First Day

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3rd POV:
John Quincy Adams High
"Omg Maya! Can you believe it?! We're in High School!" Riley says to her best friend Maya while they walk the halls. "Eh, just 4 more years 'til I'm outtie"
"How can you keep your cool? This is our first step to becoming adults!"
"Yeah, so what? Being an adult is probably easy"
"Ladies" Farkle says out of nowhere while holding Smackle's waist.
"Farkle" they both say.
"Darling, tell them why I am here" Smackle tells Farkle.
"Smackle transferred schools to be with me" Farkle says joyfully.
"Awwwwww" Riley says.
"Ewwww" Maya says.
"Maya, just because you and Lucas aren't dating, it doesn't mean you should rain on Smarckle's parade" Smackle says.
"Smarckle?" Farkle asks. "It's a combination of Smackle and Farkle. Couples do that to show much they like each other" Riley says.
"And you mean everything to me" Smackle says.
"So Riley, how are you getting over Lucas?" Farkle asks her rather quickly. "Well I thought that all I need is a rebound. I probably will always love him but it's time for me to move on" Riley says.
"You know who I think will love to be your rebound?" Maya says then points out Charlie Gardner.
"But he's not my type" Riley complains. "That's the point. Your not supposed to like them, just hang with them until your heart heals" Maya says.
"What do you think Farkle?" Riley asks him.
"I think that if you really want to get over Lucas you should listen to the one who actually likes him" Farkle says. "What about me?" Lucas says out of nowhere.
"We were talking about how you and Maya haven't gone on a proper date where you talk" Riley says.
"Well Maya?" Lucas asks.
"Sure, but if this date goes well that means you and me together" Maya says.
"I can't wait" Lucas says. They stare at each other long and good. Riley didn't feel jealous, more like admiration. "Aww, you guys are so cute together!" Riley gushes.
"Thank you Riley for giving us your blessing by the way" Lucas says.
"Of course. Anything to make my best friends happy!" Riley states.
"Hey guys" Zay says out of nowhere. He notices Smackle.
"Who's the chick?" Zay asks.
"This chick is called Smackle" Smackle replies.
"Ooh, Feisty. I like that in a woman" Zay flirts.
"Too bad this one is mine" Farkle says. "Yeah, too bad" Zay says. Smackle blushes.
"Stop that"
"Stop what?"
"Your making me feel warm"
"I'm not trying too" Zay says.
"Ok how about we share schedules!" Riley says. We all do.
"I just realized something" Maya says. "What?" Riley says.
"Your dad is busy at the middle school" Maya says.
"So he can't bug us in High School!" Riley says. They all exclaim "YYYYYYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY" except for Smackle and Zay, who were looking at them weirdly.
"Stop" they say in sync. They look at each other.
"Stop that" they say in sync again.
"Stop!" they say in sync again.
"Ok no more out of you!" Zay says.
"Your the one who keeps saying what I'm saying"
"I think it's the other way around"
"I'm smarter therefore I think before you" Smackle replies. Zay has no response and looks at Lucas defeated. "Hey, don't look at me! I already have to come up with snarky come backs with this one" he says pointing at Maya. She smiles evilly.
"Farkle, you and me in AP Chemistry" Riley says.
"It's sad that we don't have the exact same schedule" Smackle says.
"Yeah. Too bad they put you in a year a head of us since you covered this in your old school" Farkle says.
"Don't worry Smackle. I'll take good care of him" Riley says. Smackle smiles at them as they walk away to Chemistry.
"I have Health, who else?" Zay says.
"Oh dear god" Smackle says.
"No" Zay groans.
"I didn't cover this subject at all" Smackle says. They groan and walk together to class.
"To Algebra!" Maya says like a superhero.
"My trusty steed will take me"
"How did I get from cowboy to horse?"
"When I became lazy" Maya said. Lucas piggy back rides her to class.
Riley's POV:
AP Chemistry
"Partners again. You better treat me equal this time Farkle" I say.
"Trust me, I'll be treating you different from now on" Farkle says, something in his eyes. I smile a little.
"Hello everybody!" the teacher says with his back against the class.
"He sounds pretty familiar" Farkle says to me.
"Some of you know me. Some of you do not. I however know who I am. I think" the man says. He reminds me of someone.
"I. Am. MR. MATHEWS" he says while explosives explode then he turns around almost says something then coughs. Oh. My. Gosh.
"Uncle Eric?! What are you doing here?!" I ask him.
"Being Senator is so boring so I'm posing as a teacher in my free time" Eric says.
"I thought you needed a degree to teach" Farkle says.
"Not if your a Senator of New York" Eric says.
"Why Chemistry?" I ask.
"I've always loved Chemistry. Exploding things is what my heart needs" Eric says dreamily. Then he goes on a rampage on different chemical and why if they were mixed together, they would be explosive. At the end of class he goes back to his stance at the beginning of class.
"Well that was interesting wasn't it?" I ask Farkle.
"Definitely" he says.
Every time I look at him I remember that moment we shared in Science last year. Staring at each other through the clean sludge. His eyes are really soft and nice. He's also matured a lot. His hair finally changed and he's gotten much taller. I don't know why I'm noticing this stuff. I just am.
Later at lunch we hang out with the gang. I get up to throw away my garbage. Some guy came up to me and asked me "How you doin?".
"Fine before you came" I say. I try to walk away but he grabs my arm and pulls me toward him.
"I'm Jake, your mine now" Jake says.
"I'm not yours now let go of me" I say. "Or what? One of your little friends will come and beat me up? I don't think-" before he says the last word someone punches him in the face. The impact makes him lose his grip on my arm. I turn to see who it was.
"Farkle?" I ask confused.
"He looked like he was hurting you and it made me mad" he says sheeply. I hug him.
"Thank you" I say. A teacher comes and sends us and Jake to the Principle's office.
"You know if you just admitted that you were mine we wouldn't have been here" Jake says.
"You ever come near her again and your face will meet my fist again" Farkle says.
"What's with you, Farkle?" I ask him.
"Hah, Farkle" Jake says. I glare at him.
"I don't know! Its just that he keeps bothering you and it makes me mad" Farkle says.
"That's honestly really sweet" I say.
I kiss him on the cheek. He turns red. "Oh are you guys an item or something?" Jake asks.
"No!" Farkle and I say quickly.
"Could have fooled me" he murmurs.
"Mr. Minkus and Ms. Mathews?" the secretary asks. We nod.
"The principle will see you now" she says. We walk in all scared. Then I see someone I never thought I would see. "DAD!" I exclaim.
"It's Principle Dad to you now" he says. "An when I thought things couldn't get any worse" I say.
"So what happened?" he asks while we sit down. Farkle explains everything. "That little troublemaker is going to be in big trouble!" My dad says with crazy eyes.
"You and Jake will get detention after school" Daddy said to Farkle.
"What about me?" I ask.
"Your the victim, nothing bad will happen to you" Daddy says.
"Oh goody!" I say. Farkle and I leave and inform Jake of the detention.
"Oh detention? My territory? That'll be interesting" Jake says then leaves. Farkle looks scared.
"You know what Farkle? I'm going to get detention for you" I say.
"Because I don't want History to be the last time I see you" I say. He half smiles and we go to History where my dad is teaching us.
"When England first came to America they were filled with troubles. Like separation from loved ones, fighting for food or love. It was the strength of friendships that kept everyone from going insane"
"What's insane is that your our teacher!" I say.
"And that we're sitting in exact same way we were for the last three years in a row" Lucas adds. That is creepy.
"By the way I need a detention" I tell daddy.
"Why?" The class asks.
"Because Farkle is in one and he shouldn't be alone" I reply.
"Oh really? And you have to be his companion?" Maya asks me.
"I'm the reason he has it" I say.
"Not true. It was my choice to punch that jerk" Farkle says.
"But if I hadn't been there at that moment you wouldn't have needed to punch that jerk" I reply.
"It's my job to protect you, Riley" Farkle says.
"What?" I say.
"What?" Farkle awkwardly.
"Riley" Maya says.
"Bay window in 2 hours"
Dad continues with his lesson and I can't help but think of what Farkle said.
Its my job to protect you, Riley.
After class I begged daddy until he gave me a detention.

