● chapter twelve ●

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I couldn't feel anything but my heart beating rapidly. I focused on my body and the way I usually felt. Soon enough I could move every part to my body and felt normal. Hearing the door creak open I pretended to still be asleep. "It's been four days since she fainted, when is she going to wake up?" , I heard a female voice ask, I realized it was maci. "Her wolf could still be gaining strength, she hasn't been there in a long time maci. She should wake up any-" I quit listening then, my wolf!? Does that mean lake is back!?

"Lake? Lake! Hello? Lake I missed you so much, please talk to me." I pleaded to myself. I felt nothing and nothing responded. I was beginning to lose hope until I felt her waking up. "Nature!?" Lake barked, she's back! She's really back! "Oh lake I missed you so much" I yelled and sat up with a loud gasp when I felt a sharp pain in my arm.

"Oh! I'm so sorry nature! I thought you were still asleep I'm just taking blood to see what your levels are at. Stay calm" a man in a white coat said to me soothingly. I sat back and focused on my breathing to stay calm.

A few hours later I was leaving the hospital with caesar and maci by my side.


I'm so glad nature got her wolf back! I just hope she's ready to shift soon, because mollani informed me before we left that if she didn't shift today she'd lose lake, forever. I decided I should tell nature. "Hey, " I said stopping and grabbing a hold of nature's arm, "Before we left the other day, after you fainted mollani said that if you didn't shift.....today you'll lose lake......forever." I said slowing down in some parts. I expected her to be nervous or worried but no... she smiled and ran for the woods. I looked at Caesar and he gave me a nod signaling for us to run after. Skidding to a stop, I saw nature take a deep breath closing her eyes before a loud scream escaped her lips followed by a growl.

Soon after there stood a beautiful tan wolf with black and dark brown spots and a white tipped ear. She was stunning I was honestly jealous. "You're beyond beautiful, maci" Caesar said obviously reading my thoughts. I smiled and pecked his lips before shifting into my slightly larger wolf. After watching Caesar shift also, I ran for the center of the woods. Feeling the wind in my fur and the ground beneath my paws felt amazing. Before I knew it I was alone but still in pack territory.

I decided to just lay down and rest my large head on my paws. After laying there for a while I smelt this smell, it was like a mixture of rouge and cinnamon. It honestly smelt amazing, but remembering the hint rouge I jumped up into a defensive position facing my oponite. I caught myself staring into dark green pools that belonged to a dark brown wolf with no other colors. Piper whimpered in my head curiously, "maci, he's our mate." She said and I almost fainted then, "no! Piper Caesar is our mate what are you talking about?" I asked frantically. Letting my senses open up I was beginning to feel this pull towards the wolf in front of me. He stood nose to nose with me now and I could feel the shocks where our noses met. I growled and jumped back. I didn't feel a sexual pull, just kinda a brother like pull. I shifted and through on my clothes really fast. "Shift." I said curiosity plastered on my face. He obeyed rather quickly.

There stood a handsome blonde with dark green eyes. But I wasn't sexually attracted just.... felt like I needed him. I held out my hand taking a step forward to touch his shoulder to see if the shocks were there, disappointingly they were. "No. This can't be happening. What is happening? I have a mate. I'm marked and mated by my true mate, who are you?" I cried out. His eyes opened up wide, "I have a mate too." Was all he said, "I'm maci by the way." I said with a frown, "blake" He said. He opened his mouth to speak again but was interupted by a growl. I turned to face Caesar and back to face blake. Shit. "Mate?" Blake asked with a smug smile, and I nodded with a chuckle. "Listen caesar, I'm just going to come out and say this. Piper labeled him as mate and I feel the shocks and pull towards him. I'm NOT sexually attracted to him at all, " I said emphasizing on the 'not' , "I love you Caesar and I have no idea what is going on so please don't go all alpha crazy and help me figure this out" I said walking over to him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed a playful kiss on his lips. I turned to blake and he smiled, "I didn't feel jealous at all, that's a good sign right?" He asked hopeful. I nodded. "What are you doing here anyway?" Caesar asked with more anger laced in his voice then necessary. I elbowed him softly making him glare at me. "I was actually looking for the alpha, I'm the third in command of blue eclipse pack in Canada. Do you know where I can find him?" He asked with curiosity in his voice and eyes. I smiled looking up at caesar before he spoke, "you're speaking to him" He said interlacing our fingers and motioning him to follow us.

We walked silently for 10 minutes until I got tired of the tension lingering in the air. "Who should we ask about this?" I asked to anyone who was willing to answer me. Surprisingly it was Caesar to speak up, "I've heard of this before maci, and it's not good on my part." Was all he said and I just walked silently curiosity taking over me but I held in my questions. Soon enough we made it to the pack house and sat down in the living room. Someone must have called mollani and Caesars mom and dad over. "I suppose you guys have an issue?" Mollani said with a smirk, I bit back a smart ass remark and just simply said, "yes. A huge issue" . "This isn't common but it isn't rare either. Technically everyone has one. They fit together like siblings. They are protective of eachother and will do anything to save them. But, fortunately your mate will always come first no matter how much trouble blake is in. If Caesar is in any sort of trouble he will come before blake, and if layla, " which we learned is Blakes mate, "is in any situation needing your assistance she will come before maci. " Mollani said looking at blake at the last part. It took me a second to process this, "so blake is basically just my brother?" I asked trying to clear this all up. Mollani nodded and I smiled tightening my hold on Caesars hand.

It didn't take long for mollani to leave and I showed blake to a guest room telling him we would discuss the reason he came today, tomorrow. I walked back to Caesar and my room we shared in the pack house before plopping onto my bed with a 'umph'.

A few minutes later Caesar walked out of the bathroom and smelled of pine and man soap. I couldn't get enough of it so I wrapped him in a hug. I felt him chuckle so I looked up at him and smiled. "You smell really good" I said, he smiled but it soon faded, "Maci promise you won't leave me" He said with love and sadness in his eyes. I gave him a confused look, "What's wrong? Why would you think I'm leaving you?" , I asked him pulling him to the bed and sitting criss-cross in front of him. "With blake, the connection you guys now have.. just promise me I come first" He asked letting a single tear fall down his face. "Caesar I love you so much, I promise you that and I promise that I will never leave you ever and you will always come first no matter what happens" I said assuring him I loved him and then kissing him passionately. He broke the kiss too soon though and laid down pulling me into his chest. Soon I was slipping into the darkness of sleep but not before I heard an 'I love you, forever and ever' and his warm lips touch my forehead. He'll never understand how much I love him, I can't wait to tell him the news.
Author note: hey guys! So! I finally updated and again, I'm so sorry for taking so long. Between my after school activities and all the tests I'm studying for I didn't have time. Thank you for reading and don't forget to comment and vote pretty please! It gives me confidence. -me❤

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