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"1... 2... 3..." Your mom counted off quietly with her fingers. "And--"

"I can't do this!!" You wailed. This was your 23rd attempt to film and every time you stuttered or wanted to back out. "Somebody's gonna tease me or call me a liar or- or--!"

"(Y/n)." Sharon said firmly with a smile. "Don't concentrate on what others are going to say, okay? Just, from the bottom of your heart, tell him thank you. That's all you have to do."

You bit your lip, thinking it over. After a moment of silence you took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay, ready."

"3... 2... 1... Go."

"Hi." You waved meekly at the screen. "Um, I don't know if you'll be seeing this, but, um, my mother and I believe that you, Robin, or, um, Boy Wonder, saved me in an alley earlier this afternoon." You began to mess with your hands. "I, uh, got attacked by these guys and you saved me. I just made this video to say, thank you. I'm forever in your debt, so thank you so much. I don't know i-if," you stammered as your eyes filled with tears, "you'll see this or not, but thank you so much."

Your mom smiled and shut off the camera. "Wonderful. Now, let's go eat." She uploaded the video to YouTube.

Dear Whoever You Might Be ~Robin (Boy Wonder) X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now