Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Camille and I sit in the bedroom quietly as she does her work. I had plenty of homework to do myself but I definitely wasn't going to school for a few more days. It is Sunday night now and I ignored all of Josh's texts and calls. I needed some space and I needed time. He knew now. He knew all of it.

"Georgia!" Camille shouts frustratedly. I snap my head to look at her. Her wide eyes stare up at me, "What is the matter with you lately? You are off in you thoughts more than half of the time."

"I told him Camille. I told him everything," I interupt whatever her next sentence was going to be.

"You did? Is that why you haven't talked to him?" She asks eagerly and I stare at the small phone sitting on the bedside table. I'm about to respond when my dad shouts for me.

I stand quietly leaving the room to go discover what his new reason for hitting me is.

"I TOLD YOU TO KEEP IT DOWN!" He shouts drunkenly when he emerges from his room. He throws his half full bottle at me and it shatter against the wall. It was lucky he was inebriated because if he were sober that bottle would have hit my head easily.

He grabs me by my bad wrist making me hiss in pain as he throws me into his bedroom where he has fun beating me with everything he can find. His shoes, his belt, his fists it didn't matter to him. As long as he can watch me wither in pain.

When he is finally done he gets down on his knees next to me putting his face close to mine, "You are not to see that boy again. You are going to be here after school everyday. You are never leaving the house unless you are going to work. If I hear of you even speaking to that boy I will tear both your and Camille's head off. Am I understood?"

I weakly nod and he gets off of me. He throws me out of the room where I collapse in the hallway. I simply fall asleep.


The next morning I wake to Camille shaking me. She helped me get cleaned up before heading off to the bus. I sent her with all her clothes and her books. She would not be coming home for a long time. I already called Josh to confirm if. I told him I was coming to school today but I lied. I would not go to school for a while. Not until it was safe for me to talk to him.

I explained that I would not be able to do anything with him anymore and he was very understanding. He said I could come live with them but I told him no. I didn't want to run from this problem.

Then I called my boss to see if I could get some extra hours in. He seemed pleased with the idea and that's where I am now. I left the phone at home buried under my bed along with all my new clothes and shoes. I didn't want my dad to find it and if he was as drunk as he was last night he won't be smart enough to find them under there.

"Hello," a cheery middle aged woman appears at the front desk. She puts her items down on the counter and begun to dig through her overly sized purse. I scan the items patiently before turning to take her card. She looked at my face and gasped, "What happened dear?"

"Got in a little scuffle with some thieves walking home," I tell her easily lying. Lying was always easy for me. Especially since I've been doing it for a long time now.

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that!" She says and I can tell her sympathy is real, "How did you escape?"

"They got what they wanted them they left," which was almost the truth. My dad made me afraid to go anywhere near Josh.

"Oh that's terrible," she says and digs through her purse again. She hands me a twenty dollar bill which I almost automatically refuse, "Take it dear. Please."

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