Chapter 4

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Chapter four

I woke up a little later than normal the next day. I had to quickly make my father breakfast sitting it on the counter before rushing out of the house with my torn book bag strewn over my shoulder. Next week was thanksgiving break. Another thanksgiving with no food on the table for Camille to stuff her beautiful face with.

As I'm walking towards the woods a car honks making me jump dropping the book that was clenched in my hand. If I put too much in my bad it would snap easily. I turn slowly seeing Josh's car pulling up next to me. I internally groan at him.

"Get in George. It's too cold to walk out like this. Especially without a proper coat," I cringe a little at the nickname. He flashed his grin making me feel insignificant. I pick up my book and wordlessly get in his car knowing that if I didn't he would likely bother me about it later.

"Camille said you would go out with me again," he says pulling the car back onto the road. He almost hits my neighbors cat which makes me gasp with nervousness. He looks at me with guilt.

"I said if you didn't pry," I mumble and he nods. He has a happy grin on his face. He was a lot more positive today than he was at the gas station. He talks lightly about his friends and how he wants me to come to his basketball Friday.

"Wait what? No," I panic a little at the thought of that many people around me. Sitting in class makes me nervous all in itself but sitting in the bleachers where everyone is screaming and cheering probably isn't going to be a good idea.

"Please? You could bring Camille. She said she would want to," he said hope ringing in his voice. We were turning into the school parking lot now. I immediately get nervous.

"I don't have money to get us in," I tell him honestly. He turns to look at me once we're safely parked. We both turn to look at each other.

"I'll pay. Just consider it okay?" He says smiling at me. I can't help but grin a little back. I hide my face beneath my hair self consciously. He reaches out and pushes the hair back again though. I don't flinch this time which surprises both of us. His grin widens and a look passes over his features that I can't recognize.

I find myself agreeing despite my fright.  He jogs around opening my door for me and I smile a little feeling a slight blush form on my face. I feel everyone's stares. Well anyone's state who was crazy enough to be outside in this weather, stared. I hug my books hiding behind my hair as he leads me up the stairs to the school. He holds the door open for me. I find myself smiling. His hand skims mine but I quickly pull away.

I still feel my skin buzzing where his touch was.  I look up at him through the thickness of my hair. He pushes it back tucking it behind my ear to get a clear look at my face.

"You are beautiful. Did you know that?" He asks and I look away. I knew that wasn't true. Too many scars and bruises marked my skin. You can see my ribs when my torso was bare. I turn to my locker and he stand next to it watching me intently.

"Would you do the honor of letting me take you out tonight?" He asks and I bite my lip looking at his beautiful brown eyes. His features went so well with his smooth tanned skin. I wanted to reach out and touch his hand but I restrained myself.

"I have to work," I finally whisper. He shakes his head.

"You work every night," he exclaims and I look away. I busy myself with getting my books out.

"It is necessary," I hiss quietly. My hands were shaking and I wanted to go back to my silent demeanor. I could feel the stares no one even attempting at hiding them. Jealousy was in a girls eyes across the hall way.

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