Shoulder to cry on

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*maya walks into the cafeteria, grabs Lucas's arm, & walks out with him*
Lucas: woah! Are you mad at me? What did I do? Please tell me you didn't bring your nerf gun.
Maya: what? No, that's only on Fridays. I need your help. *maya looks into his eyes* Lucas, *she says with a quiet and scared voice* I, I, I don't know what to do.
Lucas: oh Maya, *he opens his arms & gives her a hug* listen to your heart.
Maya: I do, and it always gets me into trouble *she says that while still being in Lucas arms*
I like Wesley a lot, but I've liked Josh since.... God know when. But I need to let Josh go.
Lucas: but you can't date Wesley when you still like Josh. Oh I see now.
Maya: exactly.
Lucas: *he lets go of Maya* you need to tell Wesley the truth.
Maya: *she sniffles* okay.
---------mean while back at the cafeteria---------
Riley: hey Farkle, smackle, have you seen Lucas and maya?
Smackle: I saw them in the hallway, hugging.
Riley: hugging?
Farkle: Maya seemed really sad, maybe she just needed a shoulder to cry on.
Riley: but that's why she has me. We're best friends...
*maya and Lucas walk back in*
Maya: hey sorry, I had to talk to Lucas about....
Lucas: homework! She needed help with homework.
Smackle: oh you poor thing! You're so stressed out you needed a hug from Lucas.
Maya: totally!
Lucas: I'm always here. You know that!
Maya: *she says very sincerely & quietly* thank you.
Lucas: always.
*awkward silence*
Riley: OKAY! Umm, we better hurry & get to class maya!
Maya: why? We still have 15 minutes.
Maya: fineeeeeeee.
*they get up and walk away*
Riley: tell me! Why were you talking to Lucas?
Maya: I needed help. What to do about Josh and Wesley.
Riley: well? What's your plan.
Maya: to move on from Josh and break up with Wesley.
Riley: well, *she grabs Maya's hand* no matter what, I'm here. Always.
Maya: always.
*riley and Maya hug, and then walk back to lunch*

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