Chapter 7•While I'm Away

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I was always the first to wake from a hangover. Always. So when I woke up, a plan formed in my head recalling what Elizabeth had told me a while ago.

The entire Royal Navy was looking for us. They'd see this.

I sprung into action despite my headache rolling everything to the center of the small island. Even the rum.

I smiled, adjusting my had seeing the huge fire I had created. But ducked as the Rum exploded.

"Charlotte stop! That's not good! No!" Jack yelped as I turned ignoring him.

"You've burnt all the food, the shade... The rum!" Jack outburst worriedly. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, the rum is gone." I said.
"Why's the rum gone?" I let out a bubble of a laugh whipping around to face him.

"One, I don't want to die, two the entire Royal Navy is out there looking for us and they will definitely see that." I pointed to the progressing fire.

"But why's the rum gone?" He asked again. I rolled my eyes making my way to the edge of the beach dipping my toes in.

"Wait dear brother. Within the hour or two we will be rescued."

I saw Jack run off away from me angrily. I shrugged beginning to draw in the sand to pass the time. Jack was mumbling to himself waving his arms about which he dies quite often.

The time passed quickly and I saw the white Navy sails coming our way. He will never live this down.

• • • • •

"I do know where your daughter is." I informed the crew. "We must get her immediately.

"But you are safe now. We will head back to Port Royal immediately and then set sail for my daughter." The governor disagreed apparently still caring for me from the few months I spent with him.

"No! She is in danger! As is Will! We must go now! We'll have a better chance of catching up then!" I fretted.

"If I may as to be so bold," Jack stepped up. "The Black Pear is really the only real pirate threat in the Caribbean. You can't pass that up." Jack spoke to Norrington.

"Remember that I serve others not only myself." The commodore snapped.

"Wait! Commodore! If you help us Elizabeth said she will accept your proposal!" I said. He turned sharply.
"How do you know this?" He questioned.

"I'm her best friend she tells me everything." I stated with a roll of my eyes.

"A wedding. I LOVE WEDDINGS! DRINKS ALL AROUND!" Jack bursted. Jack paused looking at the Commodore's disgruntled face. Jack held his wrists together. "I know, clasp him in irons right?"

"Mr.Sparrow," Norrington addressed. "You will give these two men any information as to where the Black Pearl is headed. Then you will spend the rest of the trip contemplating on the term 'silent as the grave.' Do I make myself clear?"

"Inescapably." Jack answered as the pirates dragged him to the jails.

• • • • •

"I don't care about the situation." Norrington put his telescope down. "Any attempt into the caves could turn into an ambush.

"Not if you're doing the ambush." I smartly replied Jack following my lead.

"We go in, convince Barbossa to send his men out with his little boats, you and your men go back to the Dauntless and blast the bejesus out of them with your little cannons eh?" Jack put an arm around his shoulders like they were best mates. "What do you have to loose?"

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