Chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s POV:

It was finally time for my doctors appointment. I was scared and nervous but at the same time I'm excited. What if I really have some disease like those people on the street said? What if I'm pregnant? Would this family kick me out on the street again? I just hope that nothing bad will happen. I just want to get this over with. 

As we arrived at the doctors, I got butterflies in my stomach. Austin grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the vehicle and wrapped his arms aroud my torso. 

'Everything is going to be alright." he whispered into my ear.

Maybe my nervousness was showing just a bit. He unwrapped his arms frrom my torso and interwined our fingers together as we waled into the doctors office. 

Michele went up to the lady to tell her I was here while Austin pulled me into the waiting room. We sat beside eachother in a complete not as awkward but awkward silence. 

A couple minutes later, Michele walked into the room and sat on the other side of Austin. That made the silence even more awkward. I don't know why. I have a feeling she hates me. She just has that vibe that makes me feel like she's not too fond of me. 

"(Y/N)" a short lady with long black hair tyed back into a ponytail called. 

Austin and Michele stood up. Was I supposed to get up too? Austin laughed at me and offered his hand out to me. I gladly took it. Wait.... I can't be doing this. I'm scared of people. (Y/N) snap out of it. Austin, Michele and the lady took me to a different room. It had no people in it so I guess that's better.

"The doctor will be right in with you." The lady said while closing the door.

She's not the doctor? What was the point of  her? Why can't the doctor just come in and get me him/herself? I was cut off of my thoughts when I heard Austin start to randomly burst out laughing.

"What?" Michele and I asked at the exact same time which caused Austin to laugh even more.

"You look so confused!" he laughed.  

"Because I've never been to a doctor before.." I replied.

Just as he opened his mouth to say something, the doctor walked right in. 

"Hi (Y/N). We are just going to get a little bit of information about you before we do the tests. Okay?"

Tests? Am I some robot or something?

"Okay..." I replied. 

"So first of all, what's your full name?"

"Um.. Uh. I'm not really sure. All I know is that my name is (Y/N)."

"Okay... When did you first start living on the street?"

"Since I was 5."

"Do you remember your parents names?"

"Yeah. Their names are Mom and Dad.."

"Oh no. Sweetie, everybody calls there parents mom and dad. Their names aren't actually mom and dad."

"So they lied to me?!?!?!?! I'm actually not that surprised. They're the reason I live out on the street."

"You mean lived." Austin corrected. 

"No. It's just respect to call your parents mom and dad.. Okay so lets move onto the next question. How did you  end up on the street?" The doctor changed the subject.

"My parents would hit me, kick me, call me names and all that stuff so I would normally stay in my room to stay away from them. One day, they took me to the park. The second I got out of the car and the door was closed, they yelled 'have fun living on the streets, worthless child.' and they took off. Ever since that I've been roaming the streets." I replied trying my best not to cry.

"Aw. Did your parents ever tell you your last name?"

"Nope. Only (Y/N)."

"Do you know of any family members?"

"No. Everytime my parents would go to see family they would say 'you can't come because you are too much of a shame to the family.'"

"Okay. Did you ever go to school?"

"No. But I taught myself how to read, write, do math, etc."

"Exellent. How did you eat?"

"I looked through garbage bins for sealed packages of food. And there was this place where I could get water for free. It wasn't the best food but you gotta do what you gotta do."

"And this will be your very last question for now. Did you ever get sexually harassed in anyway on the street or when you were with your parents?"

"Yes. On the street."

"Alright. Now we are going to do some tests to see if you could have caught any diseases or sicknesses on the street or you were born with them."


She turned to the table and grabbed a sharp object. Okay. Should I be scared?

"Okay so I'm going to do your blood work to see what blood type you are and to see if there might be any diseses. You might want to look away when I give you the needle and possiblly hold somebodys hand."

"Uh okay..." 

Now I'm scared. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the needle to go in me. This is going to hurt. I heard some shuffling around. Why can't I just get this pain over with? Now, I'm hearing whispering. What is going on? Just take the needle to my arm. Suck my blood, you blood stealing needle vampire, you. I felt somebody grab my hand and squeeze it. I opened my eyes to see Austin holding my hand. I looked up to see him staring right into my eyes. Those deep pools of hazel swirls that most likely every girl gets lost in. Just then, I felt a pain in my left arm. STUPID NEEDLE!!!!! You chose now out of all times to jab into my arm and collect my blood! I squeezed Austin's hand. A couple seconds later, the pain was gone, along with some of my blood. 

"All done. Now we are going to give you one more needle on the top of your left arm to check for the diseases or sicknesses."

So I grabbed Austin's hand and looked up into his eyes and the pain in my left arm came again. Thankfully, it wasn't as  long as the other one and didn't hurt as much. 

"Okay. All done with the needles." the doctor said.


"The next test I'm going to do is to just check you out to see if anything is wrong with your body." 

Then she put a popsicle stick down my throat and made me say "ah" and all that normal weird stuff at a checkup. After she was done, she grabbed a cup. 

"So this next test is rather awkward. I'm going to need you to go into the bathroom and urinate in this cup.. This test will let us know if your pregnant." The doctor stated.

I went into the bathroom and did what I was told. When I came out, I handed the doctor the cup and walked back into the room. The doctor told us to stay in here for the results. 

10 minutes later, the doctor came back in with the results. Uh oh! I'm scared. Scratch that, terrified.

"I have some good news and I have some bad news depending on how you put it. What do you want to hear first?"

"Good news!" Austin and MIchele both said at the same time. 

However, I was too scared to speak. I hope it's not that bad. I mean she said it herself. It's good or bad depending on how you put it. 

"(Y/N) doesn't have any diseases or sicknesses." She paused.

I sighed of relieve. That's was like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. 

"However- She is pregnant.." 

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