At Detention it's super boring. "Ok students, I have to go to the main office for the rest of the period. You won't be able to leave so don't try anything" the teacher says. When he leaves, Jake gets up and stretches. I roll my eyes since he was in front of me.
"Like the view?" Jake smirks.
"More like dislike it" I say. I turn to Farkle, who was staring at me.
"What?" I ask.
"There is no such thing as nothing"
"Ok, I think that if you don't talk to me I was going to go ballistic"
"We weren't able to talk until now"
"I know but it was a fact" he says.
"If you guys get any sweeter I swear I'll get a cavity" Jake says.
"Who invited you in the conversation?" Farkle asks.
"The fact that I can hear everything you guys are talking about" Jake says.
"Why do you like me anyway? I don't know you" I ask him.
"That's the point. I wanted to start my reputation of being a player with a sweet innocent girl then move on to whoever wants me" Jake says.
"Well this innocent girl doesn't want you so back off" Farkle says. I think for a second.
"Well" I say.
"Well what?" Farkle asks
"Can you block the noise right now please?" I ask Jake.
"Anything for you" he says then holds his hands to his ear and hums a rock song.
"Farkle, this may be what I need. This could be my rebound. He obviously doesn't care about me and I don't like him that much. It would be perfect" I tell him. "But he's bad news" Farkle says. "So was Lucas" I point out. "That's different, Lucas was open to change. This guy won't be" Farkle says.
"Farkle, I'll be ok" I tell him.
"I'm just worried about you Riley" Farkle says.
"I know you are. What could possibly go wrong?" I say. I tap Jake's shoulder. "Yes?" he says.
"So, you would just play me right? No strings attached?" I ask him.
"None. We would go on a couple of dates, make out once in a while then I'll be on my way out" Jake says.
"We completely agree with each other" I say. I go up to him and kiss him for a second then go away.
"Nice lips" he says.
I shrug. I go back to Farkle who looks upset and grossed out.
"Farkle? You seem a little green" I say.
"I'm not green. I'm definitely not green with envy" Farkle says.
"No, I mean you look sick" I say.
"Oh yeah. Don't worry" Farkle says.

Bay Window
I tell Maya everything that happened to day. And I mean EVERYTHING!
"Riley" Maya says.
"Yes peaches?"
"You and Farkle seemed pretty close today" Maya says suspiciously.
"It's nothing, just us bonding I guess"
I say innocently.
"Seemed like something" Maya says. "Oh thats the talk of a cook" I tell her.
"Anyway, enough about me! How was your date with Lucas?" I ask.
"I didn't hate it" Maya said.
"Ok I actually really liked it. We talked until your detention was over and it was pretty nice. We flirted and joked and were completely relaxed with each other this time. It was pretty great" she says in a dreamy voice.
I hold my yay in.
"Ok let it out" Maya says.
I yell. "Woah" Maya says. "Yeah" I say.
We talk more about today then she has to leave and I sleep thinking about Farkle. How sweet he was today. How protective he was. How amazing he is.

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