Chapter 17

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A/n fair warning. This chapter isn't the best. Couldn't figure out how I wanted it to go:-/

Chapter seventeen

I peel my eyes open in the back of Josh's car. I'm still half asleep but I'm aware of Josh talking to someone next to me. He has me in his lap and he had my hand tightly in his.

"Call the police and tell them her address. Tell them what happened," Josh says and I shoot up despite the unbearable pain and dizziness.

"No!" Josh wraps his arms around me trying to contain me as I attempt to lunge for Sam who was dialing in the front seat. I look up at him pleading with my eyes, "I swear if you let her do this I will never talk to you again. I will never talk to any of you again."

The pain that rocks his face startles me but I still fight against his grip. He shakes his head sadly and suddenly the car stops. When I glance out the window I realize we were at a hospital. I start screaming and fighting like a child. I lost my sanity. I couldn't be here. What about Camille? She needed me.

"What's going on?" A group of nurses rush towards us. I fight them off as they grab for my wrists. I fight all of them but it was impossible. I was too weak and when they stuck a needle into my arm I felt myself begin to tire. I lift my head before I'm knocked out to look at Josh. He looked so sad.


Beep... Beep... Beep...

It takes me a while but I finally pull my eyes open. I blink trying to clear the fog from my eyes. The first thing I notice is that I'm alone. The second thing is that my hands were cuffed to the bed. The third was that I was in a room almost pure white. There was an IV in my arm and a bunch of other machines connected to me.  I was in a hospital gown and I could see bandaids on my wrists. I could feel something wrapped around my upper arm and my stomach. I was incredibly cold as well.

I shout for someone but when a large man comes on I shrink back in terror. I felt like I did before Josh asked me out. I didn't want him to touch me.

"Hello Georgia," he says kindly giving me a smile. I don't respond in anyway, "I know you are probably terrified right now and I apologize for having to put those cuffs on you but you weren't exactly in your right mind when we knocked you out. We didn't want you accidentally hurting yourself."

He takes a chair and sits next to me so he is on my level. He looks me in the eye and I look away, "I need you to tell me what happened. All of your injuries are subject to abuse but I need to hear it from you. There is also evidence of rape."

"Where is Camille?" I ignore his question my voice hoarse. He looks down.

"It is always hard on abused children to admit what happened. Normally it is from fear that they will be punished for telling someone. I promise you that you'll be safe here-," I interrupted him angrily yanking at the chains on my wrists.

"Where is my sister?" I shout at him. I knew I probably wasn't helping them decide my stability but I needed to know she was okay.

"She is fine," The doctor says and is about to continue but the door opens. We both look to see who enters.

"Dr. Morris I've been sent in to judge Ms. Georgia's stability," I recognize that voice. When I see his face I almost scream. Dan sends me a look which shuts me up. I silence myself and look at Dr. Morris. He smiles at Dan and nods.

"We'll talk later Georgia," he smiles at me oblivious to the fear coursing through my veins. My wrists were bleeding slightly but I didn't feel the pain. Just the fear.

After the door shuts behind him Dan throws his clip board and comes towards me grabbing my hair. He makes me look up at him a smirk on his face. He presses his disgusting lips to mine and I panick. Not again. I can't do it again.

"Your father sent me darling," he purrs tracing a finger down the side of my face and his hand finds his way to my breast. I stare eyes filled with tears up at him and he chuckles, "He told me to warn you. You tell them anything and you can kiss your life good bye. First he will kill Camille," his hand trails farther down, "Then Josh," he looks me in the eye again, "And once everyone else you care about is dead he's going to sell you away. I don't know about you," I feel tears run down my cheeks as he touches me, "But I had a lot of fun the other night. I might just buy you for a couple of nights myself."

He kisses me violently once more before pulling away from me. I shake in fear and loathing for myself. I nod once not looking up as he leaves the room.

Dr. Morris takes his place and I'm filled with even more fear. I go silent refusing to answer his questions. I was tired of having to go through this. I was tired of having to lie for him. I was too scared though.

He sighs and tells me the nurse would come in to give me my clothes and let me go home. He sends Josh in first but I ignore him too. I could see the pain pure in his eyes as he tells me off for not telling them the truth. I could sense that we would not be seeing each other for a while now. When he leaves the nurse comes in and undoes the handcuffs.

And suddenly I was nothing more than a pile of skin and bones.

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