● chapter seven, part 2 ●

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Author note: the picture is of caesars wolf! Hope you enjoy!
The next morning the heat was gone! Thank god. Now it's time to continue to be pissed with Caesar. Laying in bed I thought that I should bring him to the woods and talk about it where we would have more privacy. I wasn't going to get in the shower and then go for a run so I shook Caesar awake and got up out of bed and put on some shorts and sports bra, then through my hair up in a pony tail. by the time I was finished getting ready Caesar was just barely out of bed. I didn't even let him put on a shirt before dragging him to the front door.

"You could at least let me get dressed?" He said anger still dripping from his mouth. I still wasn't liking the tone he was using with me. Finally we got to the beginning of the woods and I told him to shift so we could get to the middle quicker, surprisingly he obeyed. sitting in my wolf form I noticed how truly beautiful his wolf was. He was almost completely black but he had a white chest, some white specks in the rest of his fur, and piercing blue eyes.

Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I turned and started running deeper into the woods. 10 minutes later we got to the place I thought would be most private. We both shifted back and put our clothes on that we had tied around our ankles.

"I brought you here so you could tell me what the hell is wrong with you and we could have some privacy while doing so" I said to him sitting on a tree stump. He sighed and sat down across from me. "I'm sorry I've been such an ass, but yesterday when I was walking out of your room I saw a box in the trashcan...." He said getting slower towards the end. At this point I knew exactly what he was talking about so I laughed. When I stopped laughing I saw that he had a confused look on his face.

"That box of birth control pills?" I asked with a chuckle and he just slightly nodded still noticeably confused. "That was a gag gift from katrina for my birthday! It has never been opened. I wouldn't take them without talking to you first Caesar. I know how much kids mean to you." I said walking over to him and putting my hands on either side of his face.

He smiled and stood up before placing his lips to mine. "I'm so so sorry I treated you that way, love. Never will I do that again." He mumbled against my lips. I didn't say anything back I just kissed him again. "Can we play with mate now?" Piper asked with excitement. I pulled away from Caesars lips and stripped. Piper took over and this time instead of yelling at us Caesar shifted too obviously letting his wolf take over.

"I should've done this before, blaze is having so much fun right now." It was Caesars voice In my head.
Our walk back to the house was full of sweet pecks on the lips and 'I love you mores' I'm glad I got my Caesar back.

When we got home we sat on the only empty space left on the 3 couches in the pack house. I noticed that my oldest brother had a girl on his lap. With the way I saw them look at eachother with so much love I realized she was his mate. I got up off the couch to introduce myself.

"Hey! I'm maci, Stephens younger sister. Are you his mate?" I asked the blonde sitting on his lap. She smiled up at me and nodded, "I'm Jennifer but everyone calls me jenn" She said standing up to give me a hug. When we released she sat back down and I fist bumped my brother and walked back over to the couch. I went to sit next to Caesar but he grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap which earned a squeal from me. He chuckled then burried his nose in my neck.

In the middle of the movie that we were watching, the ridiculous 6, (A.N. - A REALLY GOOD MOVIE ON NETFLIX, EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH IT!) Every male growled loudly. I flinched and looked around confused. With one sniff of the air I found out what was wrong.... I smelt rouges, not only one or two but at least 20. Luckely our pack is huge and just the fighters their are over 100 of us. I mind linked everyone, "fighters meet at the pack house as soon as posible, children and other pack member go to the safe house! Now!" I said with much force so they understood that it was an emergency. Within 5 minutes there were nearly 250 fighting wolves from our pack standing around in defense mode, in both human and wolf form. The rouges started showing up in groups of 5 at a time all on wolf form. The smell of rouge filled the air and canines were being shown from all directions.

"I challenge maci brooks. Fight to the death." I heard from somewhere in the group of rouges. If you didn't know a challenge is two wolves fighting until either death or the other surrenders in this case it's to the death. No one can interfere or the person that's in the challenge that the one who interfered from is sentenced to death.

Caesar growled loudly and viciously next to me. I widened my eyes in shock but quickly regained my confidence.

"Why?" I asked to the unknown rouge.

"If a challenge happens, there will be no pack war." He said and you could here the nervousness trying to be hidden in his voice.

"Come out, are you scared?" I asked with a smirk.

He walked out from the crowd, he was a little taller then me and he was pretty full of muscle but not too much that I couldn't handle. I knew that I had to do this for the sake of My pack.

"Okay. A challenge it is." I said towards the rouge but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"NO!" I heard Caesar yell from behind me. I looked back at him with sad eyes and mouthed an 'I love you' . I saw one single tear slide down his cheek and it made me whimper. I'd just have to win this battle.

Everyone made a circle around the rouge and myself. He shifted and quickly lunged at me clearly not trained well. I side stepped him and he ran right into a tree. Using that to my advantage I ran still in human form and grabbed a hold of his hind leg, I twisted until I heard it snap. He spun his self around and bit my hand so I knew it was time to shift. I shifted into my Farley large wolf and tackled him to the ground. He snapped his teeth at my face but I just through all my body weight onto one shoulder making him flinch in pain. When I got the chance I bit down on his left shoulder as hard as I could and yanked back taking a hunk of skin and fur with me which earned me a yipe from the rouge. He through me off of him when I was least expecting it and I hit a tree hard enough to make me dizzy. I looked over at Caesar and saw that it was taking all three of my brothers and 2 other fighters to hold him back from interfering. I gave him a quick shake of my giant head and lunged for the rouge once again at the same time he lunged for me. We collided in the air and since he weighed more then I did he fell on top of me. I used my hind legs to scratch his belly and got a few gashes in before he bit my neck. His grip getting harder and harder it was getting difficult to breath. I heard a howl from Caesar at the pain I was going through. I knew if I didn't get him off of me I would die. So I used every bit of strength I had left to flip us over and bite down on his throat. I held my grip until I felt his body go limp. I then smiled a wolfy smile ar my success and I fell onto my side letting the darkness take over.
Author note: so? Watcha think? Good? Bad? How do you feel about this rouge group? And what do you think is going to happen to maci? Thanks for reading and don't forget the contest! -me❤

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