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Not Much Left To Hope For,

When people seem to always disappoint you.

Can't even go to school,

Feeling as stupid and worthless as you do.

Maybe one day, better will come.

Or maybe it just won't ever show up.

Walking around, Feeling sick to your stomach,

Thinking that you  might just lose it.

Knowing you can be happy if you choose to,

But you don't see the point in trying.

When it's so depressing being you,

And all you feel like doing is crying.

Wanting to not feel like this anymore,

So you try to be happy.

But once you walk through that door,

You see the stares, and hear the words.

Knowing they must be talking about you.

Making you feel so insecure

Calling you Names,

Because they think you're insane.

But you know,

That if they only took the time to know you,

That they would understand, if even a little.

And they might even want to be your friend.

But you think that will never happen.

But you hope that it does,

They make you feel so outcasted,

You wish you could feel loved.

Everything you see, or do or hear,

Makes you want to break down and cry

Wishing you really were invisible,

Always wondering, "Why?"

Knowing that you could be happy,

And ignore what they say,

But being dragged down,

Is just your usual day.

Don't let them get to you,

Because then they get their way.

So stand up for yourself & Be happy.

Don't let their harshness drag you down,

Stop feeling so crappy,

Make a new start, stop wondering "How?"


So.. I fount this in the back of my actual poem book I have. I'm not sure when I wrote it, but I did. I edited a couple words though. Enjoy! Fan, vote, and add to your reading list?! Oh.. and comment! xoxo ~SimplyUniquelyMe~

Poems By SimplyUniquelyMEWhere stories live. Discover now