Chapter 13• Stupidity

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"You shouldn't have done this." Will said for what seemed like the tenth time. "I'm not worth this."

"Don't you dare ever say that. I love you and I would go to hell and back for you. I just didn't think hell would come this quickly." I laughed. However the laugh wasn't filled with humor, it seemed to try and cover up the sadness and anger I was feeling. My hands shook as I tried to busy them something, anything.

"He said you'd be okay. He always says everything will be okay! That we'd be okay. He says to trust him." I whispered laughing humorlessly. "I always do and I always get in trouble. This is his fault. It's always his fault!"

"Charlotte." Will cupped my face in his hands. "My beautiful Charlotte. Where did you go?" His eyes searched my face. Tears collected once more in my eyes as I looked at him. "I remember... The first time we really had a conversation. You were so lively and happy. Do you remember that day?"

I let a bubble of a real laugh come from my lips nodding. "It was the day I bumped into you. The swords went everywhere."

Will gave me a smile."You know I always wondered what you were thinking when you looked me up and down like that."

"I was thinking, why would God ever let such a handsome man walk this earth." I blushed at the memory.

"Oh was that it?" Will teased. "And..."

I glared playfully at him. "Other things that are unladylike to say."

This made him laugh and blush wildly. I looked at his joyful smile, finding myself smiling as well. The smile soon turning into a soft laughter.

"There's my Charlotte." He whispered softly as my laughter bubbled down. "My lovely pirate. Everything is going to be alright in the end. As long as we have each other."

"I hope so. Because your the only one I can count on anymore."

• • • • •

The rain beat down on my back as I pulled one of the dozens of ropes avoiding eye contact with the weird sea creature-men on the ship. Will and I had been split up throughout the process of keeping this ship afloat.

The rope I pulled was taking all of my strength tearing and bruising the skin on my hands.

"Secure the main mast!" One of the crewmen shouted to us, all of us running to do as said, pulling the selected rope.

I watched as the mast rose into the air slowly but surely. The sound of the rain masked by our tired grunts added with the screams and yelps of lashes on our backs.

Mine weren't so bad I had gotten sharply grazed once but the salt water and sweat mad it sting really bad.

The mast was almost up until it fell down quickly. Someone let go of the rope.

Sadly, that someone had to be Will.

"Pull that weasel to his feet." A barnacle faced man growled, two others forcing Will to his feet.

"Five lashes will remind you to stay on the job." He spoke raising his whip.

My eyes widened at it a hand covering my mouth, horrified. I was about to interfere when another man acted before me.

"No!" He shouted.
"Keeping me from my duties?" The man about to whip Will spoke slowly.

"I'll take it all." The man offered. This shocked me even more. I took this moment sneak past the two men in front of Will, grasping Will's hand tightly.

"Will you now?" A new voice announced himself. The voice belonged to none other than Captain Davy Jones. "And what would prompt such an act of charity?"

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