." I promised.
"Does that mean you'll be back?" She asked hopefully. I looked down.

"Most likely not. I don't belong here. I miss my home." I sighed running a hand through my hair. She nodded in understanding.

"I hope you find it." He eyes fled with tears. I smiled at her.
"I will." I hugged her quickly before bolting out of the door.
Not before hearing her say, "William will be heartbroken."

Who's William?

°•. ✿ .•°

I was free. Free to be myself. I didn't have to worry about dressing up everyday. Or who would court me.
I could run without being judged, hold a sword without disapproving comments from the men. After Elizabeth found me, I was forced to become something I never wanted to be. A primadonna, loved by most and envied by all. Forced to behave and stay quiet, but that could be left behind.

I was a pirate again.

With Jack here he let me out of my self-prison. It was a horrid place to be. Wanting to tell the people you've come to love about the most important thing in your life but you can't.

I have seen so many things. I saw my brother get marooned. Which led to the crew to try and use me for certain things. I saw my mother get burned alive. Jack was the only thing I had left. And that was awful. He was a constant in my life, my rock.

Pirates aren't supposed to care. Pirates are supposed to look out for themselves, but not us. We always looked out for each other no matter what. Whenever Jack got himself in trouble, I dragged myself into it, just to try and get him out of it. We'd do anything for each other, we both knew that.

By now, I was looking around for him, but not without looking into some of the shops. I wasn't a wealthy girl to say the least. Jack had all of my belongings in his ship. Even my hat.

Though, it's not like it would matter anyways. I wouldn't be able to afford the things in this shop. These were for the privileged, and though I was for a short while, I never allowed Elizabeth to buy me gifts. I could never repay her so why feel constantly in debt?

As I slowly passed my eyes locked on a beautiful locket. It must have been real silver and diamonds because the price was unbelievable. It was simple but beautiful. It was circular with swirls and little designs engraved in the silver. And in the center the was a diamond along with four other ones at the points of the compass engravings.

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